There is no democracy



Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.

Now I thought the rich were Republican. Why have the Democrats been the dominant party for almost the last century again?


BTW, you need to tighten up the tinfoil, I can still read your thoughts
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.

And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.

And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?
Koch voted for Obama? Really? Maybe because they lost their asses in the 2007 crash.
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.

And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?
Koch voted for Obama? Really? Maybe because they lost their asses in the 2007 crash.

Wow, you didn't read the discussion at all
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.

We live in a Republic.
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.

And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?
Koch voted for Obama? Really? Maybe because they lost their asses in the 2007 crash.

Wow, you didn't read the discussion at all
I read the OP. I don't need to read the stupid con responses.
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.

And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?
Koch voted for Obama? Really? Maybe because they lost their asses in the 2007 crash.

Wow, you didn't read the discussion at all
I read the OP. I don't need to read the stupid con responses.

You obviously didn't with the response you gave my post
And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?

Who said they did?
Point is, it hardly matters as he holds no real power.
Yes, the president can order a lot of stuff, but he might as well order a pizza for the difference he can really make.

He can't do shit without the will of the rich because they control way too many politicians.
The only way to take back democracy is to make all contributions from companies and interested parties illegal, leaving the politicians to survive on a government budget for election costs.
They'd also have to be banned from taking any cash from anyone for "directorships", even after their terms are over, stopping the likes of bent Blair from lining his pockets after he leaves government.
Obama wants guns taken off the street - no hope because the gun lobby is far too powerful.
Obama wants funds to Israel stopped, or just slowed - fat chance - the arms industry is far too powerful for him to have a hope.

He can't do jack shit because interest groups don't allow it.
Democracy does not exist, never has and never will.
Yes, people vote, but not for the people in power.

In fact the world is run by a small group of very rich people who tell the politicians what to do, paying them off with bribes.
The Supreme Court proved that in 2001 when they anointed Shrub as POTUS. All those judges are "appointed" for life, not elected.

And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?
Koch voted for Obama? Really? Maybe because they lost their asses in the 2007 crash.

Wow, you didn't read the discussion at all
I read the OP. I don't need to read the stupid con responses.
Obama wants guns taken off the street - no hope because the gun lobby is far too powerful.
Obama wants funds to Israel stopped, or just slowed - fat chance - the arms industry is far too powerful for him to have a hope.

He can't do jack shit because interest groups don't allow it.
I once heard a theory, I cannot remember the source, but it goes like this: On the day a brand new president visits the pentagon for the first time he sits in a room with the brass and is shown a film. The film shows the Kennedy assassination from an angle that no one one has ever seen before. Everyone stands up and says: "Do you understand?" and then walks out leaving the president to consider his position in the US power structure.
Obama wants guns taken off the street - no hope because the gun lobby is far too powerful.
Obama wants funds to Israel stopped, or just slowed - fat chance - the arms industry is far too powerful for him to have a hope.

He can't do jack shit because interest groups don't allow it.
I once heard a theory, I cannot remember the source, but it goes like this: On the day a brand new president visits the pentagon for the first time he sits in a room with the brass and is shown a film. The film shows the Kennedy assassination from an angle that no one one has ever seen before. Everyone stands up and says: "Do you understand?" and then walks out leaving the president to consider his position in the US power structure.
Executive Order 11110 - Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury
June 4, 1963

By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended --

(a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j):

"(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption," and

(b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof.

SEC. 2. The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.

June 4, 1963

John F. Kennedy Executive Order 11110 - Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury
And the rich wanted Obama ... twice ... why?

Who said they did?
Point is, it hardly matters as he holds no real power.
Yes, the president can order a lot of stuff, but he might as well order a pizza for the difference he can really make.

He can't do shit without the will of the rich because they control way too many politicians.
The only way to take back democracy is to make all contributions from companies and interested parties illegal, leaving the politicians to survive on a government budget for election costs.
They'd also have to be banned from taking any cash from anyone for "directorships", even after their terms are over, stopping the likes of bent Blair from lining his pockets after he leaves government.

Read ... the ... discussion ...

I was responding to a post, it wasn't a stand alone statement. And BTW, it was sarcastic, which you would know if you ... read ... the ... discussion ...

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