The Washington Dirty Savage Injun BASTARDS!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
^THAT'S what a racial slur looks like.

"Redskin" is a word that millions of people are proud of and would NEVER consider to be any kind of insult.

Why do so many pussies in this country want to turn it into a racial slur? And if it was a racial Slur 200 years ago why do you want to make it one again?

You fuckin psychos :cuckoo:
I believe the MSN had a poll on the name the other day. Something like 90% said the name was OK with them.

As usual, the dingbats get the floor.

American Indians won the war. They have internet access to the degenerate white gamblers financial records and they have high power lawyers who can take your freaking assets if you owe them money. Does anybody but the dumb assed democrat senate majority leader think Native Americans are oppressed?
American Indians won the war. They have internet access to the degenerate white gamblers financial records and they have high power lawyers who can take your freaking assets if you owe them money. Does anybody but the dumb assed democrat senate majority leader think Native Americans are oppressed?

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Actually [MENTION=27324]whitehall[/MENTION] there's a lot of strife amongst the Native America population. The percentage of Native Americans living in poverty is higher than the average of the population of this country. I wish their voices could be heard more loudly in government.

Unfortunately the rich ones (including the billionaire Chief of the French Fry Nation) are trying to milk the Redskins money train for all its worth instead of spending their energy to help their own people.

"Redskin" is NOT a racial slur. But I promise you if the Redskins change their name, sadly, it WILL be. Thanks to the efforts of the vaginas peddling this nonsense like the idiotic Amanda Blackhorse.
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^THAT'S what a racial slur looks like.

"Redskin" is a word that millions of people are proud of and would NEVER consider to be any kind of insult.

Why do so many pussies in this country want to turn it into a racial slur? And if it was a racial Slur 200 years ago why do you want to make it one again?

You fuckin psychos :cuckoo:

Why is this even an issue? I have some Cherokee ancestry and I am not offended in the least. Of course $20 bills is an issue with some.
Redskin refers to a dye worn by Native American Warriors as a sign of honor. It does not reference skin color. Fucking morons. :(
The redskins have my support.
Football is stupid, don't understand why anyone watches that garbage. The Liberal Establishment uses it to push their cultural narrative, and the dumb proles in flyover country keep buying into the NFL anyway.
Football is stupid, don't understand why anyone watches that garbage. The Liberal Establishment uses it to push their cultural narrative, and the dumb proles in flyover country keep buying into the NFL anyway.

Football is awesome sir. Please feel free to continue not watching it and DEFINITELY NOT commenting about it :thup:
A couple new names.

Washington Crooks

Washington Negro Felons

Washington Parasites

Washington Subverters

Washington Tyrants.

Washington Convicts
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^THAT'S what a racial slur looks like.

"Redskin" is a word that millions of people are proud of and would NEVER consider to be any kind of insult.

Why do so many pussies in this country want to turn it into a racial slur? And if it was a racial Slur 200 years ago why do you want to make it one again?

You fuckin psychos :cuckoo:

Because they want you doing EXACTLY what you are doing. You are talking about the word itself - a word that is utterly meaningless to the actual problem here. The fact that Redskins is or is not derogatory is completely irrelevant. The very idea that congress and the federal government is literally demanding that a PRIVATE entity change their name is the real issue.

You have stepped over that and essentially conceded that congress should be doing so.
^THAT'S what a racial slur looks like.

"Redskin" is a word that millions of people are proud of and would NEVER consider to be any kind of insult.

Why do so many pussies in this country want to turn it into a racial slur? And if it was a racial Slur 200 years ago why do you want to make it one again?

You fuckin psychos :cuckoo:

Because they want you doing EXACTLY what you are doing. You are talking about the word itself - a word that is utterly meaningless to the actual problem here. The fact that Redskins is or is not derogatory is completely irrelevant. The very idea that congress and the federal government is literally demanding that a PRIVATE entity change their name is the real issue.

You have stepped over that and essentially conceded that congress should be doing so.

If the name changes the federal government will have nothing to do with it. It's not legal.

I want the argument to change at the grass roots level. We've got all these pussies whining about the Redskins name because a few rich assholes are making money off of them feeling important about it. They need to be made to realize that the word, even if it ever was a racial slur, isn't a racial slur.

If the people realize this then morons like Harry Reid will stop caring about it because there won't be any benefit to their bullshit anymore.
If the Washington Redskins lose this fight, watch for the Leftists go after the Kansas City Chiefs next. This is why we can't let them win. They're like a cancer moving through a body.

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