The Washington Times: 'Obama Surrenders Gulf Oil To Moscow'.

Jan 17, 2010
I will say it again that the Obama Administration is making the wrong choices when it comes to energy production and drilling. I mean this is common sense politics or business and economics 101 taught your freshman year in college. Sarah Palin has already exploited Obama-Soros-Brazil-Petrobras deal that would shut down U.S. coastal offshore drilling on the east and west coast so we can buy Brazillian Oil which in return will line Soros and the Brazillian pockets with American Taxpayers money while our domestic energy sector is put into a stasis. Halting Drilling will weaken America as the Russians will load up on Petroleum at our back door which will let them reap the incentives from oil and gas sales to other countries which will allow them to build their military into a advanced superior arsenal that can possibly rival and succeed ours in technology. Lets not forget Cuba will gain from this too. This move by the Obama Administration clearly puts our National Security in Jeopardy. This is a travesty perpetuated by Obama who puts America and its Citizens second in favor of appeasement to our old enemy rivals of the Cold War who once put nuclear first strike ballistic missiles at our doorstep that would have wiped out the western hemisphere within 15 minutes warning time. Call your lawmakers and tell them to stop this ban.

U.S. Army Retired

EDITORIAL: Obama surrenders gulf oil to Moscow - Washington Times

The Obama administration is poised to ban offshore oil drilling on the outer continental shelf until 2012 or beyond. Meanwhile, Russia is making a bold strategic leap to begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. While the United States attempts to shift gears to alternative fuels to battle the purported evils of carbon emissions, Russia will erect oil derricks off the Cuban coast.
Offshore oil production makes economic sense. It creates jobs and helps fulfill America's vast energy needs. It contributes to the gross domestic product and does not increase the trade deficit. Higher oil supply helps keep a lid on rising prices, and greater American production gives the United States more influence over the global market.

Drilling is also wildly popular with the public. A Pew Research Center poll from February showed 63 percent support for offshore drilling for oil and natural gas. Americans understand the fundamental points: The oil is there, and we need it. If we don't drill it out, we have to buy it from other countries. Last year, the U.S. government even helped Brazil underwrite offshore drilling in the Tupi oil field near Rio de Janeiro. The current price of oil makes drilling economically feasible, so why not let the private sector go ahead and get our oil?

From Russia's perspective, this is another way to gain leverage inside what traditionally has been America's sphere of influence.
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I believe we need to be buying up more blocks for drilling right now and unstacking our rigs so they can set casing.
Let's try to explain this ONE MORE TIME. Maybe this time it will sink in.

The US government is NOT in the oil business. And if it were, you would hear Republicans howling from here to Prudhoe Bay complaining the US government is taking over the oil industry.

The US "Leases" land to the oil companies. Understand? Let me say that again, "The US "LEASES" land to the oil companies. Any oil on that land belongs to them, NOT US, them!

That oil then goes on the OPEN MARKET where everyone gets a chance to "compete" for it. If the price falls, the oil companies hold back until the price goes back up. That is LEGAL. It's called "supply and demand" and is the basis for "capitalism".

Once the land is leased, you can't tell the oil companies to drill. It's their lease. That means they can do what they want. Besides, even if the government did drill for oil, who is going to refine it?

Honestly, you guys have got to come up with something more sensible. I'm embarrassed to have to explain this again and again.
Let's try to explain this ONE MORE TIME. Maybe this time it will sink in.

The US government is NOT in the oil business. And if it were, you would hear Republicans howling from here to Prudhoe Bay complaining the US government is taking over the oil industry.

The US "Leases" land to the oil companies. Understand? Let me say that again, "The US "LEASES" land to the oil companies. Any oil on that land belongs to them, NOT US, them!

That oil then goes on the OPEN MARKET where everyone gets a chance to "compete" for it. If the price falls, the oil companies hold back until the price goes back up. That is LEGAL. It's called "supply and demand" and is the basis for "capitalism".

Once the land is leased, you can't tell the oil companies to drill. It's their lease. That means they can do what they want. Besides, even if the government did drill for oil, who is going to refine it?

Honestly, you guys have got to come up with something more sensible. I'm embarrassed to have to explain this again and again.
Why do you think the Obama Administration wants to put a ban where we can drill so companies can exercise that capitalism?
this thread represents a contest in partisan hackery. Who is the bigger hack? rdone or US Army Retard?

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