The US "LIKE" Nation

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...

What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...


It means, like, not rilly, uhkaaaay. Like say your'e like having a conversation y'know, and like, you're relating like something that happened, and you go, "so I was like 'nuh-uh' and he was like 'yuh-huh'.

It's non-committal. It means that didn't actually happen but something LIKE it happened.

(that's a British woman btw)
What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...


It means, like, not rilly, uhkaaaay. Like say your'e like having a conversation y'know, and like, you're relating like something that happened, and you go, "so I was like 'nuh-uh' and he was like 'yuh-huh'.

It's non-committal. It means that didn't actually happen but something LIKE it happened.

(that's a British woman btw)

She, you know what I am saying, is like talking, like you know, like an American
People hate America for the exact same reasons that teenagers hate parents. A combination of immaturity, insecurity, and jealousy.

America, like parents, are not perfect. She makes lots of mistakes. She can be hypocritical and judgemental.

But, America has spent Trillions of dollars of her own treasure and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of her own people in a effort to help bring peace and security to the a world that will not stop killing each other.

America didn't start either of the World Wars. America didn't start the Korean War. America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the troubles in the Middle East. All America has ever done is try to help. Like a parent, sometimes trying to help doesn't, or can even make things worse.

But, the teenager is never grateful for the attempt. They aren't grateful for the money and blood spent. The teenager is even resentful of the help.

But, the teenager will never stop taking the help. The teenager will even demand more help every time they get in trouble. The teenager's mantra is ...

"I hate you! You've screwed up my life! Now buy me a new MacBook and pay for my drugs!
What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...

let them talk "KRUTO" or "LADNO"

Yes, you are right, the process of degradation of culture of speech has embraced not only the American spoken language. This is the result of a disgusting model of education. "Words and phrases-parasites" - "like"," you know what I'm saying ", "like this" in America and, as we see, in the UK are the result of a disgusting model of education. And lack of real care at home.

And you are absolutely right - the spoken language of part of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (including presidents and politicians) is much more disgusting. Traditionally, the difficult life of the majority of the population in these countries has led to the "pollution" of speech with very mean words in terms of meaning, against which English "b ...." is the language of Carmelite nuns ...

But special interest groups do not need well-read and intelligent young people - they need people who will incessantly incur debts, pay interest to banks, and inherit debts to their children ...

All this does not mean that we need to give up. The problem is social: at school, where teachers do not care, but above all - in the family: parents no longer care about children. What kind of care can we talk about mom who works at two jobs with moonlight shifts ?!
America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the troubles in the Middle East. All America has ever done is try to help


"Hey France! What, you're giving up on making Southeast Asia a colony you can mine for resources? OK then we're going in, we'll show ya how it's done! First thing, cancel those elections because if we don't Ho will win..."

Great "try to help" there eh?

I notice you didn't mention the Spanish-American War. Or the Philippine War. Or Iraq. Or Mexico. Or all those coups and occupations and invasions in Nicaragua, Haiti, the DR, Iran, Guatemala, Brazil, Guyana, Chile, Pakistan, Congo..... diga me amigo, how did we "try to help" Patrice Lumumba? Or Zulfikar Ali Bhutto? Jacobo Árbenz? João Goulart?
What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...

let them talk "KRUTO" or "LADNO"

Yes, you are right, the process of degradation of culture of speech has embraced not only the American spoken language. This is the result of a disgusting model of education. "Words and phrases-parasites" - "like"," you know what I'm saying ", "like this" in America and, as we see, in the UK are the result of a disgusting model of education. And lack of real care at home.

And you are absolutely right - the spoken language of part of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (including presidents and politicians) is much more disgusting. Traditionally, the difficult life of the majority of the population in these countries has led to the "pollution" of speech with very mean words in terms of meaning, against which English "b ...." is the language of Carmelite nuns ...

But special interest groups do not need well-read and intelligent young people - they need people who will incessantly incur debts, pay interest to banks, and inherit debts to their children ...

All this does not mean that we need to give up. The problem is social: at school, where teachers do not care, but above all - in the family: parents no longer care about children. What kind of care can we talk about mom who works at two jobs with moonlight shifts ?!

