There Will Be No 2016 Presidential Election. ISIS Will Nuke US. Chaos Will Prevail

Just think???? If we had minded our own business when Iraq invaded the thieving Kuwaitis then there would be no such thing as Al Kaida or ISIS. Thanks Bush's, Cheney! You really gave the world a gift that just keeps on giving.
Jihad has been going on since 622 AD. Bush and Cheney aren't over 1400 years old.
If anybody thinks that ISIS couldn't be, or wouldn't be, getting nuclear materials from Pakistan (where the same came from that went to Iran, North Korea, and Libya), and have something to base that on, let's hear it.
Whether or not ISIS has nuclear material, I do not know. It makes sense that they would be out to get a nuke or nukes. What I also don't know is: What fucking bank is holding billions of dollars for these people? We can shut down virtually any financial institution on the planet. If there is a bank holding these funds are we not aware of what bank it is? How could it continue operations? Something doesn't smell right. Are they rolling around with a semi full of hundred dollar bills? :confused-84:
If anybody thinks that ISIS couldn't be, or wouldn't be, getting nuclear materials from Pakistan (where the same came from that went to Iran, North Korea, and Libya), and have something to base that on, let's hear it.

Is it possible? Sure. Just as its possible that Al Qaeda could have gotten nuclear material. Hell Tom Clancy postulated Palestinians using an atomic bomb against the united States what 20 year ago?

Is it likely- no.

Pakistan has no love for ISIS, nor would Pakistan have anyway of preventing ISIS from using such a nuclear weapon against Pakistan.

Remember- the majority of ISIS attacks have been against Muslims- the governments ISIS has been targeting have been the governments of Muslim countries. IF ISIS were to get a nuclear weapon it is far more likely to be used against Riyadh than the United States.
Since when have my fellow Americans become such consumers of fear?
It's only your fellow conservative Americans.
FALSE! Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop, is not "your fellow conservative Americans"

Isis s dirty bomb Jihadists have seized enough radioactive material to build their first WMD - Middle East - World - The Independent

I asked when Americans like yourself became such flaming cowards.

Australians can deal with their own fear mongers.
While news media are scurrying around covering all the candidates of the 2016 presidential election (including reporters chasing Hillary Clinton like teenage girls chasing after the Beatles), they are ignoring the only one real story needing to be covered.

That is that ISIS has acquired nuclear material to make atomic bombs and has all the planning and methodology to easily get them into the US. They probably already have, while clueless Obama flounders around in the White House, constantly pretending that he knows anything about what he's doing. In reality, Obama might as well be lost in the New York woods, as well as where he is. He (and other world leaders) are sitting still while ISIS has acquired Billions$$, and is purchasing nukes from corrupt officials in Pakistan.

Gen. John Kelly, commander of U.S. Southern Command, said just recently that ISIS could in fact tap into Latin-American smuggling operations (Mexican drug cartels), and use those existing networks to transport nuclear weapons into the United States. ISIS has set up a training camp in the Mexican desert just 10 miles from the US border near El Paso, Texas.

The strategy is aligned with how drugs are transported from West Africa through Europe and other spots, using existing Boko Haram members in Nigeria to expedite the process. Boko Haram pledged allegiance to ISIS just two months ago.

Kidnapped British photojournalist John Cantlie, wrote: “The Islamic State has billions of dollars in the bank, so they call on their wilayah in Pakistan to purchase a nuclear device through weapons deals with links to corrupt officials in the region. The weapon is then transported over land until it makes it to Libya, where the mujahidin [fighters] move it south to Nigeria. Drug shipments from Columbia bound for Europe pass through West Africa so moving other types of contraband from East to West is just as possible.

Australia’s foreign minister, Julie Bishop, said that ISIS has seized sufficient quantities of radioactive material that it could use to build a dirty bomb. According to the Independent, not only has the group publicized its intent to develop such a weapon, but intelligence reports suggest ISIS has actually gathered the necessary materials from laboratories and other installations.

