Zone1 There has to be a God because there has to be someone who knows everything

OK, that was just a thought that came to me while responding to someone's post over in... Politics, I think.

But seriously, someone has to know absolutely everything. That's bc life on Planet Earth is incredibly complicated (for mere humans).

It blows your mind to think about such things as... Well, once I asked God something like this

How can you keep track of the billions of people living in Earth, all their prayers, their circumstances and etc... ?


I didn't get an answer to that one.. Maybe some day.. LOL
There is no God and you know it
walk among you? I will be your God? you shall be my people? how does that not compute?
well, sort of... but someone can walk among a group of people and NOT be in communication with them or desire them for company

and frankly, I don't think God does desire the company of... all posters here, just my opinion
well, sort of... but someone can walk among a group of people and NOT be in communication with them or desire them for company

and frankly, I don't think God does desire the company of... all posters here, just my opinion
but he was in communication with his creation...adam and more. He actually spoke to them. He doesn't need us, he has everything he NEEDS. However he did, he is a good God, a holy God....we are so lucky that he is good because considering the kinds of gods that man invents, we could have so easily had a bloodthirsty demanding God.

i didn't use the term desire, did I. I certainly didn't mean to. He wants us to want him, to delight in him. But...i do believe that God loves all of us...we are his creation
but he was in communication with his creation...adam and more. He actually spoke to them. He doesn't need us, he has everything he NEEDS. However he did, he is a good God, a holy God....we are so lucky that he is good because considering the kinds of gods that man invents, we could have so easily had a bloodthirsty demanding God.
like the person who took over our country 3 years ago?

yeh... Looks like we need to adhere to His ways just a tad better

otherwise, we will end up in this sick place again after 2024
like the person who took over our country 3 years ago?

yeh... Looks like we need to adhere to His ways just a tad better

otherwise, we will end up in this sick place again after 2024
oh...where was DJT bloodthirsty...we had PEACE, here and in the middle east and the border was secure. Now compare that to Biden starting with Afghanistan up to the open border where AMERICANS ARE DYING FOR HIS POLICIES.

Are you Christian? if so, then the truth will set you free. Try it.
oh...where was DJT bloodthirsty...we had PEACE, here and in the middle east and the border was secure. Now compare that to Biden starting with Afghanistan up to the open border where AMERICANS ARE DYING FOR HIS POLICIES.

Are you Christian? if so, then the truth will set you free. Try it.

that last thing doesn't go with the first things you said. Are you addressing me or... ?

The simple answer is human beings are lawless thugs without Christ in their lives.

But maybe you want a more complicated answer?

He was crucified for all of the above, but really, was there any VALID reason? (other than humans without Jesus are... shall we say: "worthless")
jesus, sinless, paid for our sins, past present and future so that the relationship between us and God might be repaired. The first Adam brought sin into the world and destroyed our relationship with God. The second Adam, Jesus, by his sacrifice restored that relationship.

You realize that was his job and he would have done that Job assigned to him by his Father, our father, regardless. There was no rescue and he knew that, otherwise we would still be lost in our sins.
oh...where was DJT bloodthirsty...we had PEACE, here and in the middle east and the border was secure. Now compare that to Biden starting with Afghanistan up to the open border where AMERICANS ARE DYING FOR HIS POLICIES.

Are you Christian? if so, then the truth will set you free. Try it.
I had a 60 year old Catholic male tell me the story of Jonah. He was amazed at the story...seemed he'd never heard it before and he ws telling it to me...a protestant as if it was probably news to me. Protestant kids are weaned on that stuff. of the things the protestant churches fail to do is to go deeper into the story, any of these bible stories for that matter....THAT is where it gets most interesting.
jesus, sinless, paid for our sins, past present and future so that the relationship between us and God might be repaired. The first Adam brought sin into the world and destroyed our relationship with God. The second Adam, Jesus, by his sacrifice restored that relationship.

You realize that was his job and he would have done that Job assigned to him by his Father, our father, regardless. There was no rescue and he knew that, otherwise we would still be lost in our sins.
If you believe in Once Saved Always saved, well, you are INCORRECT to believe that and against the Bible

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that (in case you're thinking that Catholics don't go by the Bible, a total MYTH)

It's so ironic.. People who claim to go by the Bible, and that alone, believe in something that is not in the Bible--- not even implicitly.

You can be saved, but that does NOT mean you will stay saved and you most assuredly will NOT if you commit mortal sin after being saved

Mt 18:23
I had a 60 year old Catholic male tell me the story of Jonah. He was amazed at the story...seemed he'd never heard it before and he ws telling it to me...a protestant as if it was probably news to me. Protestant kids are weaned on that stuff. of the things the protestant churches fail to do is to go deeper into the story, any of these bible stories for that matter....THAT is where it gets most interesting.
It's a great MYTH that Catholics don't know Scripture. I know it better than any Catholic or Protestants I've ever met (as far as I can ascertain)

I've read the entire DR Bible and am reading through certain parts over again. Also, Catholics hear the entire Bible (minus mundanities) every 3 years if they go to Mass daily.

I dare say no one on this board knows Scripture better than I do. Accuse me of bragging all you want.. it happens to be (very likely) the truth.

That does not make me a certifiable theologian, but ... well, there is this: I've never once heard or seen on this board any non-Catholic who made the same claim (that he or she had read the entire Bible)

So that's interesting. How can you do Bible only when you haven't read the whole thing?
It's a great MYTH that Catholics don't know Scripture. I know it better than any Catholic or Protestants I've ever met (as far as I can ascertain)

I've read the entire DR Bible and am reading through certain parts over again. Also, Catholics hear the entire Bible (minus mundanities) every 3 years if they go to Mass daily.

I dare say no one on this board knows Scripture better than I do. Accuse me of bragging all you want.. it happens to be (very likely) the truth.

That does not make me a certifiable theologian, but ... well, there is this: I've never once heard or seen on this board any non-Catholic who made the same claim (that he or she had read the entire Bible)

So that's interesting. How can you do Bible only when you haven't read the whole thing?
That's good you know so much.....more than actual biblical scholars... AWESOME...but then why are you asking some of the questions you do?
OK, that was just a thought that came to me while responding to someone's post over in... Politics, I think.

But seriously, someone has to know absolutely everything. That's bc life on Planet Earth is incredibly complicated (for mere humans).

It blows your mind to think about such things as... Well, once I asked God something like this

How can you keep track of the billions of people living in Earth, all their prayers, their circumstances and etc... ?


I didn't get an answer to that one.. Maybe some day.. LOL
If you have read the bible so many times, and UNDERSTOOD WHAT you were reading, you wouldn't be asking this question.
well he already answered that in his word....I imagine he is fatigued with repeating himself since he left us The Instruction Book. The following from a psalmist about 2000 years ago.

O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar” (Psalm 139:1-2).

Proverbs 15:3 - The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
i forgot this one to come back and include this one which i particularly like.

…15“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the son of her womb? Even if she could forget, I will not forget you! 16Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me. Isaiah 49:15-16

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