Linguistic trends have nothing to do with educational systems. That's not where language is learned. Mass media has a FAR greater influence. Nomsane?
But, America has spent Trillions of dollars of her own treasure and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of her own people in a effort to help bring peace and security to the a world that will not stop killing each other.

America didn't start either of the World Wars. America didn't start the Korean War. America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the troubles in the Middle East. All America has ever done is try to help. Like a parent, sometimes trying to help doesn't, or can even make things worse.

This is either nonsense of a person in a flu or a hermit who has never read newspapers, has not listened to the radio and has not read books devoted to all these events.There is NO such thing as "America" on the international arena as such - there are politicians representing the economic and political interests of American big business, but by no means ordinary Americans who are born, live and die, being debtors of "American" banks.

What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...

let them talk "KRUTO" or "LADNO"

Yes, you are right, the process of degradation of culture of speech has embraced not only the American spoken language. This is the result of a disgusting model of education. "Words and phrases-parasites" - "like"," you know what I'm saying ", "like this" in America and, as we see, in the UK are the result of a disgusting model of education. And lack of real care at home.

And you are absolutely right - the spoken language of part of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (including presidents and politicians) is much more disgusting. Traditionally, the difficult life of the majority of the population in these countries has led to the "pollution" of speech with very mean words in terms of meaning, against which English "b ...." is the language of Carmelite nuns ...

But special interest groups do not need well-read and intelligent young people - they need people who will incessantly incur debts, pay interest to banks, and inherit debts to their children ...

All this does not mean that we need to give up. The problem is social: at school, where teachers do not care, but above all - in the family: parents no longer care about children. What kind of care can we talk about mom who works at two jobs with moonlight shifts ?!

Linguistic trends have nothing to do with educational systems. That's not where language is learned. Mass media has a FAR greater influence. Nomsane?


What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...

let them talk "KRUTO" or "LADNO"

Yes, you are right, the process of degradation of culture of speech has embraced not only the American spoken language. This is the result of a disgusting model of education. "Words and phrases-parasites" - "like"," you know what I'm saying ", "like this" in America and, as we see, in the UK are the result of a disgusting model of education. And lack of real care at home.

And you are absolutely right - the spoken language of part of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (including presidents and politicians) is much more disgusting. Traditionally, the difficult life of the majority of the population in these countries has led to the "pollution" of speech with very mean words in terms of meaning, against which English "b ...." is the language of Carmelite nuns ...

But special interest groups do not need well-read and intelligent young people - they need people who will incessantly incur debts, pay interest to banks, and inherit debts to their children ...

All this does not mean that we need to give up. The problem is social: at school, where teachers do not care, but above all - in the family: parents no longer care about children. What kind of care can we talk about mom who works at two jobs with moonlight shifts ?!

Linguistic trends have nothing to do with educational systems. That's not where language is learned. Mass media has a FAR greater influence. Nomsane?
That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English

There are 320 million Americans ... American English IS the standard English.

You like need to rest. We'll talk tomorrow, you know what I mean :)))

America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the troubles in the Middle East. All America has ever done is try to help


"Hey France! What, you're giving up on making Southeast Asia a colony you can mine for resources? OK then we're going in, we'll show ya how it's done! First thing, cancel those elections because if we don't Ho will win..."

Great "try to help" there eh?

I notice you didn't mention the Spanish-American War. Or the Philippine War. Or Iraq. Or Mexico. Or all those coups and occupations and invasions in Nicaragua, Haiti, the DR, Iran, Guatemala, Brazil, Guyana, Chile, Pakistan, Congo..... diga me amigo, how did we "try to help" Patrice Lumumba? Or Zulfikar Ali Bhutto? Jacobo Árbenz? João Goulart?

No need to scoff at a person - he did not even hear about the existence of such countries or people. You see he is delirious - sick. Acute respiratory illness or flu ... Winter

You wrote a good joke

People hate America for the exact same reasons that teenagers hate parents. A combination of immaturity, insecurity, and jealousy.

