The US was offered millions of masks in January. The Trump administration turned the offer down.

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.
You have way too much faith in The mainstream media,the virus is a hoax,there is no I fell for that lie myself until recently,sure there are people dying but it’s from other symptoms,the hospitals are being. Paid off to rule them as a virus though.hey they had e fooled
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.

can we impeach him for it???
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.
So when Gov Cuomo sold of his ventilators at an auction because Obamacare taxes on them were making it unaffordable to keep them, then when the Wuhan Virus came out and Nancy Pelosi said to go about China Town in San Fransicko, because there was nothing to worry about except that Gov Cuomo shipped infected people to retirement homes thus killing the elderly. Yet you blame the President for being incompetent when everyone else was just hunky dory to keep the US and China open yet intelligent people know who the real dumbasses are.

Also a lady the other day was driving while surfing on her i phone to research the Wuhan Virus, went off the road and ran into a tree. The police report said she died of the COVID 19 virus. I wonder how many other people have died and just been added to the tally of deaths by the Lame Stream Media.
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.
Since when do people need to wait for there to be an order? They do know the meaning of the word "initiative", right?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you make whatever it is that you make, it will eventually be purchased. In other words, if you build it, they will come. :) :) :)
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.
/——/ Thr company was difficult to deal with and the government turned to other suppliers. From your link: “This was in sharp contrast to groups like the National Council of Textile Organizations and companies like Honeywell and Parkdale Mills, which have helped America very rapidly build up cost effective domestic mask capacity measuring in the hundreds of millions,” Navarro told the Post.
Here we go again, the left will go nuts on this story.
Consider this, the offer was made one day, ONE SINGLE DAY, after the first confirmed case here in the U.S.
It's likely at the time no one, and yes YOU TOO liberals, had any clue what we were going to be dealing with.
Once it became apparent we needed mass amounts of the N95 masks, HHS was likely comparing sources at that point.

It won't matter though, the entire MSM and their political arm, the DNC, are in a race to see who can bring Trump down first.

It is so sad that we now live in a country where there is absolutely zero objective journalism.
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.
Why didn’t you tell him then how badly we would need them?
You have blood on your hands!!
Here we go again, the left will go nuts on this story.
Consider this, the offer was made one day, ONE SINGLE DAY, after the first confirmed case here in the U.S.
It's likely at the time no one, and yes YOU TOO liberals, had any clue what we were going to be dealing with.
Once it became apparent we needed mass amounts of the N95 masks, HHS was likely comparing sources at that point.

It won't matter though, the entire MSM and their political arm, the DNC, are in a race to see who can bring Trump down first.

It is so sad that we now live in a country where there is absolutely zero objective journalism.
I dont think you really need to state the obvious. Democrats dont believe this bullshit either. They are just trying to blame Trump for everything, hoping it might get them some votes.
A Texas medical supply company told the federal government it could make 1.7 million N95 masks for the US per week — but no order came.

The incompetence of Trump reveals more and more. Just disgusting. What kind of fucking idiot supports Trump. 80,000 Americans dead from this virus. How many could have been saved if the president was not a fucking clown. I repeat: EIGHTY THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS.

This company could had made the masks and sold them directly to the public for cheap. Instead “Bowen’s manufacturing lines, which could be making more than 7 million masks every month, remain unused.”

Now why would they need a contract with the Feds to make masks? They could had sold them to states, or even directly to people off Amazon.

Something tells me they are full of shit, and so is the OP.

Yet another TDS thread, derailed by his own link.
you stupid fkr the mask will make you sicker than nno mask dumbass. It hold moist air you rebreathe in your exhaled shit air all day germs breed onn it that's how fkn dumb you asses are.

Surgeons do not wear " Cloth mask" assholes.

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