There's More to 9-11 Then Fires and Freefall

I watched this, and have a couple of questions about this video, my friend.

Do you really believe Rivera is on your side when he refers to the truth members as "the most obnoxious protesters in recent years" and tells them to "get a life"?

And why does Bob McIlvaine waffle and evade when Rivera asks him if he thinks the 1400 engineers and architects support his contention that it was an inside job?

Finally, on a further note, you do understand that Geraldo only runs segments that will bring viewers and ratings for his program, right? He will do and say anything for his own advantage.

Rivera did a 2 hour special in 1986, digging out a dirt filled vault under a sidewalk in Chicago because he thought it was Al Capone's secret hiding place. He thought it would boost his ratings. When all was said and done, he only found a couple of empty bottles. It took him years to get over that humiliation.

Geraldo should not be your go-to guy. You need to find someone who has some credibility.
LOL, I remember what a fool he looked like back then, but whether he is sincere about building 7 or not, the exposure to the anomaly by more people will hopefully cause them to see that the governments version of 9-11 is full of holes and BS. Hell David Ray Griffin advocates "a theology for a new world order" which is against the sovereignty of the nation, and makes one question his motive for revealing the lies of 9-11. I guess we'll deal with that when the time comes, meanwhile I'll take his help in exposing the criminals responsible for 9-11 and the cover up for now.

I watched this, and have a couple of questions about this video, my friend.

Do you really believe Rivera is on your side when he refers to the truth members as "the most obnoxious protesters in recent years" and tells them to "get a life"?

And why does Bob McIlvaine waffle and evade when Rivera asks him if he thinks the 1400 engineers and architects support his contention that it was an inside job?

Finally, on a further note, you do understand that Geraldo only runs segments that will bring viewers and ratings for his program, right? He will do and say anything for his own advantage.

Rivera did a 2 hour special in 1986, digging out a dirt filled vault under a sidewalk in Chicago because he thought it was Al Capone's secret hiding place. He thought it would boost his ratings. When all was said and done, he only found a couple of empty bottles. It took him years to get over that humiliation.

Geraldo should not be your go-to guy. You need to find someone who has some credibility.

And this above all else proves the bullshit of the "truth" movement.

PE pisses and moans that no one will watch his/her videos because they "are afraid of the truth".

I watch one of them, then ask him/her to answer some questions. Instead of doing so, he/she blows right by, and posts a nonsense number of cultists to his/her theory.

"Truthers" just expect us to believe their malarkey without question because they are in sole possession of "the truth". And they consider questioning of "the truth" to be beneath them, and not worthy of a reply.

In my opinion, PE refused to reply because he/she would have been answering from a position of weakness. Any attempt on his/her part to reply now would be nothing but a weak attempt to save face, because he/she would have answered already had the facts been on his/her side. Instead all it could do was try to show that 1412 cult members mean more than all the other people on a planet of over 6 billion human beings.
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I watched this, and have a couple of questions about this video, my friend.

Do you really believe Rivera is on your side when he refers to the truth members as "the most obnoxious protesters in recent years" and tells them to "get a life"?

And why does Bob McIlvaine waffle and evade when Rivera asks him if he thinks the 1400 engineers and architects support his contention that it was an inside job?

Finally, on a further note, you do understand that Geraldo only runs segments that will bring viewers and ratings for his program, right? He will do and say anything for his own advantage.

Rivera did a 2 hour special in 1986, digging out a dirt filled vault under a sidewalk in Chicago because he thought it was Al Capone's secret hiding place. He thought it would boost his ratings. When all was said and done, he only found a couple of empty bottles. It took him years to get over that humiliation.

Geraldo should not be your go-to guy. You need to find someone who has some credibility.

And this above all else proves the bullshit of the "truth" movement.

PE pisses and moans that no one will watch his/her videos because they "are afraid of the truth".

I watch one of them, then ask him/her to answer some questions. Instead of doing so, he/she blows right by, and posts a nonsense number of cultists to his/her theory.

"Truthers" just expect us to believe their malarkey without question because they are in sole possession of "the truth". And they consider questioning of "the truth" to be beneath them, and not worthy of a reply.

In my opinion, PE refused to reply because he/she would have been answering from a position of weakness. Any attempt on his/her part to reply now would be nothing but a weak attempt to save face, because he/she would have answered already had the facts been on his/her side. Instead all it could do was try to show that 1412 cult members mean more than all the other people on a planet of over 6 billion human beings.

