The Unforgiving Servant

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Recalling the story of the Judge who had mercy on the one who owed a fortune he could not repay - what if the debt were not about money but about forgiving others? Are we willing to forgive those who have sinned against us or are we holding onto that debt and waiting for them to pay up before releasing them? This very short re-enactment gives us a look at how God views the matter of forgiveness.

Our reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ is tied to our forgiveness of others. Sometimes it is a hurt that happened long ago. What the LORD is wanting from us is to release those who have trespassed against us so that He can forgive us of our trespasses against Him. We think that we are waiting on God to move when in reality? God is waiting on us!

What if you feel you cannot forgive the person? Then tell God that you would like Him to forgive the person through you. That apart from His strength you cannot do it but you are willing for Him to do it through you. Once that is done, receive Christ into your heart and believe the matter is settled. You'll soon find that the bitterness you felt before is gone. If it tries to return you can remind Satan that you have decided by an act of your will to forgive that person and you are not going to change your mind. The matter has been settled. Then watch what God will do!
William Gurnall said this about salvation and it applies to repentance and forgiveness as well:

Satan distracts sinners with delays. He does not fear fleeting thoughts of repentance. I doubt there are many in hell who did not at one time or another give some thought to repenting, but Satan was always able to carry them away on some more urgent business. Sinner, if you ever hope to escape, run for your life - away from Satan, away from your lusts, away from your present joys if they are the handiwork of Satan. The devil says, "Tomorrow." God says, "Today." Whom will you obey?
-William Gurnall

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