Theory of evolution question

Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?
The stupidity and ignorance of this comes as no surprise.
Said every single 15 year old in history.

You've no doubt spoken to all of them haven't you, libtard?

The stupidity and ignorance of this comes as no surprise

Like I say sometimes, never under estimate the willingness of libtards to blow clouds of smoke out their asses for decades, and then cry about pollution.
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates
Of course that is merely a totally arbitrary categorization.

[big yawn]

4.000 religions on Earth, you think 3,999 are false. I just think one more is false than you do.
You are an idiot. Where did I say that any religion is right or wrong, "true or false?"
Because they all rely on magic as their central belief. Children believe in literal magic. Educated adults know better.
Yesterday's magic is today's science. A very simple example television.... translate. Fucking idiot. Know it all...
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge." Confucius
The odds of 2,000 proteins magically evolving into a single cell are on par with the odds of buying 1,000 consecutive wining Powerball tickets.

People like that believe that a tornado can blow through a wrecking yard and leave a fully functional 767 in it's wake.

These ludicrous memes just never die once the internet tucks them under its unshaved armpit.

It would be more like a tornado sweeping through a junkyard, two pieces of wood slam together in the shape of a fuselage and wing, and it has the ability, over the next 3 billion years, to slowly modify itself into a more complex form.

Life is a dynamic force that can start as a few amino acids in some gop, and 3 billion years later it has mutated into more complex forms. The physical/chemical processes are all that is needed, no magic.

Ignorants that believe the world is 6,000 years old cannot even for the slightest of moments understand what 3 billion years is. And that is the problem.
Instead of foaming all over your "I hate the Bybull" baby bib, how about you telling us what your evidence for a secular origin is and how life not only developed apparently on its' own, but it's rather persistent nature as well. Do you do anything besides smug?

Hate is a favorite word for conservatives. You project your own proclivities. I don't 'hate' the bible. I think it myths conjured up by ignorant people in a desert tribe 2000 years ago. As much myth as Zeus, Osiris, or the Kraken.

The fossil record shows life progressing from infinitely simple forms 3.5 billion years ago to the complex forms we see now. Humans don't show up until 100-200,000 years ago. Scientists are getting closer to how exactly the first microbes began, its only a matter of time.

Persistence of life? There have been 5 major mass extinctions in the last 1.2 billion years. 99.5% at least of all species have gone extinct. The greatest, the Permian/Triassic extinction saw 96% of all species die out. Life hung by the thinnest of threads for the next 10-30 million years. Pure luck that another catastrophe didn't finish it off. There have been 17 or 18 minor mass extinctons as well. Meaning 20-50% of all species going extinct at one time.

Something so horrendous as to kill every living thing in all the nooks and crannies, oceans, streams, mountains, everywhere just didn't happen on Earth. The P/T extinction came very very close 252 million years ago.
Nobody throws hate around more than leftists. And wrapped in many forms, war on women, against equal rights, bible thumper, supports the rich, on and on. But let's clear your smokescreen and focus. The challenge was a simple one given your statements. I just asked you to back it up.

The fossil record does not show how life began.You ridiculed people for believing in a creator and your defense is that your superior knowledge has led you to believe in scientific facts that haven't been discovered yet.

Animals do go extinct as the environment changes, but they are just as quickly replaced. So I'll stick with my life is robust theory since everything points that way.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.
Isn't the concept of God the Creator is more complicated than any other fucking thing you think is complicated?

4.000 religions on Earth, you think 3,999 are false. I just think one more is false than you do.

Because they all rely on magic as their central belief. Children believe in literal magic. Educated adults know better.
Yeah, Isaac Newton the devout Christian was a totally uneducated moron.
Why would they? There's no goal or direction for evolution. Millions of years ago there was a species of tailless primates. Different groups moved apart and changed based mostly on environmental factors. First the group that became orangutans, then gorillas, then chimpanzees/bonobos, then humans. All changed, some species died out, etc.

Can you provide any proof of your mad ramblings? Where exactly were these to be found? Why did they move apart from one another? Why did their evolution stop at all? What environmental factors are you speaking of? What was that species of tailless primates called?

Science doesn't "prove" theories. That isn't how scientific theories work.

Fossil remains of primates are found all over the world. Human ancestors' fossils are found primarily in Africa, then southern Asia and Europe.

Evolution hasn't stopped - such a thing can't happen. Time must stop for evolution to stop.

Many environmental factors, too numerous to list, effected the evolution of primates. Other factors include sexual selection, social selection, genetic drift, random mutation, and epigenetics.

There are many tail-less primate species that are extant and extinct. To which one are you referring?

