The Value of Education by the numbers


Fly till I die
Dec 19, 2011
I'm new here, so this topic has probably already been discussed ad infinitum, so pardon the redundancy if it has. I think what is dragging the economy down significantly is the number of high school drop-outs. First and foremost our country needs to address this and find a way for kid's to take school seriously; or be on the government dole for the rest of their lives. Jobs today require some sort of education.

Unemployment rate: November 2011

Education Level Achieved
Less than
High School.............................13.2%

High School Grad
No College...............................8.8%

Some College
or Associate Degree .................7.6%

Bachelor's Degree
or Higher..................................4.4%
I'm new here, so this topic has probably already been discussed ad infinitum, so pardon the redundancy if it has. I think what is dragging the economy down significantly is the number of high school drop-outs. First and foremost our country needs to address this and find a way for kid's to take school seriously; or be on the government dole for the rest of their lives. Jobs today require some sort of education.

Unemployment rate: November 2011

Education Level Achieved
Less than
High School.............................13.2%

High School Grad
No College...............................8.8%

Some College
or Associate Degree .................7.6%

Bachelor's Degree
or Higher..................................4.4%

What is the other 66%?
You mean the PhDs in Philosophy working at Walmart with $80,000 student debts?


I never met a PhD working at Walmart. Are there a lot? Which Walmart has the most?

PhD Job Hell: An Open Letter to Thomas H. Benton A.K.A. William A. Pannapacker: How “Graduate School in the Humanities: Just Don’t Go” Destroyed My PhD and Saved My Life

Ph.D. Job Hell: An Open Letter to Thomas H. Benton A.K.A. William A. Pannapacker Author of How

Like a Wal-Mart employee with a PhD is going to advertise the fact. Is working as a waitress or bar tender better?

The problem is the design of the economy. Everyone is brainwashed into concentrating on JOBS and CASH FLOW. Who said we should all know accounting and concentrate on NET WORTH while being aware of PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE?

It is really curious how netbooks got down played and discontinued and we are getting this ULTRAbook marketing, like we are supposed to care how thin a computer is. Spend $1000 instead of $400 son you can lose enough in depreciation the first year to pay for a netbook. LOL

The way out colleges work partly depends on the bad information foisted on kids in grade school.

High school graduation rates are an interesting thing.

In the county that I live in, the school board/public education system calculates the graduation rate based upon the number of students that enter their senior year of high school vs the number that graduate. They report an 89% graduation rate.

However, if one digs a little deeper and compares the number of students that enter their freshman year of high school vs the number that actually graduate 4 years later, that number drops to only 66% graduation rate.
There is one thing missing from this calculation though. It is two hard numbers. X entered high school and 4 years later Y graduated. It doesn't take into account the number of new students that moved into the school system during those 4 years, and this is a growing area (over 900,000 people live in the county today vs 700,000 ten years ago). In the past 20 years, the number of students in high school has increased every year due to the number of people moving into this area.
About a year ago a local reporter did an analysis of the county high school education system and did her best to include the factors of people moving into the county and moving out of the county. Her final estimate was that a mere 51% of entering freshmen actually graduated high school.

There is a lot of talk about trying to provide higher education (college) to as many students as possible, usually via some sort of government funding such as Pell grants. My problem with that is that when almost half the students can't even manage to get a high school diploma it is a waste of effort and resources to try and get them a college degree.
I never met a PhD working at Walmart. Are there a lot? Which Walmart has the most?

PhD Job Hell: An Open Letter to Thomas H. Benton A.K.A. William A. Pannapacker: How “Graduate School in the Humanities: Just Don’t Go” Destroyed My PhD and Saved My Life

Ph.D. Job Hell: An Open Letter to Thomas H. Benton A.K.A. William A. Pannapacker Author of How

Like a Wal-Mart employee with a PhD is going to advertise the fact. Is working as a waitress or bar tender better?

The problem is the design of the economy. Everyone is brainwashed into concentrating on JOBS and CASH FLOW. Who said we should all know accounting and concentrate on NET WORTH while being aware of PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE?

It is really curious how netbooks got down played and discontinued and we are getting this ULTRAbook marketing, like we are supposed to care how thin a computer is. Spend $1000 instead of $400 son you can lose enough in depreciation the first year to pay for a netbook. LOL

The way out colleges work partly depends on the bad information foisted on kids in grade school.


Seems to me you are making the best possible argument against getting a "BS" A Degree in "Bible Study".

All those Christian, Right winger colleges and that "natural science". Something is "un natural" about that.
Seems to me you are making the best possible argument against getting a "BS" A Degree in "Bible Study".

All those Christian, Right winger colleges and that "natural science". Something is "un natural" about that.

Your reading comprehension skills are interesting.

[ame=]Patriotic Drunk Rednecks - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Interview with a hillbilly... - YouTube[/ame]

I don't understand the point of this video. These people seem really nice to me.

In fact, that guy looks like my brother in law and sounds like him too.

With that title, it seems someone just wanted to make fun of someone with a southern accent.

They don't take drugs, they only drank a couple of beers and no hard liqueur and they looked forward to holding their grandchild. Seems like good people.
Education Level by number is
Less than
High School.............................15.2%

High School Grad
No College...............................10.8%

Some College
or Associate Degree .................8.6%

Bachelor's Degree
or Higher..................................4.9%
The Department of Education needs to be eliminated and the UFT needs to be disbanded, their top leadership jailed for sedition.
I'm new here, so this topic has probably already been discussed ad infinitum, so pardon the redundancy if it has. I think what is dragging the economy down significantly is the number of high school drop-outs. First and foremost our country needs to address this and find a way for kid's to take school seriously; or be on the government dole for the rest of their lives. Jobs today require some sort of education.

Unemployment rate: November 2011

Education Level Achieved
Less than
High School.............................13.2%

High School Grad
No College...............................8.8%

Some College
or Associate Degree .................7.6%

Bachelor's Degree
or Higher..................................4.4%

What is the other 66%?

Uhhh, what do you think it is?
Now Frankie boy, just take the pretty pills the nurse has for you, and toddle back to your nice little room.
One point here. A Tech School education is often worth every bit as much as a BS or BA. And a lot easier to find employment.
College is an obsolete aristocratic instution and must be replaced with paid professional training. The present institution amounts to your Daddy buying you a job, or, if he can't afford that, living like a high-school kid until you graduate because you are afraid to grow up. The real statistic is not that college graduates make more in their lifetime, but that the children of those who make more also make more. The unAmerican aristocrats cover that up by claiming it's their brats' education.
But the ignorant and dyfunctional English of college graduates proves that most of them had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which is based on talent. With expensive housing, expensive food, and expensive entertainment, college athletes get the equivalent of $400 a week plus free tuition. That is the only way to develop talent. The indentured servitude of the present system puts inferior people in superior positions; it is the unspoken cause of the downturn in the economy for the last 50 years.

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