The Walking Dead Season 5

The priest is wracked with guilt because he locked out all his parishioners and they all turned. They wrote "you will burn for this" on the side of the church, meaning he will burn in hell for locking them out. I think he's also going off the deep end from everything, including his guilt. Still can't figure out why he's wandering around out there. He obviously doesn't want to die or turn, as he fought off that walker. But when it came time to smash her skull he saw her cross and couldn't do it. So ... why is he wandering around out there? Is he looking for someone else? Is he looking for answers? Is he looking for God? Is he looking for a way to redeem himself, maybe a parishioner who is still alive that he can save?

Abraham gets on my nerves, don't really like him. Yeah, yeah he saw his family all die ... so did most everyone else. Big tough guy isn't. Eugene is just one weird dude after all, eh? lol He's smart that he got everyone to help him. What now? I thought he died and turned last night when I heard him moaning. Maybe he did?

When that cop was strangling Daryl I could not figure out why Daryl was trying to get hold of the chompy walker ... he squished those walker eyeballs right outta that walkers head and used the skull as a weapon! ha, ha, ha!

I was worried that Darryl was going to get bit by a zombie head! :D
I predict Ricks group will take the hospital in the mid season finale but it will be much harder than it should have, and they will lose people and people will get hurt in the process.
The priest is wracked with guilt because he locked out all his parishioners and they all turned. They wrote "you will burn for this" on the side of the church, meaning he will burn in hell for locking them out. I think he's also going off the deep end from everything, including his guilt. Still can't figure out why he's wandering around out there. He obviously doesn't want to die or turn, as he fought off that walker. But when it came time to smash her skull he saw her cross and couldn't do it. So ... why is he wandering around out there? Is he looking for someone else? Is he looking for answers? Is he looking for God? Is he looking for a way to redeem himself, maybe a parishioner who is still alive that he can save?

Abraham gets on my nerves, don't really like him. Yeah, yeah he saw his family all die ... so did most everyone else. Big tough guy isn't. Eugene is just one weird dude after all, eh? lol He's smart that he got everyone to help him. What now? I thought he died and turned last night when I heard him moaning. Maybe he did?

When that cop was strangling Daryl I could not figure out why Daryl was trying to get hold of the chompy walker ... he squished those walker eyeballs right outta that walkers head and used the skull as a weapon! ha, ha, ha!

I was worried that Darryl was going to get bit by a zombie head! :D

Me too .... but tptb will not kill Daryl off. No way. I don't think they'll off Carol either --- hope not, anyways.
I actually kind of liked this week's episode. Something actually happened. lol

The priest is still a freaking wuss. I'm kind of hoping that he dies soon.

If this were real life, Eugene would probably never be waking up at this point.

Abraham needs to chill the Hell out.

I'll be interested to see what happens with the cops. That was actually a pretty clever ploy on that one guy's part. lol

That cop didn't fool me at all. When Rick had him at gunpoint, I knew he was going to be trouble. I was hoping Rick was going to shoot him them, but of course he didn't (that would make the story boring. LOL).

I agree about the priest, and he is another one that I don't trust for some reason. Something about him is certainly odd.

Abraham is a ticking time bomb, IMO. Everyone should watch out for him and his temper. He lacks self control.

It was the "nice" cop too. lol

Though, to be fair, I guess we could have killed her. All he really did was knock her out so he could get away.

The priest is just a coward, and a general spaz to boot. He doesn't add anything but useless drama.

Abraham actually is useful to the group though, so I hope he gets over it and comes to his senses soon.

I think everyone is entitled to the occasional "melt down" given the circumstances, but Abraham seems to be incredibly violent and angry person.

I'm still trying to figure out the preacher. I know that he's weak, but it seems to me that something else might be going on with him. :) Just my guesses though. I've never read the comics or anything.
The priest is wracked with guilt because he locked out all his parishioners and they all turned. They wrote "you will burn for this" on the side of the church, meaning he will burn in hell for locking them out. I think he's also going off the deep end from everything, including his guilt. Still can't figure out why he's wandering around out there. He obviously doesn't want to die or turn, as he fought off that walker. But when it came time to smash her skull he saw her cross and couldn't do it. So ... why is he wandering around out there? Is he looking for someone else? Is he looking for answers? Is he looking for God? Is he looking for a way to redeem himself, maybe a parishioner who is still alive that he can save?