So you are so completely deluded you believe that the other 6 billion people on the planet support the Bush administration version of events and this fallacy is the premise of your arguments
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I watched this, and have a couple of questions about this video, my friend.

Do you really believe Rivera is on your side when he refers to the truth members as "the most obnoxious protesters in recent years" and tells them to "get a life"?

And why does Bob McIlvaine waffle and evade when Rivera asks him if he thinks the 1400 engineers and architects support his contention that it was an inside job?

Finally, on a further note, you do understand that Geraldo only runs segments that will bring viewers and ratings for his program, right? He will do and say anything for his own advantage.

Rivera did a 2 hour special in 1986, digging out a dirt filled vault under a sidewalk in Chicago because he thought it was Al Capone's secret hiding place. He thought it would boost his ratings. When all was said and done, he only found a couple of empty bottles. It took him years to get over that humiliation.

Geraldo should not be your go-to guy. You need to find someone who has some credibility.

And this above all else proves the bullshit of the "truth" movement.

PE pisses and moans that no one will watch his/her videos because they "are afraid of the truth".

I watch one of them, then ask him/her to answer some questions. Instead of doing so, he/she blows right by, and posts a nonsense number of cultists to his/her theory.

"Truthers" just expect us to believe their malarkey without question because they are in sole possession of "the truth". And they consider questioning of "the truth" to be beneath them, and not worthy of a reply.

In my opinion, PE refused to reply because he/she would have been answering from a position of weakness. Any attempt on his/her part to reply now would be nothing but a weak attempt to save face, because he/she would have answered already had the facts been on his/her side. Instead all it could do was try to show that 1412 cult members mean more than all the other people on a planet of over 6 billion human beings.

So you are so completely deluded you belive that the other 6 billion people on the planet support the Bush adminastration version of events and this fallcy is the premis of your arguments
most likely the over whelming majority dont give two shits either way
And this above all else proves the bullshit of the "truth" movement.

PE pisses and moans that no one will watch his/her videos because they "are afraid of the truth".

I watch one of them, then ask him/her to answer some questions. Instead of doing so, he/she blows right by, and posts a nonsense number of cultists to his/her theory.

"Truthers" just expect us to believe their malarkey without question because they are in sole possession of "the truth". And they consider questioning of "the truth" to be beneath them, and not worthy of a reply.

In my opinion, PE refused to reply because he/she would have been answering from a position of weakness. Any attempt on his/her part to reply now would be nothing but a weak attempt to save face, because he/she would have answered already had the facts been on his/her side. Instead all it could do was try to show that 1412 cult members mean more than all the other people on a planet of over 6 billion human beings.

So you are so completely deluded you believe that the other 6 billion people on the planet support the Bush administration version of events and this fallacy is the premise of your arguments
most likely the over whelming majority dont give two shits either way

which means what in context ?
And this above all else proves the bullshit of the "truth" movement.

PE pisses and moans that no one will watch his/her videos because they "are afraid of the truth".

I watch one of them, then ask him/her to answer some questions. Instead of doing so, he/she blows right by, and posts a nonsense number of cultists to his/her theory.

"Truthers" just expect us to believe their malarkey without question because they are in sole possession of "the truth". And they consider questioning of "the truth" to be beneath them, and not worthy of a reply.

In my opinion, PE refused to reply because he/she would have been answering from a position of weakness. Any attempt on his/her part to reply now would be nothing but a weak attempt to save face, because he/she would have answered already had the facts been on his/her side. Instead all it could do was try to show that 1412 cult members mean more than all the other people on a planet of over 6 billion human beings.

So you are so completely deluded you belive that the other 6 billion people on the planet support the Bush adminastration version of events and this fallcy is the premis of your arguments
most likely the over whelming majority dont give two shits either way

I disagree with you dive...

I think the overwhelming majority would be horrified to find out that the Government had a hand in the planning of an attack on it's own country. It would effect governments from Norway to Australia in terms of the aftermath of supporting the actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Which is why politically an attack would never go forward.

Which is why financially, an attack would never go forward since the silly argument that it was all done for one man to get an insurance windfall would hinge on the ability to the US Government to keep a secret--something it sucks at.

Which is why logistically, an attack would never go forward. Way too many moving pieces, competing agendas (Larry Silverstein really cares about an oil pipeline in Afghanistan?, Bush & Co really care about Larry's insurance claim?)