Only to the one to which you are using to reference your claim to. That should be simple enough for you to provide some little bit of proof.

Like I wrote earlier: science doesn't prove theories.

I posted the link; you replied to it.

You can review the evidence and remain unconvinced which requires incredible skepticism beyond what would be reasonable or your bias will cause you to dismiss out of hand 150 years of discoveries and work done by very smart people who are passionate about their work which support the theory. They know what they're doing. You don't.

Well, having a minor in mathematics, evolution certainly doesn't cut the muster.

Did you major in Biology? Because math has nothing to do with evolution.
Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates

There's nothing there but a bunch of gaps and conjecture. Probably? Really??

It isn't even close to conjecture. There are gaps but there always will be. But I suppose you have something better?

Yes. Like many of the people of science, I see an intelligence at the helm of all of it. I don't believe in chance. I certainly do not believe in creation via chaos.

Believing that an intelligent agent created life or put into place the conditions for life to arise has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution is simply change in populations of organisms over time.
Generally people that don't understand or believe evolution are looking for a black and white answer. The universe is far more complicated but they reject complicated.

This is why believing in a 'god' is so attractive. One thing, you believe, and no more thinking. Simple.
Isn't the concept of God the Creator is more complicated than any other fucking thing you think is complicated?

Could be. Define God.
Could be. Define God.
Didn't I say "the concept of God the Creator is more complicated than any other thing?" Then, if I admitted to my lack of my understanding of it, how could I define it? I know what I don't know... apparently you don't know what you don't know, that's the difference.
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates
Of course that is merely a totally arbitrary categorization.

[big yawn]


All categories are arbitrary; they exist only in our minds as tools with which to delineate, define, explain, describe, and communicate. That doesn't mean they aren't valid or useful for obtaining information.

How are categories an argument that undermines evolution?
Could be. Define God.
Didn't I say "the concept of God the Creator is more complicated than any other thing?" Then, if I admitted to my lack of my understanding of it, how could I define it? I know what I don't know... apparently you don't know what you don't know, that's the difference.

If you can't define what God is, how can you know the concept is more complicated than any other thing?
If you can't define what God is, how can you know the concept is more complicated than any other thing?
You don't seem to read or not willing to understand what I am saying. I said "God the Creator" Now, consequently that means God created all things... (Are you with me so far?) So, if God created all complicated things isn't God more complicated than all creations? If I cannot understand all the complicated things how could I understand their Creator?
Can you provide any proof of your mad ramblings? Where exactly were these to be found? Why did they move apart from one another? Why did their evolution stop at all? What environmental factors are you speaking of? What was that species of tailless primates called?

Science doesn't "prove" theories. That isn't how scientific theories work.

Fossil remains of primates are found all over the world. Human ancestors' fossils are found primarily in Africa, then southern Asia and Europe.

Evolution hasn't stopped - such a thing can't happen. Time must stop for evolution to stop.

Many environmental factors, too numerous to list, effected the evolution of primates. Other factors include sexual selection, social selection, genetic drift, random mutation, and epigenetics.

There are many tail-less primate species that are extant and extinct. To which one are you referring?

Only to the one to which you are using to reference your claim to. That should be simple enough for you to provide some little bit of proof.

Like I wrote earlier: science doesn't prove theories.

I posted the link; you replied to it.

You can review the evidence and remain unconvinced which requires incredible skepticism beyond what would be reasonable or your bias will cause you to dismiss out of hand 150 years of discoveries and work done by very smart people who are passionate about their work which support the theory. They know what they're doing. You don't.

Well, having a minor in mathematics, evolution certainly doesn't cut the muster.

Did you major in Biology? Because math has nothing to do with evolution.

No. But there are many from all scientific fields who believe in intelligent design. Many of these actually do have degrees in biology. Many are even medical physicians. One was actually called the "Father of modern rocketry."
No. But there are many from all scientific fields who believe in intelligent design. Many of these actually do have degrees in biology. Many are even medical physicians. One was actually called the "Father of modern rocketry."
I read it somewhere that the whole universe is based on high mathematics. So, you are in business.
Some say that we have evolved from more primitive primates. If that is true, with the exception of some political groups, why aren't primates still evolving into people?

Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates
Of course that is merely a totally arbitrary categorization.

[big yawn]


All categories are arbitrary; they exist only in our minds as tools with which to delineate, define, explain, describe, and communicate. That doesn't mean they aren't valid or useful for obtaining information.

How are categories an argument that undermines evolution?
Never argued that they did.

