The WAR in UKRAINE, huh?


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2016
Right here
If you really want a good idea of how the war in Ukraine started you should watch this video by Sebastian. He always puts things in perspective:

If you really want a good idea of how the war in Ukraine started ...

Your president Putin started this stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine on reason Russia is in danger to become the most little country of the world with undead free citizens who are not under control of Putin and his criminal gang. I'm glad I could help you to gain more clarity. Tell me please how we are able to help Putin and his criminal gang to lose this war effectively with a minimal number of Ukrainian and Russian victims of Putins stupid, senseless and criminal megalomania.

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Your president Putin started this stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine on reason Russia is in danger to become the most little country of the world with undead free citizens who are not under control of Putin and his criminal gang. I'm glad I could help you to gain more clarity. Tell me please how we are able to help Putin and his criminal gang to lose this war effectively with a minimal number of Ukrainian and Russian victims of Putins stupid, senseless and criminal megalomania.

You know nothing. Stop posting.

By the way, Russian: Putin has already lost - as he himself might already know - and that would make him damned unpredictable. If you get rid of him and his gang, do it quickly and thoroughly. Russia shouldn't have to suffer any more than absolutely necessary.
If you really want a good idea of how the war in Ukraine started you should watch this video by Sebastian. He always puts things in perspective:

I watched the whole interview. Because of time constraints, I did fast forward through some of the podcaster's comments though he was spot on.

Vance is amazing. I was a bit dismayed when Trump chose him as I had hoped for another, but the more I see him handle an interview like this with Dana Bash, the more impressed I was with him and the more I like him. He took on every attack question and had an excellent and honest answer for it. He is amazing.
Why? What do you like to learn from political brainwhashing propaganda? How to be a better idiot?
An unedited video of a fairly lengthy interview between CNN's Dana Bash and J D Vance is political brainwashing propaganda? I would dearly love to hear your rationale for how that is so.
I watched the whole interview. Because of time constraints, I did fast forward through some of the podcaster's comments though he was spot on.
Sebastian is very good and I like his presentations.
Vance is amazing. I was a bit dismayed when Trump chose him as I had hoped for another, but the more I see him handle an interview like this with Dana Bash, the more impressed I was with him and the more I like him. He took on every attack question and had an excellent and honest answer for it. He is amazing.
I haven't seen his interview with Dana Bash but I'm going to do it. Thanks for the advice. :)
An unedited video of a fairly lengthy interview between CNN's Dana Bash and J D Vance is political brainwashing propaganda?

¿J.D. Vance? Is this the lousy superidiot and vice-Trump who said all crimes in the USA had been brought from Germans to the USA? Sorry that we threw out of Germany the grandfather of the "Swede" Donald Trump.


I know that there wasn't a single tree left on the street here
Ruins towered into the sky, black and burnt empty
And a wind of dust and soot blew over bomb craters
I stumbled in shoes much too big for my feet
Beside my mother, my field cap over my ears
It was winter '46, I was four and I was freezing
Over fields of rubble and through forests of burnt steel
And when I close my eyes today, I see it all again

That was my Berlin, my Berlin, my Berlin!
Pulling the empty handcart over the cobblestones
That was my Berlin

There were barriers, there were roadblocks overnight
Then the roar in the air, and there was the longed-for freight
The Dakotas and the Skymasters, and they turned the tide
And we guessed the nations of the world were watching this city
There were my school days in the red brick building
Long stockings, short pants, and I was and was not clever
Then the day in June when Potsdamer Platz was in flames
I saw people fighting tanks with their bare hands

That was my Berlin, my Berlin, my Berlin!
People fleeing in the hail of bullets from their human brothers
That was my Berlin

That was my “Sturm und Drang” time, and I saw a piece of the world
And came home and found that half of my world was locked up
Windows were hastily bricked up and many a house
The curtains still blew out to the west between the stones
How often have I lost my longing, how often my mind
How often have I banged my head on that wall
How often did I despair, how often did I stand there speechless
How many times did I see it until I finally didn't see it anymore!

That was my Berlin, my Berlin, my Berlin
Watchtowers, crosses, wilted wreaths that dotted the city
That was my Berlin

There were the speechless years, then came indifference
Old scars, new wounds, then came the rift
70s demos and the 80s barricades, Kreuzberg is burning!
Graffiti on the walls: stones are not an argument
Didn't I feel the tiredness and disappointment myself?
Haven't I already tied up my bundle in my mind?
All the talking, the tactics have robbed me of my nerve
And yet I believed in the future here like an obsessed man

That was my Berlin, my Berlin, my Berlin!
Resistance and contradictions, reality and utopias
That was my Berlin

I know that there wasn't a single tree left on the street here
Ruins towered into the sky, black and burnt empty
Now I'm standing here after so many years and I just can't believe it
The trees that stand here are almost as old as I am
I've lived my whole life in half the city
What do I say now that you've given me the other half?
Now I'm standing here and my eyes can't get enough of them
At these pictures: Freedom, freedom at last over my city!

This is my Berlin, my Berlin, my Berlin!
Is there a better word for hope, to walk upright
Never kneel again!
This is my Berlin!

This is my Berlin, my Berlin, my Berlin!
Is there a better word for hope, to walk upright
Never kneel again!
This is my Berlin!
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We need to send more money to the Ukes..................just read they're about to export arms.......

'Need cash now'

Ukraine's growing arms sector thwarted by cash shortages and attacks

April 2024
ccording to his ministry, the number of defence manufacturers has more than doubled since the invasion. Private enterprises now number about 400 to the 100 state-owned ones, although the latter still provide the most production capacity.

To resolve cash shortages, Ukraine is asking foreign partners to fund its defence production. On Tuesday, Denmark made the first such pledge of $28.5 million.

Some manufacturers say they are struggling to raise funds, a problem compounded by a government procurement process that they complain is slow and cumbersome.


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