America, like parents, are not perfect. She makes lots of mistakes. She can be hypocritical and judgemental.

But, America has spent Trillions of dollars of her own treasure and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of her own people in a effort to help bring peace and security to the a world that will not stop killing each other.

America didn't start either of the World Wars. America didn't start the Korean War. America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the troubles in the Middle East. All America has ever done is try to help. Like a parent, sometimes trying to help doesn't, or can even make things worse.

But, the teenager is never grateful for the attempt. They aren't grateful for the money and blood spent. The teenager is even resentful of the help.

But, the teenager will never stop taking the help. The teenager will even demand more help every time they get in trouble. The teenager's mantra is ...

"I hate you! You've screwed up my life! Now buy me a new MacBook and pay for my drugs!

I know the guys who bombed Japan with nuclear bombs, used chemical weapons in Vietnam and organized the largest number of wars. These guys also love to appropriate the achievements and victories of other countries.
Is it the communists?

Sorry, I'm talking with google translator

Your translation is very good. :thup:
What is happening to young Americans?

No matter what country of the world you are in, young Americans are recognizable just as soon as they open their mouths: the parasitic word "LIKE" sounds through every other word.

What does that manifest?

That the young Americans... can no longer speak standard English and are unable to express their thoughts without a parasitic word – a very worrying sign of general intellectual degradation...

let them talk "KRUTO" or "LADNO"

Yes, you are right, the process of degradation of culture of speech has embraced not only the American spoken language. This is the result of a disgusting model of education. "Words and phrases-parasites" - "like"," you know what I'm saying ", "like this" in America and, as we see, in the UK are the result of a disgusting model of education. And lack of real care at home.

And you are absolutely right - the spoken language of part of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (including presidents and politicians) is much more disgusting. Traditionally, the difficult life of the majority of the population in these countries has led to the "pollution" of speech with very mean words in terms of meaning, against which English "b ...." is the language of Carmelite nuns ...

But special interest groups do not need well-read and intelligent young people - they need people who will incessantly incur debts, pay interest to banks, and inherit debts to their children ...

All this does not mean that we need to give up. The problem is social: at school, where teachers do not care, but above all - in the family: parents no longer care about children. What kind of care can we talk about mom who works at two jobs with moonlight shifts ?!

Seems like a mom working two jobs to provide for her children cares quite a lot.
Seems like a mom working two jobs to provide for her children cares quite a lot.
tell me a Japanese immigrant in America what your dad japanese thinks about Unit 731
Does your dad condemn the Japanese who have done experiments on people worse than Hitler?


A) What the hell are you talking about?

B) what does any of that have to do with my post?

C) My father is Irish American

D) What the hell are you talking about?
You wrote a good joke

People hate America for the exact same reasons that teenagers hate parents. A combination of immaturity, insecurity, and jealousy.

America, like parents, are not perfect. She makes lots of mistakes. She can be hypocritical and judgemental.

But, America has spent Trillions of dollars of her own treasure and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of her own people in a effort to help bring peace and security to the a world that will not stop killing each other.

America didn't start either of the World Wars. America didn't start the Korean War. America didn't start the Vietnam War. America didn't start the troubles in the Middle East. All America has ever done is try to help. Like a parent, sometimes trying to help doesn't, or can even make things worse.

But, the teenager is never grateful for the attempt. They aren't grateful for the money and blood spent. The teenager is even resentful of the help.

But, the teenager will never stop taking the help. The teenager will even demand more help every time they get in trouble. The teenager's mantra is ...

"I hate you! You've screwed up my life! Now buy me a new MacBook and pay for my drugs!

I know the guys who bombed Japan with nuclear bombs, used chemical weapons in Vietnam and organized the largest number of wars. These guys also love to appropriate the achievements and victories of other countries.
Is it the communists?

Sorry, I'm talking with google translator

NO, that was ALWAYS the Democratic party in power starting the conflicts. Its is, as the WSJ once said, is "a party of war".

As far as "socialism" and "communism", I would like to start a discussion a bit later.

You have forgotten to mention the "fire balls" in which the American Air Forces incinerated innocent Japanese civilians...

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