As of now, there has been no response from the U.S. military or intelligence services about the Australian foreign minister’s comments. Well, of course not. Obama is in charge over all of them, and he is paralyzed with fear, and ignorance of his job, while he endangers everyone in America.

As for the president, let us now also have the guts and wisdom to use all legal and constitutional means to remove this profoundly unworthy and dangerous man from office before all is lost. For now, I'm guessing that we won't be around to see a 2016 presidential election, and if any of us are, we may wish we weren't. Hope I'm wrong.

Better fortify your double wide
Whether or not ISIS has nuclear material, I do not know. It makes sense that they would be out to get a nuke or nukes. What I also don't know is: What fucking bank is holding billions of dollars for these people? We can shut down virtually any financial institution on the planet. If there is a bank holding these funds are we not aware of what bank it is? How could it continue operations? Something doesn't smell right. Are they rolling around with a semi full of hundred dollar bills? :confused-84:
Ex- 4 Star US Army General Jack Keane has been saying, for a year now, that we should shut down ISIS banking. Nothing has been done on that. Just another example of the do nothing presidency.
Is it possible? Sure. Just as its possible that Al Qaeda could have gotten nuclear material. Hell Tom Clancy postulated Palestinians using an atomic bomb against the united States what 20 year ago?
Is it likely- no.
Pakistan has no love for ISIS, nor would Pakistan have anyway of preventing ISIS from using such a nuclear weapon against Pakistan.
Remember- the majority of ISIS attacks have been against Muslims- the governments ISIS has been targeting have been the governments of Muslim countries. IF ISIS were to get a nuclear weapon it is far more likely to be used against Riyadh than the United States.

Here's a reminder of what is in the OP (with emphasis added) >> "...while ISIS has acquired Billions$$, and is purchasing nukes from corrupt officials in Pakistan."
If dying was your thing, you wouldn't have been here to post this post. So in some way you think it's bad, or you wouldn't be here now ?

Hey,. I want to save the planet, don't you?

As long as there's a human alive the planet cannot be safe for humankind!

Think on long as you're allowed to.
If dying was your thing, you wouldn't have been here to post this post. So in some way you think it's bad, or you wouldn't be here now ?

Hey,. I want to save the planet, don't you?

As long as there's a human alive the planet cannot be safe for humankind!

Think on long as you're allowed to.
Time to change the oil in my car. The clear, bubbling brook across the road is a great place to dump the dirty oil.
If dying was your thing, you wouldn't have been here to post this post. So in some way you think it's bad, or you wouldn't be here now ?

Hey,. I want to save the planet, don't you?

As long as there's a human alive the planet cannot be safe for humankind!

Think on long as you're allowed to.
Time to change the oil in my car. The clear, bubbling brook across the road is a great place to dump the dirty oil.

Now that is the proper Republican Environmental concern.
Is it possible? Sure. Just as its possible that Al Qaeda could have gotten nuclear material. Hell Tom Clancy postulated Palestinians using an atomic bomb against the united States what 20 year ago?
Is it likely- no.
Pakistan has no love for ISIS, nor would Pakistan have anyway of preventing ISIS from using such a nuclear weapon against Pakistan.
Remember- the majority of ISIS attacks have been against Muslims- the governments ISIS has been targeting have been the governments of Muslim countries. IF ISIS were to get a nuclear weapon it is far more likely to be used against Riyadh than the United States.

Here's a reminder of what is in the OP (with emphasis added) >> "...while ISIS has acquired Billions$$, and is purchasing nukes from corrupt officials in Pakistan."

I never bother to read your OP's- they are always the same kind of alarmist BS.

Like I said- IF ISIS were to get nukes- the ones who should be afraid are other Muslims- especially Pakistan.
Since when have my fellow Americans become such consumers of fear?
Remember when Republicans weren't gaping pussies?
When we are being dictated to by a ruthless dictating asshole like Obama, it's easy to be fearful of our Country's future.

I just wish you RWingnuts would get your story straight.

One day, Obama is weak and ineffective, totally powerless.

The next day he is a "ruthless dictating asshole".....

Hmmmm, so many weird, inexplicable contradictions in Conservaunicornland.

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