There's No Way Around It, A Christian Cannot Possibly Believe In More Than Two Genders!

You understand what I am saying.

No I really don't, and furthermore,.. to the poster who was talking about being born with both gender privates,.. that's not even an extra gender. That's just plain deformity and birth effects.
Haven't we all backslid at some point in our lives? And I was reading a comment on YouTube that said if they had a dollar for every gender that existed that they would have two dollars and a bunch of counterfeits.
Gender is just a play on words, nothing more.
No I really don't, and furthermore,.. to the poster who was talking about being born with both gender privates,.. that's not even an extra gender. That's just plain deformity and birth effects.

So birth defects aren't sins?
WTF are you on about!? Of course they aren't!! You really need to open up your Bible and let some fresh air in. Honestly! :rolleyes:

So it's impossible for things to go haywire in the womb where sexuality is concerned?
Yes you do.

You aren't preaching the gospel, you are preaching hate.

No I don't and I am preaching the truth,.. you just don't like it and you don't want to hear it.
No I don't and I am preaching the truth,.. you just don't like it and you don't want to hear it.

You are the one evading. Why is it only sight or similar that can go wrong in the womb? (I know, you don't understand the question)
If the body is set up to produce sperm it's male if it's set up to produce ovaries it's female.
You are the one evading. Why is it only sight or similar that can go wrong in the womb? (I know, you don't understand the question)

Ohhh,.. now I understand the question. It's because God never classified those things as sin and it doesn't go against DNA and biology. It was the way you worded it that I didn't understand. Anyways, if you want more clarification,.. watch this video.

Ohhh,.. now I understand the question. It's because God never classified those things as sin and it doesn't go against DNA and biology. It was the way you worded it that I didn't understand. Anyways, if you want more clarification,.. watch this video.

I'm not interested in a video. Right, God never classified what goes on in the womb as a sin. Only you (and many others) do.
At least a true Christian anyways.
That's funny.
How many here on this board "Identify as a True Christian"?

The answer is ZERO.
There is not a single person typing away at their keyboard on this site is is guided by ALL Christian Principles and Actually Lives by these same Principles.
I'm not interested in a video. Right, God never classified what goes on in the womb as a sin. Only you (and many others) do.

A Transgender child isn't conceived in the womb!!! You need to get that through your thick skull!!! They are nine times out of ten only born with male or female parts!! They develop whether they want to be a different gender later in life and that's usually through the media, peer pressure, or their parents' encouragement.
At least a true Christian anyways. For everybody knows that in the beginning God made Adam and then formed Eve from his rib. Yet, all of the time I hear about churches who embrace Transgender people and call them whatever fake gender they want to be called that they identify as. Which there's a difference between accepting them, and totally embracing them. God's probably sitting up there in Heaven right now thinking that they all have lost their minds as they should already know that He only ever created two genders. This is right up there with the Queen James' Bible that I posted about and I honestly don't know which is worse. Will the madness ever end?
Gender has nothing to do with religion.
It is a biological condition, and yes, of course, there are only two genders.
There is not a single person typing away at their keyboard on this site is is guided by ALL Christian Principles and Actually Lives by these same Principles.

That's because all fall short to the glory of God.

Gender has nothing to do with religion.
It is a biological condition, and yes, of course, there are only two genders.

Yes that's true, I was only trying to make a point.

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