The War on Merit (in the name of DEI)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Here we have the head of the top academic HS in the country, withholding recognition of prestigious academic awards, in order to spare the feelings of those who didn't get them.

Is this not, by itself, grounds to fire the bitch - for cause?

Here we have the head of the top academic HS in the country, withholding recognition of prestigious academic awards, in order to spare the feelings of those who didn't get them.

Is this not, by itself, grounds to fire the bitch - for cause?

Your local school board is elective ... are you planning on running for a seat? ... your best are in charter schools, you have to deal with what's left in the regular high school ... ready, set, GO !!! ...
High academic achievement is certainly being downplayed in public education. DEI has quickly extended it's tentacles into the school systems of every state, not just this one.

Here we have the head of the top academic HS in the country, withholding recognition of prestigious academic awards, in order to spare the feelings of those who didn't get them.

Is this not, by itself, grounds to fire the bitch - for cause?
Like it fucking matters, I have accolades and merit plaques that get me nowhere in the corporate world because I won't be a corporate stooge.
These kids (and their parents) are attending that school for the SPECIFIC purpose of getting into a highly-selective college. The credentials being withheld are the payoff for the hard work those kids are doing. Withholding or delaying it into meaninglessness is a crime against those kids.

Rational people would much rather see inequality based on merit than faux equality based on lies.

I may be wrong but I think some of this comes from the Administrators' jealousy of what the kids can do.
These kids (and their parents) are attending that school for the SPECIFIC purpose of getting into a highly-selective college. The credentials being withheld are the payoff for the hard work those kids are doing. Withholding or delaying it into meaninglessness is a crime against those kids.

Rational people would much rather see inequality based on merit than faux equality based on lies.

I may be wrong but I think some of this comes from the Administrators' jealousy of what the kids can do.
Finacial awards are merit-based on grades and the requirement that thesis papers are written and provided to those giving scholarships.
When my youngest son graduated from high school in 2018, the very biggest accolades the school administration gave were for a girl who received their "social justice award". I asked my son about it afterwards and he says she was an annoying little brat who was constantly in everybody's face over every word they used.

Meanwhile, the boy who got a full ride scholarship to Yale to study physics was not mentioned at all, nor were any of the other top-achieving students.
Liberals and Democrats are all about dumbing down American kids.
That way we will be forced to allow more highly educated immigrants into the country to fill technical positions

Here we have the head of the top academic HS in the country, withholding recognition of prestigious academic awards, in order to spare the feelings of those who didn't get them.

Is this not, by itself, grounds to fire the bitch - for cause?
Its consistent with the twisted lib mindset

White firefighters in New Haven Conn were denied promotion because they were the only race that scored high enough on the promotion exam

Correction: One hispanic fire fighter qualified also
…I have accolades and merit plaques that get me nowhere in the corporate world because I won't be a corporate stooge
That’s fine. You make that choice, you deal with the repercussions. If you want to climb the ladder you have to know which asses to kiss. I learned that years ago. Thankfully I don’t have to worry about that anymore. My vacations, bonuses, raises, etc… are contractually obligated via the Union.
You people always tell us how unimportant education is. Now you are saying the opposite. Make up your mind. If you are capable...which I doubt.
Here's why that matters.

THE very same people who push CRT, Trans, porn for gradeschoolers, charging their students' parents as domestic terrorists for attending school board meetings, andengaging in rampant election THIEVERY and worse, deny exceptional students their scholastic awards that can mean thousands and thousands in scholarships and MORE so as not to hurt other peoples' feelings.

This is in a super blue area....Fairfax of 16 other Virginia counties that consistently show MORE VOTES than they have voters thus keeping CERTAIN select politicians in positions of power.

Some of these students are minorities, some disabled and some are children born of parents of different know...the ones the left prefers over anything that is white/christian/male.
And yet they harm these students in spite of their...ethnicity/abilities. that the policy that demo(rats say they hold in high regard?
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When I graduated from HS, the recognition of graduating seniors was normal and appropriate. The person with the highest GPA was Valedictorian and with the second highest was Salutatorian. And everybody knew it. National Merit Scholarship Finalists were recognized, as were 1600 SAT scores.

There was another category called the "Top Ten," whose combination of academic achievement and other achievement (sports, debate, music) earned that honor.

When I hear shit like a school having ten "Valedictorians" it makes me want to puke. I didn't earn any of those awards - far from it - and it didn't make me sad or jealous. Those people earned it.

To refuse to recognize achievement because it might hurt someone's feelings...those administrators ought to find another line of work.
When I graduated from HS, the recognition of graduating seniors was normal and appropriate. The person with the highest GPA was Valedictorian and with the second highest was Salutatorian. ....
Most schools still do that.

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