The year of the vagina.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Is it? Will the “new to movement spur a new era of vaginal power? Will all these women be able to point to one instance of a man telling her she has a nice ass catapault them into political power? Probubly not.
Is it? Will the “new to movement spur a new era of vaginal power? Will all these women be able to point to one instance of a man telling her she has a nice ass catapault them into political power? Probubly not.
Was 2016 the year of the prick, bigly?

Well yes and from all things new and cool a bunch more shit comes fourth. Bigly.
Is it? Will the “new to movement spur a new era of vaginal power? Will all these women be able to point to one instance of a man telling her she has a nice ass catapault them into political power? Probubly not.
Was 2016 the year of the prick, bigly?

Well yes and from all things new and cool a bunch more shit comes fourth. Bigly.
Fantastic last night.
Is it? Will the “new to movement spur a new era of vaginal power? Will all these women be able to point to one instance of a man telling her she has a nice ass catapault them into political power? Probubly not.
Was 2016 the year of the prick, bigly?

Well yes and from all things new and cool a bunch more shit comes fourth. Bigly.
Fantastic last night.

But not reall a surprise.had he won the mess and and sniveling would have been grand.
Is it? Will the “new to movement spur a new era of vaginal power? Will all these women be able to point to one instance of a man telling her she has a nice ass catapault them into political power? Probubly not.

You might want to Google what happened in the state of V. irginia recently lol it was women winning lots of house seats,and you can spect the same in 2018 across the country. And if last night in Alabama didn't teach you anything nothing will. Thats women power and they have the power to kick your little dicks all over the place in a voting booth.
Is it? Will the “new to movement spur a new era of vaginal power? Will all these women be able to point to one instance of a man telling her she has a nice ass catapault them into political power? Probubly not.

You might want to Google what happened in the state of V. irginia recently lol it was women winning lots of house seats,and you can spect the same in 2018 across the country. And if last night in Alabama didn't teach you anything nothing will. Thats women power and they have the power to kick your little dicks all over the place in a voting booth.

You got a busted up iPhone screen to? V.irginia means dick. ZIP. Look at your up and coming split tails. You got Pocahantus she stands a snowballs chance in hell of getting anywhere then you got the skank Gilderbrand, she is going nowhere so who will it be? Who are all these power cup wenches? You live in fantasy land. Folks ain’t elected for the fleshy bits in their pants.
Funniest thing I have heard about Moore today was, concerning the election, "He came in a little behind".

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