Abraham gets on my nerves, don't really like him. Yeah, yeah he saw his family all die ... so did most everyone else. Big tough guy isn't. Eugene is just one weird dude after all, eh? lol He's smart that he got everyone to help him. What now? I thought he died and turned last night when I heard him moaning. Maybe he did?

When that cop was strangling Daryl I could not figure out why Daryl was trying to get hold of the chompy walker ... he squished those walker eyeballs right outta that walkers head and used the skull as a weapon! ha, ha, ha!

Like Chris said, I think the priest is just kind of weak in general. That could be excusable if he wasn't such a pissant about it as well, but, unfortunately, he is.

The guy's basically a backstabbing murderous jerkoff with delusions of being a religious pacifist. Screw that.

He just needs to die already. lol

Agreed on Abraham. He's overreacting, and he is overly violent.

However, they still need his skills, IMO.
Abraham can lay down a can of fucking whup ass and is probably the strongest in their group besides Rick, they DEFINENTLY need him.
I actually kind of liked this week's episode. Something actually happened. lol

The priest is still a freaking wuss. I'm kind of hoping that he dies soon.

If this were real life, Eugene would probably never be waking up at this point.

Abraham needs to chill the Hell out.

I'll be interested to see what happens with the cops. That was actually a pretty clever ploy on that one guy's part. lol

That cop didn't fool me at all. When Rick had him at gunpoint, I knew he was going to be trouble. I was hoping Rick was going to shoot him them, but of course he didn't (that would make the story boring. LOL).

I agree about the priest, and he is another one that I don't trust for some reason. Something about him is certainly odd.

Abraham is a ticking time bomb, IMO. Everyone should watch out for him and his temper. He lacks self control.

It was the "nice" cop too. lol

Though, to be fair, I guess we could have killed her. All he really did was knock her out so he could get away.

The priest is just a coward, and a general spaz to boot. He doesn't add anything but useless drama.

Abraham actually is useful to the group though, so I hope he gets over it and comes to his senses soon.

I think everyone is entitled to the occasional "melt down" given the circumstances, but Abraham seems to be incredibly violent and angry person.

I'm still trying to figure out the preacher. I know that he's weak, but it seems to me that something else might be going on with him. :) Just my guesses though. I've never read the comics or anything.
The priest is wracked with guilt because he locked out all his parishioners and they all turned. They wrote "you will burn for this" on the side of the church, meaning he will burn in hell for locking them out. I think he's also going off the deep end from everything, including his guilt. Still can't figure out why he's wandering around out there. He obviously doesn't want to die or turn, as he fought off that walker. But when it came time to smash her skull he saw her cross and couldn't do it. So ... why is he wandering around out there? Is he looking for someone else? Is he looking for answers? Is he looking for God? Is he looking for a way to redeem himself, maybe a parishioner who is still alive that he can save?

Abraham gets on my nerves, don't really like him. Yeah, yeah he saw his family all die ... so did most everyone else. Big tough guy isn't. Eugene is just one weird dude after all, eh? lol He's smart that he got everyone to help him. What now? I thought he died and turned last night when I heard him moaning. Maybe he did?

When that cop was strangling Daryl I could not figure out why Daryl was trying to get hold of the chompy walker ... he squished those walker eyeballs right outta that walkers head and used the skull as a weapon! ha, ha, ha!

Like Chris said, I think the priest is just kind of weak in general. That could be excusable if he wasn't such a pissant about it as well, but, unfortunately, he is.

The guy's basically a backstabbing murderous jerkoff with delusions of being a religious pacifist. Screw that.

He just needs to die already. lol

Agreed on Abraham. He's overreacting, and he is overly violent.

However, they still need his skills, IMO.

Maybe the priest had a kid with that glasses-walker woman and even though he's terrified of the walkers, he's still going out there to look for the kid? Don't know.
Abraham can lay down a can of fucking whup ass and is probably the strongest in their group besides Rick, they DEFINENTLY need him.

Oh absolutely ... but not like this, just frozen and useless. He needs to get over it! lol

He will, he just found out the mission he believed in to his very bones was a total lie. He'll come around soon.
Abraham can lay down a can of fucking whup ass and is probably the strongest in their group besides Rick, they DEFINENTLY need him.

