The USA's foul treatment of Haiti


Jul 20, 2014
This is something I never knew before, and this is my first time talking about it, obviously because I never knew it before.

My opinion based on what I read, is that the USA's harsh treatment of Haiti, and embargo against Haiti, is based on racism.

Haiti was the only entire country made up completely of enslaved people, and it is as of yet the only enslaved people to gain freedom on their own without foreign intervention.
Even before 1861 in the USA.

At the time that Haiti gained independence from France, France was one of the USA's best friends, and Slavery was the status quo in the USA.

The tradition of racism against Haiti, is something that I think should be ended, because for one thing... the lack of USA support for Haiti, is based on racism and revenge against something that has no bearing on modern society and the modern world, and its all about the idea that Haiti gained freedom from some country that isn't infact our friends.

The discrimination against Haiti is also Unamerican, being as the USA discriminates against Haiti for earning freedom the only way in history that freedom is ever earned.. at war.

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