But getting back to your post, the international angle on the story would cause widespread consternation for decades.
Opinions are like assholes, eots. Everyone has them and some really smell like ass. None of the people you just presented have any evidence their opinions are actually true.
Opinions are like assholes, eots. Everyone has them and some really smell like ass. None of the people you just presented have any evidence their opinions are actually true.

You dont have anything but commentary. Here are some more facts for you to avoid. You're disgusting.

WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives:

1. Rapid onset of collapse

2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a second before the building's destruction

3.Symmetrical "structural failure" -- through the path of greatest resistance -- at free-fall acceleration

4. Imploded, collapsing completely, and landed in its own footprint

5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

6. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional

7. Fore-knowledge of "collapse" by media, NYPD, FDNY

In the the aftermath of WTC7's destruction, strong evidence of demolition using incendary devices was discovered:

8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

9. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly-qualified witnesses

10. Chemical signature of thermite (high tech incendiary) found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples
So you are so completely deluded you belive that the other 6 billion people on the planet support the Bush adminastration version of events and this fallcy is the premis of your arguments
most likely the over whelming majority dont give two shits either way

I disagree with you dive...

I think the overwhelming majority would be horrified to find out that the Government had a hand in the planning of an attack on it's own country. It would effect governments from Norway to Australia in terms of the aftermath of supporting the actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Which is why politically an attack would never go forward.

Which is why financially, an attack would never go forward since the silly argument that it was all done for one man to get an insurance windfall would hinge on the ability to the US Government to keep a secret--something it sucks at.

Which is why logistically, an attack would never go forward. Way too many moving pieces, competing agendas (Larry Silverstein really cares about an oil pipeline in Afghanistan?, Bush & Co really care about Larry's insurance claim?)

But getting back to your post, the international angle on the story would cause widespread consternation for decades.
so, you think the millions in India and China that are struggling just to survive really give 2 shits what happened in America, either way?

sorry, i think what consumes most of their time is survival
There's More to 9-11 Then Fires and Freefall

Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.
First of all *YOU* are the one POSTING the conspiracy theory. Second, basic grammar should be a whole lot easier to tackle than, get that, THAN not THEN, the dumb ass theory you posted.

Get a grasp on basic grammar ya dumb fuck, then try and convince someone of the bat shit crazy ideas you believe in. You'll be a tad more credible by sounding like you at least graduated high school.
Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.
First of all *YOU* are the one POSTING the conspiracy theory. Second, basic grammar should be a whole lot easier to tackle than, get that, THAN not THEN, the dumb ass theory you posted.

Get a grasp on basic grammar ya dumb fuck, then try and convince someone of the bat shit crazy ideas you believe in. You'll be a tad more credible by sounding like you at least graduated high school.
This thread isn't about basic grammar asshole, it's obviously about a topic you don't care about, and can only try to comment on by criticizing ones spelling. And FWIW the governments story IS a CONSPIRACY theory, that does not hold up as credible upon further review, and depends on idiots like yourself not questioning it to work. You can pay such close attention to spelling miscues, but are totally oblivious to being lied to about the most devastating attack in your country's history? Now that is the sign of a real dumbfuck. Go back to sleep.
Opinions are like assholes, eots. Everyone has them and some really smell like ass. None of the people you just presented have any evidence their opinions are actually true.

You dont have anything but commentary. Here are some more facts for you to avoid. You're disgusting.

WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives:

1. Rapid onset of collapse

2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a second before the building's destruction

3.Symmetrical "structural failure" -- through the path of greatest resistance -- at free-fall acceleration

4. Imploded, collapsing completely, and landed in its own footprint

5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

6. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional

7. Fore-knowledge of "collapse" by media, NYPD, FDNY

In the the aftermath of WTC7's destruction, strong evidence of demolition using incendary devices was discovered:

8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

9. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly-qualified witnesses

10. Chemical signature of thermite (high tech incendiary) found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples
Oh but please! Don't misspell any words, that will just prove that what you post is not true!! :lol::lol::lol: Fuckin' OCTASSes, they know how to spell, and know what ass smells like, but don't have a clue about the most tragic event, and cover up in American history...Go figure :lol:

OCTASSes= Official Conspiracy Theory Apologetic Stupid Sheeple (Scum) take your pick :lol:
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.
First of all *YOU* are the one POSTING the conspiracy theory. Second, basic grammar should be a whole lot easier to tackle than, get that, THAN not THEN, the dumb ass theory you posted.