Oh absolutely ... but not like this, just frozen and useless. He needs to get over it! lol

To be fair though, he was going to kill himself when he came upon whats-his-name. That was the whole reason he decided to continue living, so I don't blame him for being really angry about it, but he is a big dangerous man IMO. I wouldn't want to have to rely on someone who, if they get angry with me, might beat the living hell out of me!
The priest is wracked with guilt because he locked out all his parishioners and they all turned. They wrote "you will burn for this" on the side of the church, meaning he will burn in hell for locking them out. I think he's also going off the deep end from everything, including his guilt. Still can't figure out why he's wandering around out there. He obviously doesn't want to die or turn, as he fought off that walker. But when it came time to smash her skull he saw her cross and couldn't do it. So ... why is he wandering around out there? Is he looking for someone else? Is he looking for answers? Is he looking for God? Is he looking for a way to redeem himself, maybe a parishioner who is still alive that he can save?

Abraham gets on my nerves, don't really like him. Yeah, yeah he saw his family all die ... so did most everyone else. Big tough guy isn't. Eugene is just one weird dude after all, eh? lol He's smart that he got everyone to help him. What now? I thought he died and turned last night when I heard him moaning. Maybe he did?

When that cop was strangling Daryl I could not figure out why Daryl was trying to get hold of the chompy walker ... he squished those walker eyeballs right outta that walkers head and used the skull as a weapon! ha, ha, ha!

I was worried that Darryl was going to get bit by a zombie head! :D

That cop almost had Daryl.
My Season Finale: I think it will start with a negotiation and the lady cop is willing to agree to it. Then she gets couped and there will be a fight for the hospital! My guess is Dawn is setting up Beth for something by giving her the key. There will be a casualty or two. My guess is Tyreese and Noah. I think the doctor saves Beth and dies in the process in an attempt to redeem himself. Carol and Beth live. The hospital, like every place there is a major battle at, ends with a walker infestation and unable to be a sanctuary!
I'm thinking Noah hangs on, the rest of that sounds on point. I think a major character will die next episode. Do you think after Ricks group takes the hospital they will stay for a while?
I'm thinking Noah hangs on, the rest of that sounds on point. I think a major character will die next episode. Do you think after Ricks group takes the hospital they will stay for a while?

I think it's only a matter of time before that preacher gets it. If they were smart, they would take over the hospital and stay. It's a nice secure place with all the amenities.
I'm thinking Noah hangs on, the rest of that sounds on point. I think a major character will die next episode. Do you think after Ricks group takes the hospital they will stay for a while?

I think it's only a matter of time before that preacher gets it. If they were smart, they would take over the hospital and stay. It's a nice secure place with all the amenities.

And keep that Doctor alive, I would definently try to stay in that hospital as long as I could.
I am very over glen and his girlfriend. Off both of them. And PLEASE have the preacher eaten. He is just too cowardly to breathe. Bet the actor playing him is disgusted as well.
I am very over glen and his girlfriend. Off both of them. And PLEASE have the preacher eaten. He is just too cowardly to breathe. Bet the actor playing him is disgusted as well.

I think something else is going on with the preacher man, something else is driving him and his fear.

I still like Glenn and Maggie! Hope they don't off them! :)
Tyrese is actually a pretty major player in the comics, from what I've heard, so I doubt he's going anywhere.

Noah is probably toast, however. Beth could be a gonner as well.
The priest is wracked with guilt because he locked out all his parishioners and they all turned. They wrote "you will burn for this" on the side of the church, meaning he will burn in hell for locking them out. I think he's also going off the deep end from everything, including his guilt. Still can't figure out why he's wandering around out there. He obviously doesn't want to die or turn, as he fought off that walker. But when it came time to smash her skull he saw her cross and couldn't do it. So ... why is he wandering around out there? Is he looking for someone else? Is he looking for answers? Is he looking for God? Is he looking for a way to redeem himself, maybe a parishioner who is still alive that he can save?

Abraham gets on my nerves, don't really like him. Yeah, yeah he saw his family all die ... so did most everyone else. Big tough guy isn't. Eugene is just one weird dude after all, eh? lol He's smart that he got everyone to help him. What now? I thought he died and turned last night when I heard him moaning. Maybe he did?

When that cop was strangling Daryl I could not figure out why Daryl was trying to get hold of the chompy walker ... he squished those walker eyeballs right outta that walkers head and used the skull as a weapon! ha, ha, ha!

I was worried that Darryl was going to get bit by a zombie head! :D

That cop almost had Daryl.

That's true, but those zombie heads were disgusting.

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