There is no such thing as a worthless war as long as you are killing radical islamics


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Pay attention now. There is no such thing as a worthless war as long as you are killing radical islamics.

Their "religion" teaches them that they need to kill all non radical islamics (i.e. infidels - of any religion or of no religion).

It is either kill or be killed, and it does not matter if you are Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Jewish, Zoroastrian or main stream Islamic. They will kill you just the same. Most of the car bombs kill mainstream Islamics.

It is time the world realize this and make it firm policy that we eliminate all radical islamics as soon as they are identified.

Radical Islam takes its foundation from the time that Mohammed went into the Jewish trading town area of Medina with his merry band of men and SLAUGHTERED most of the Jewish merchants of the town who did not flee. (So much for the islamic claim that Mohammed said that they were to spare the people of the book.)

The religious Jewish men were beheaded in front of their wives and children. The children were sold into slavery or taken as sex slaves (supposedly wives, but this kind of stuff happens to seven and eight year old girls in radical islamic lands to this day) by Muhammed's cutthroat men.

Because of this hideous and despicable act, Medina is one of the Holy Cities of Islam. The manner in which Mohammed beheaded the Jewish merchants is a stylized killing and has been copied in all of the beheading videos that you can see on the Al Jazeera site. All the while the radical islamic men shout out Praise Allah for this human blood sacrifice to him. It is human blood sacrifice. Always remember that. Always!

Any god who asks for human blood sacrifice after Jesus died on the cross is not the real God and not any kind of god. Remind yourself of that fact each and every day that you wake up. Then pray for our troops.
Our state militias need to understand this. If these junior rangers can practice to fight wars, they can be trained to OFF any identified radical islamics in our country. Why won't they step forward?
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Trouble is, the Iraq war was started to create profit for the MIC and for no other reason - not even anti-islamic ideology. We are at war w/Afghanistan because the people responsible for 9-11 have cells there. Now they are in Pakistan as well. If we had not wasted time, money and soldiers' lives in Iraq, we might have been ahead of the game or even making REAL progress in Afghanistan. So yes, these wars are at this point, worthless.

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