The vast majority of Italian deaths: age 80 with 3 underlying conditions.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

That's what you want to believe. The easy way out. What this respiratory virus has mutated into is a killer virus. The young get it the first time and it puts a sticky residue on their lungs. They can't easily get rid of it. You can't just expectorate it out like regular phlegm. If they get it a second time soon, then they'll have an underlying condition. The virus can take over their lungs. This is what it wants to do in order to thrive. We know this virus blocks air passageways so it the oxygen tube can't go in or attacks other parts of the lung that has to be fought with strong drugs. That's one of the ways that anti-malarial drug helps. Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

That's what you want to believe. The easy way out. What this respiratory virus has mutated into is a killer virus. The young get it the first time and it puts a sticky residue on their lungs. They can't easily get rid of it. You can't just expectorate it out like regular phlegm. If they get it a second time soon, then they'll have an underlying condition. The virus can take over their lungs. This is what it wants to do in order to thrive. We know this virus blocks air passageways so it the oxygen tube can't go in or attacks other parts of the lung that has to be fought with strong drugs. That's one of the ways that anti-malarial drug helps. Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.
I have seen no data that says China Virus is any worse than regular flu in healthy people. If you have a link to such data, I would sincerely like to see it. Thanks
Even if there is data that says this chink virus is worse than the flu - so what?

It's not worth shutting down the economy over...yea, some old people will what.....they are old....old people die, that's what they do.....

We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

The videos of Italians hugging and kissing Chinese immigrants to prove how unbiased they are will be shown to future classrooms as a demonstration of the dangers of leftist idiocy.
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

That's what you want to believe. The easy way out. What this respiratory virus has mutated into is a killer virus. The young get it the first time and it puts a sticky residue on their lungs. They can't easily get rid of it. You can't just expectorate it out like regular phlegm. If they get it a second time soon, then they'll have an underlying condition. The virus can take over their lungs. This is what it wants to do in order to thrive. We know this virus blocks air passageways so it the oxygen tube can't go in or attacks other parts of the lung that has to be fought with strong drugs. That's one of the ways that anti-malarial drug helps. Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.
I have seen no data that says China Virus is any worse than regular flu in healthy people. If you have a link to such data, I would sincerely like to see it. Thanks
Indeed, I just read in another post that deaths from regular flu so far this year far outnumber deaths from Covid. How then is Covid this terrible scourge?

I keep hearing people tell me what CAN happen from Covid despite no experience with the thing. I'll say it again, what DID happen last year is 80,000 died in the USA just from regular flu and there was NO alarm, NO panic.
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

All right wing sound and fury, signifying nothing. Re-open everything and you assure an ever increasing level of catastrophe. You're looking toward Memorial Day as the time you MAY be able to start slowly revving things back up. Assuming everybody stops the selfish behavior and starts listening to the experts.
Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.

Typical leftist double talk. No one has said "it only kills the 80+ victims," and the serious illness rate for young people is almost negligible. Why are you so invested in over-hyping the danger to the general population?
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

Yes. Italy has a very elderly population and poor border control.
Chinese love spaghetti!
We need to stop using Italy as a gauge for China Virus. I watched a documentary on the critical patients in Italy's hospitals. They were all old and fat with multiple health issues. If China virus didn't get them, a heart attack was just around the corner. And the infection RATE for Italy is still around 1 case per ONE THOUSAND. If that is the worst case world wide for China virus, then I say what the heck are we doing? Let's shelter in place the hotspots, the elderly and the sick. Let's be careful with social distancing and being clean, but let's re-open America. Enough is enough.

That's what you want to believe. The easy way out. What this respiratory virus has mutated into is a killer virus. The young get it the first time and it puts a sticky residue on their lungs. They can't easily get rid of it. You can't just expectorate it out like regular phlegm. If they get it a second time soon, then they'll have an underlying condition. The virus can take over their lungs. This is what it wants to do in order to thrive. We know this virus blocks air passageways so it the oxygen tube can't go in or attacks other parts of the lung that has to be fought with strong drugs. That's one of the ways that anti-malarial drug helps. Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.
I have seen no data that says China Virus is any worse than regular flu in healthy people. If you have a link to such data, I would sincerely like to see it. Thanks

The only thing I have is younger people are getting it and being hospitalized. The US has decided to save them before the older people. Those in higher strategic positions already know the deep dangers of this respiratory virus and that it's a killer virus; Trump is clueless as he wants to save Wall Street and the economy. Until people start dying like they are in Italy and Spain and how they died in China, you won't be able to see it. I saw it based on the way this virus has mutated via natural selection. It wants to SURVIVE BY GETTING TO YOUR LUNGS!!! The only way to combat is to come up with a vaccine, but that will take time (as this virus has mutated to make it more difficult to create one).

"A plurality of COVID-19 cases in New York City are among those aged 18 to 44, but severity rates tend to follow global trends when it comes to age and underlying conditions, data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals.

Of the 15,597 confirmed as of Tuesday afternoon, 7,094, or 46 percent, were in patients below the 45. In that age group, 9 percent of people with the novel coronavirus have been hospitalized, and there have been five deaths.

All told, the data suggests the city is in line with other countries like Italy, which has reported that the majority of patients experiencing severe cases of COVID-19 are in older age groups, though that certainly doesn't mean younger people aren't at risk. In New York, more than one-fifth of fatalities have occurred in the 45 to 64 range."

Many more stories like this (you should find the ones from your local news media):
Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.

Typical leftist double talk. No one has said "it only kills the 80+ victims," and the serious illness rate for young people is almost negligible. Why are you so invested in over-hyping the danger to the general population?

I'm not leftist. I'm a conservative and voted from Trump. He is clueless about this as he has Wall Street and corporate tunnel vision. When people start to eat shit and die, then will you be convinced? We aren't any better than Italy nor Spain. We already farked up on not taking the WHO recommendation for imported test kits. We will be the #1 country with coronavirus and deaths in short time.

This is leftist, but they aren't lying:
Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.

Typical leftist double talk. No one has said "it only kills the 80+ victims," and the serious illness rate for young people is almost negligible. Why are you so invested in over-hyping the danger to the general population?

I'm not leftist. I'm a conservative and voted from Trump. He is clueless about this as he has Wall Street and corporate tunnel vision. When people start to eat shit and die, then will you be convinced? We aren't any better than Italy nor Spain. We already farked up on not taking the WHO recommendation for imported test kits. We will be the #1 country with coronavirus and deaths in short time.

This is leftist, but they aren't lying:

For now, city officials do not seem especially alarmed. Aja Worthy-Davis, a spokesperson for the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, said concerns about morgue capacity may be unfounded.
Stop thinking that it only kills the 80+ victims. This is why the young have gotten sick because they thought they were somehow immune or they could just shake it off like a regular flu.

Typical leftist double talk. No one has said "it only kills the 80+ victims," and the serious illness rate for young people is almost negligible. Why are you so invested in over-hyping the danger to the general population?

I'm not leftist. I'm a conservative and voted from Trump. He is clueless about this as he has Wall Street and corporate tunnel vision. When people start to eat shit and die, then will you be convinced? We aren't any better than Italy nor Spain. We already farked up on not taking the WHO recommendation for imported test kits. We will be the #1 country with coronavirus and deaths in short time.

This is leftist, but they aren't lying:

For now, city officials do not seem especially alarmed. Aja Worthy-Davis, a spokesperson for the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, said concerns about morgue capacity may be unfounded.

Oh noes! Fake morgue news?

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