Just putting some perspective on the issue.
If you can't define what God is, how can you know the concept is more complicated than any other thing?
You don't seem to read or not willing to understand what I am saying. I said "God the Creator" Now, consequently that means God created all things... (Are you with me so far?) So, if God created all complicated things isn't God more complicated than all creations? If I cannot understand all the complicated things how could I understand their Creator?

Not only am I reading your posts but I am willing to understand, it's just that I don't understand. Perhaps your perspective is so different from mine that what seems obvious to you is not apparent to me.

I don't think it follows that a creator must be more complicated than the creation. I don't even understand what you mean by complicated because the concept of a creator deity is so vague. How did the creator create? Why? What did the creator envision for creation? What is the ultimate purpose or purposes of creating?

Because the questions are currently unanswerable, how can one claim to know anything at all, beyond speculation, about how complex or simple the concept of the creator God is?
Because what you state is not correct. The great apes and humans share a common ancestor. We did not "evolve from apes," rather humans and apes diverged in the past and took differing evolutionary paths.

Apes and humans continue to evolve.

Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates
Of course that is merely a totally arbitrary categorization.

[big yawn]


All categories are arbitrary; they exist only in our minds as tools with which to delineate, define, explain, describe, and communicate. That doesn't mean they aren't valid or useful for obtaining information.

How are categories an argument that undermines evolution?
Never argued that they did.

Just putting some perspective on the issue.

If what you're doing is putting perspective on that because the theories of evolution are theories and therefore subject to doubt? Perfectly reasonable and appropriate.

If it's that because these theories aren't proven, they are invalid? Then you dismiss the power of the human mind, the power of the scientific method, and of logic and reason. I can show how these things are very powerful and dismissal would be unreasonable.
Could you provide exactly who that common ancestor was supposed to be?

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans are called hominins. There is fossil, genetic, and immunological evidence of these organisms and of their ancestry to both us and chimpanzees. The evolutionary divergence happened approximately 7mya.

Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates

There's nothing there but a bunch of gaps and conjecture. Probably? Really??

It isn't even close to conjecture. There are gaps but there always will be. But I suppose you have something better?

Yes. Like many of the people of science, I see an intelligence at the helm of all of it. I don't believe in chance. I certainly do not believe in creation via chaos.

Believing that an intelligent agent created life or put into place the conditions for life to arise has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution is simply change in populations of organisms over time.

Well, you're doing better than I am on deciding exactly what is being discussed on this thread. Sometimes I think we are discussing the Creation, the Big Bang. Next, I see a post along the lines of microevolution. Then I see a post along the lines of macroevolution. Then there are just nonsense post of hate and disrespect. I really have no idea exactly what the discussion actually is myself.
Science doesn't "prove" theories. That isn't how scientific theories work.

Fossil remains of primates are found all over the world. Human ancestors' fossils are found primarily in Africa, then southern Asia and Europe.

Evolution hasn't stopped - such a thing can't happen. Time must stop for evolution to stop.

Many environmental factors, too numerous to list, effected the evolution of primates. Other factors include sexual selection, social selection, genetic drift, random mutation, and epigenetics.

There are many tail-less primate species that are extant and extinct. To which one are you referring?

Only to the one to which you are using to reference your claim to. That should be simple enough for you to provide some little bit of proof.

Like I wrote earlier: science doesn't prove theories.

I posted the link; you replied to it.

You can review the evidence and remain unconvinced which requires incredible skepticism beyond what would be reasonable or your bias will cause you to dismiss out of hand 150 years of discoveries and work done by very smart people who are passionate about their work which support the theory. They know what they're doing. You don't.

Well, having a minor in mathematics, evolution certainly doesn't cut the muster.

Did you major in Biology? Because math has nothing to do with evolution.

No. But there are many from all scientific fields who believe in intelligent design. Many of these actually do have degrees in biology. Many are even medical physicians. One was actually called the "Father of modern rocketry."

Belief in Intellgent Design is philosophical not scientific unlesss one broadens the definition of science until astrology is considered scientific. Intelligent Design proponents like Michael Behe and others at the Discovery Institute accept evolution and would argue that evolution is undeniable. They believe it has been guided by an intelligent agent.

Francis Crick is a brilliant scientist. He was the head of the Genome Project and the science advisor to President Bush, among other accomplishments in his field. He is a devout born-again Christian. He knows that evolution is a fact, and that Natural Selection is a theory to describe, explain, and make predictions about evolution.

Atomic theory is a theory. General Relativity is a theory. Germ theory is a theory. Plate tectonics is a theory. But atoms are real. Relativity is real. Germs are real and tectonic plates are real. The theories are frameworks in which to explain, describe, and make predictions of these real facts.

Evolution is no different in the context of theory and fact.

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