The wolves are at each others throats.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Syngenta is suing top U.S. grain exporters Cargill Inc. and Archer Daniels Midland Co. over losses that U.S. farmers said they suffered from rejections of boatloads of genetically modified corn by China. Syngenta was sued by Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland, and 3000 Indiana farmers. Syngenta claims in the lawsuit that Cargill and ADM failed to keep MIR 162 corn separated from approved GMO strains, even though they should have known the strain was not approved by China. But Syngenta has also previously claimed it wasn't possible to keep non-GMO varieties separated from GMO varieties because of the difficulties of separation in the supply/distribution chain. So which is it?

One thing for sure, we hope these corporations sue each other out of existence.…/uk-syngenta-seed-traders-idUKKCN0T9……/syngenta-lawsuit-pits-t…/75584846/


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