Get a grasp on basic grammar ya dumb fuck, then try and convince someone of the bat shit crazy ideas you believe in. You'll be a tad more credible by sounding like you at least graduated high school.
This thread isn't about basic grammar asshole, it's obviously about a topic you don't care about, and can only try to comment on by criticizing ones spelling. And FWIW the governments story IS a CONSPIRACY theory, that does not hold up as credible upon further review, and depends on idiots like yourself not questioning it to work. You can pay such close attention to spelling miscues, but are totally oblivious to being lied to about the most devastating attack in your country's history? Now that is the sign of a real dumbfuck. Go back to sleep.

It is sad that you cannot use basic grammar.
most likely the over whelming majority dont give two shits either way

I disagree with you dive...

I think the overwhelming majority would be horrified to find out that the Government had a hand in the planning of an attack on it's own country. It would effect governments from Norway to Australia in terms of the aftermath of supporting the actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Which is why politically an attack would never go forward.

Which is why financially, an attack would never go forward since the silly argument that it was all done for one man to get an insurance windfall would hinge on the ability to the US Government to keep a secret--something it sucks at.

Which is why logistically, an attack would never go forward. Way too many moving pieces, competing agendas (Larry Silverstein really cares about an oil pipeline in Afghanistan?, Bush & Co really care about Larry's insurance claim?)

But getting back to your post, the international angle on the story would cause widespread consternation for decades.
so, you think the millions in India and China that are struggling just to survive really give 2 shits what happened in America, either way?

sorry, i think what consumes most of their time is survival

Point taken short term. Long term, if such were ever uncovered , the government would fall for all intent and purposes and when you're talking about the US, it would effect, likely 95 percent of the world's population because we are the one indispensable nation.
Sorry Jones, but it's...

... There's More To 9-11 *THAN* Fires and Freefall... not *then*.

How can one even begin to consider your conspiracy theory if you're not even intelligent enough to get basic grammar right?
First of all, it is not my conspiracy theory, but the governments that is questionable and the topic, and whoop de fucking do one letter in one word is misspelled lol! How about dealing with the topic instead.
First of all *YOU* are the one POSTING the conspiracy theory. Second, basic grammar should be a whole lot easier to tackle than, get that, THAN not THEN, the dumb ass theory you posted.

Get a grasp on basic grammar ya dumb fuck, then try and convince someone of the bat shit crazy ideas you believe in. You'll be a tad more credible by sounding like you at least graduated high school.

First of all *YOU* are the one POSTING the conspiracy theory. Second, basic grammar should be a whole lot easier to tackle than, get that, THAN not THEN, the dumb ass theory you posted.

Get a grasp on basic grammar ya dumb fuck, then try and convince someone of the bat shit crazy ideas you believe in. You'll be a tad more credible by sounding like you at least graduated high school.
This thread isn't about basic grammar asshole, it's obviously about a topic you don't care about, and can only try to comment on by criticizing ones spelling. And FWIW the governments story IS a CONSPIRACY theory, that does not hold up as credible upon further review, and depends on idiots like yourself not questioning it to work. You can pay such close attention to spelling miscues, but are totally oblivious to being lied to about the most devastating attack in your country's history? Now that is the sign of a real dumbfuck. Go back to sleep.

It is sad that you cannot use basic grammar.

Registered User
"When Twoofers have to result to counting dumpsters..they're out of shit to talk about"
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most likely the over whelming majority dont give two shits either way

I disagree with you dive...

I think the overwhelming majority would be horrified to find out that the Government had a hand in the planning of an attack on it's own country. It would effect governments from Norway to Australia in terms of the aftermath of supporting the actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Which is why politically an attack would never go forward.

Which is why financially, an attack would never go forward since the silly argument that it was all done for one man to get an insurance windfall would hinge on the ability to the US Government to keep a secret--something it sucks at.

Which is why logistically, an attack would never go forward. Way too many moving pieces, competing agendas (Larry Silverstein really cares about an oil pipeline in Afghanistan?, Bush & Co really care about Larry's insurance claim?)

But getting back to your post, the international angle on the story would cause widespread consternation for decades.
so, you think the millions in India and China that are struggling just to survive really give 2 shits what happened in America, either way?

sorry, i think what consumes most of their time is survival

China does not have free access to information or the ability to voice political opinion but India is a very different place and on a whole the population is extremely political and aware and does not spend most of its time struggling for survival

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