There's No Way Around It, A Christian Cannot Possibly Believe In More Than Two Genders!

God didn't write the Bible. The ancient Jews wrote the Bible. They kept themselves separate from others. Maintained their identity with their own laws and rituals, but they didn't put gays to death.

Btw, do you read the Queen James Bible by any chance?
No, disabilities people can't choose. To be a different gender and to think certain people are attractive are preferences.

Says you. I say people who can't see are liars they can see. They are just lazy and want special parking spaces.

No one would have chosen to be ostracized and discriminated against.

You just can't let go of your hate for something you simply don't understand.
Actually, you are using His name in vain. You're pasting it onto your personal ideas and preferences, and presenting them as His. That's as "in vain" as it gets.
Again, you would know that if you had read the instruction manual, instead of flattering yourself that you're "smart enough" to reinvent that wheel for yourself.

The Glory is His ... His Grace is His.
I listen to Him more than you.

If you have a problem with that ... Take it up with Him.
I don't try to speak for Him ... Just listen to Him

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The Glory is His ... His Grace is His.
I listen to Him more than you.

If you have a problem with that ... Take it up with Him.
I don't try to speak for Him ... Just listen to Him


Except when it involves actually reading His words, apparently, because you're much "too smart" to need that.

I frankly don't care if you spend all your time in your room, smelling your own farts and thinking it's the perfume of holiness, because I'm a less-than-perfect person in that way. However, I will also continue to listen to God, and to call you out when you try to supplant His word with your own "revelations" from waiting for Him to personally tutor you in all the lessons He already provided, because you're too special for that.

You are acting as a false prophet, and suffering the sin of pride, which you are trying to spread to others. You WILL take that up with God eventually, and that's between you and Him. All I can do is what I was told, which is to denounce and rebuke your error to prevent others from falling into it. If you can't handle being called on your crap, I suggest you stop airing it in public. Otherwise, butch up and learn to live with it.
At least a true Christian anyways. For everybody knows that in the beginning God made Adam and then formed Eve from his rib. Yet, all of the time I hear about churches who embrace Transgender people and call them whatever fake gender they want to be called that they identify as. Which there's a difference between accepting them, and totally embracing them. God's probably sitting up there in Heaven right now thinking that they all have lost their minds as they should already know that He only ever created two genders. This is right up there with the Queen James' Bible that I posted about and I honestly don't know which is worse. Will the madness ever end?
Actually the religious laws ( tribal Hebrew abominations ) were the only ones that forbade transgenderism. So they don't really count. Those were only tribal laws.
Except when it involves actually reading His words, apparently, because you're much "too smart" to need that.

I frankly don't care if you spend all your time in your room, smelling your own farts and thinking it's the perfume of holiness, because I'm a less-than-perfect person in that way. However, I will also continue to listen to God, and to call you out when you try to supplant His word with your own "revelations" from waiting for Him to personally tutor you in all the lessons He already provided, because you're too special for that.

You are acting as a false prophet, and suffering the sin of pride, which you are trying to spread to others. You WILL take that up with God eventually, and that's between you and Him. All I can do is what I was told, which is to denounce and rebuke your error to prevent others from falling into it. If you can't handle being called on your crap, I suggest you stop airing it in public. Otherwise, butch up and learn to live with it.

Yeah ... I think you misunderstood what I meant when I said ... "Take it up with Him."
I don't need you to tell me what He means when He speaks to my heart.

You can think and believe whatever you want, and I will still not fuss about you about anything.
He told me I didn't need to, because He has that covered ... :thup:


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