The Worst Fries In America

Like with most fried foods, the most important thing about French fries is salting and serving them immediately after they come out of the fryer.
Sounds great

I rarely order fries anymore. They are frozen and bland and are just a vessel to eat catsup
IMO, a problem with the fries in many fast food franchises is that they make more fries than can be served immediately, and they don't want to throw them in the trash even after they get soggy sitting under a heat lamp because they must operate on a hair thin food cost margin to make any profit.

To reiterate my point in post #21, it is very important for fries to be salted and served ASAP after you take them out of the fryer. It's why you usually get better fries at some little diner that makes everything to order.

One sly trick that a friend of mine says works great is to order unsalted fries. She brings her own salt in her purse and orders unsalted fries. That way she gets fresh fries instead of the fries that have been sitting in a warmer.
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Why should you be allowed to belch lies about some God that never existed? You pius godbotherers assume you will go unchallenged.

You're fantasy of your silly God blessing people clearly shows you are delusional. You have no evidence of anything but project it as fact then when you get opposed you recommend I leave. How about you admitting you have nothing?
Better still, keep your silly religious crap to yourself.
Obviously, you don't keep anything to yourself. In other words, if you are not going to practice, what's the point in your preaching such a thing to me or anyone else?

God bless you always!!!

If you don't like his attitude, why'd you reply to him and not me ?
Is this a 'country' pride thing ?
I didn't reply to your message for me because I never saw anything wrong with what you had to share. I only replied to that other person because of how bad their attitude was.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. Thank you for being polite and respectful even if you do not agree. If only more people knew how to be like that.
I didn't reply to your message for me because I never saw anything wrong with what you had to share. I only replied to that other person because of how bad their attitude was.

God bless you and them always!!!

Good. I should have figured that out.
P.S. Thank you for being polite and respectful even if you do not agree. If only more people knew how to be like that.
I can understand people getting bent out of shape
over some of the heated political issues , but this is French Fries !
If they can't have a civil discussion about food, something's wrong with them.
over some of the heated political issues , but this is French Fries !
If they can't have a civil discussion about food, something's wrong with them.
They're not French fries! Dammit! :mad:

They're Freedom fries, or chips, if you're a limey bastard.
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Obviously, you don't keep anything to yourself. In other words, if you are not going to practice, what's the point in your preaching such a thing to me or anyone else?

God bless you always!!!


I'm here specifically to pull you lying godbotherers into line over hypocrisy and you have responded accordingly.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
Especially fries

Fries that are healthy do not taste good
The best fries are cooked in fat
Not necessarily.
I choose Yukon Gold for fries. They don't get as "floppy" as russet.
I cut them, then put them in a large metal bowl with olive oil, S&P and either cajun seasoning if I want that or a blend of paprika/parmesan/garlic powder.
And bake them in a 420 degree oven.
They are better than deep fried.
Spoken like an ex-Christian who's never matured past their adolescent rebellion phase. A case of arrested or retarded mental development into an adult.


You're reply is typical of another delusional godbotherer who doesn't like being exposed to how you were conned.
If anyone suffers mental issues it's you.
Believing in immaculate conception and virgin births etc doesn't instill confidence in me that you are not mentally retarded in someway.
You cannot accept a challenge or criticism of your immature hereditary beliefs. You have been conned and have absolutely nothing to support Your filthy God.
You're reply is typical of another delusional godbotherer who doesn't like being exposed to how you were conned.
If anyone suffers mental issues it's you.
Believing in immaculate conception and virgin births etc doesn't instill confidence in me that you are not mentally retarded in someway.
You cannot accept a challenge or criticism of your immature hereditary beliefs. You have been conned and have absolutely nothing to support Your filthy God.

I'm an atheist, you stupid moronic moonbat.

A tolerant atheist. I don't flip the fuck out when someone says "God bless you".

Why do you?

You're deranged. You should seek help from a qualified mental health professional.
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I'm here specifically to pull you lying godbotherers into line over hypocrisy and you have responded accordingly.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
Oh, don't worry, I will and if you think that what you say bothers me, it actually doesn't because at the end of the day, anything that you throw at me is only going to me look even better. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Holly (a girl who doesn't know how to be bullied)
Remember when McDonald's fries and pies were fried in beef tallow?

Before they changed over to "heathier" vegetable oil.
FYI: They changed it to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. An ultra-processed artificial trans fat product that is now banned in America and most of the western world.

A political pseudoscience lobbying group called the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) threatened to sue fast food chains if they didn't change from using real food to using artificial trans-fats.
Oh, don't worry, I will and if you think that what you say bothers me, it actually doesn't because at the end of the day, anything that you throw at me is only going to me look even better. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Holly (a girl who doesn't know how to be bullied)

I strong suspect it doesn't bother you. Godbotherers have no feelings of stupidity or guilt.
You can believe there's a god until the sun rises in the West and you will get nothing.
Spewing your blessing shit is pure arrogance. You have no unique access to what any stupid supernatural diety wants or. believes. You don't get messages from anyone.

Yet you think you'll get eternity as a reward for worshipping a ghost that doesn't exist. How bloody arrogant is that, not to mention delusional

Don't you ever stop and think about that God bullshit? As a mature human being to be conned by that rubbish, you should be embarrassed. You've never received one iota of anything ftom your silly God but persist with it like you were vaccinated with holy water or alter wine.
Grow up you fool. You're barking mad.
^^^ What room is there for you to expect anyone to grow up when it is as clear as crystal glass that you don't have such an intention for your own self? In other words, thank you for letting the rest of us be aware of just how far your brain train doesn't have the ability to travel.

God bless you always!!!


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