There's No Way Around It, A Christian Cannot Possibly Believe In More Than Two Genders!

That's funny.
How many here on this board "Identify as a True Christian"?

The answer is ZERO.
There is not a single person typing away at their keyboard on this site is is guided by ALL Christian Principles and Actually Lives by these same Principles.

Excuse me, but do you have a note from God authorizing you to personally define "true Christian"? Because I know you aren't getting that authority from all the non-existent people who respect your opinion and desperately want your approval.
First of all as soon as you start developing private body parts you are either male or female. Second of all, name me one job that wouldn't hire a person who identifies as neither male or female. I don't care what people identify as, I'm just saying that biologically speaking you can only be male or female. Period! End of story! Kindergarten kids can tell you this! Heck, preschoolers even can! :rolleyes:

Actually, you are male or female the instant you have chromosomes.
Excuse me, but do you have a note from God authorizing you to personally define "true Christian"? Because I know you aren't getting that authority from all the non-existent people who respect your opinion and desperately want your approval.
Do you have a note from so-called god

of course you don’t
What about Hermaphrodites? Can they pick and choose their gender? Where do they fit in in the gender wars?

What about them? What possible relevance does a rare birth defect have to a discussion of people with normal anatomy?

You see ... That's why He had to write an instruction manual for some of you folks.
You just cannot figure out shit on your own, just listening to God.

God is Divine ... You don't know His plans, and He isn't really asking you as far as I can tell.


God's plans are manifest. Romans 1:20. In nearly every species there are two genders which procreate to reproduce. This can hardly be denied.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
They have a physical deformity. What would their chromosomes say with a test? What are the hormone levels? Biology is not confused. Those who imagine themselves a different gender are mentally ill.

Actually, their chromosomes are precisely the cause of the defect. There's one form of hermaphroditism where two fertilized eggs fuse, causing an XXY chromosome formation. Another form involves the SRY gene, which controls testosterone and male genitals, migrating to the X chromosome during meiosis, causing the baby to form both male and female genitals.

But again, discussion of a very rare birth defect is irrelevant to this topic, which involves anatomically normal people.

I am talking about God laughing at the idea He needs you to tell anyone what He cannot do.


Well, we can look at what God Himself says about it.

15“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. Matthew 18

19Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. 20But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. 1 Timothy 5

So much for the idea that God doesn't want us to call out churches and other Christians preaching Unchristian behavior.

You see ... That's why He had to write an instruction manual for some of you folks.
You just cannot figure out shit on your own, just listening to God.

God is Divine ... You don't know His plans, and He isn't really asking you as far as I can tell.


He didn't write an instruction manual "for some of us". He wrote it for ALL of us. If you're telling yourself that YOU don't need written instructions, YOU are smart enough to do it yourself, you're doing it wrong, and guilty of the sin of pride. You would know this if you had read the instructions.

By the way, it's also pretty arrogant for you to expect God to repeat Himself just for you, because you want to feel "too smart to need" to read the first time He told you.
That's ironic considering the fact that you believe in all of the new fake and created genders.
You old fool, you don't know what I believe. For the record I think we should live and let live. First do no harm is a good idea. We do know that biology is different from psychology.

He isn't asking you what you think about His Creation.
He is not giving you permission to speak for Him.
He is not limited by whatever shackles you insist on applying.

Well, I don't know ... It's possible you may be worshiping a different God ... Sorry.


"I'm not God, so that means I have to wander around pretending to complete ignorance and inability to know what He wants." I wonder how many things you actually apply this sad attempt at justification to. Do you also not know whether or not pedophilia is wrong, because you figure if God doesn't like it, HE can say something? THEY claim to have been born that way, too. Are we "shackling" God if we say that sexual attraction to children is not a normal and proper part of how He made us?

He might tell you shut the fuck up and quit trying to play God.
I am going to leave the heavy work to Him though ... And I hope it works out for you.


No, He won't . . . unless you want to suggest that God has changed His mind since His first set of instructions, in which case He's not infallible, and therefore not God.

I don't make you look one way or another ... That's your doing.
I haven't tried to tell you what God wants, or what He can do.
You can tell yourself whatever you want to.

Walking in His Light might be a better idea though.
I didn't use His name in vain.

The Glory is His.


Actually, you are using His name in vain. You're pasting it onto your personal ideas and preferences, and presenting them as His. That's as "in vain" as it gets.

Again, you would know that if you had read the instruction manual, instead of flattering yourself that you're "smart enough" to reinvent that wheel for yourself.
Being born unable to see obviously means you can never be a true Christian since God created Adam and Eve with the ability to see,
I dont buy the lib transgender/homosexual genetic birth defect argument

there are a lot people with mental illness which includes the trannies
He didn't write an instruction manual "for some of us". He wrote it for ALL of us.

The Biggest Indoctrination System.

You clowns bitch about CRT, yet the Bible is the largest Brainwashing tool.

How many of you RWI's are posting from home and didn't go to church today?
If you think that there are more than two genders then you are a science denier.

One thing about these stupid uneducated Moon Bats. They don't know anymore about Biology than they know about History, Economics, Climate Science, Ethics or The Constitution.
Me! Me! Me! I went last night. I suggest there might also be a few who are going tonight. ;)
What bullshit did they tell you last night?

Did you have any input, or were you forced to sit there quietly and listen to the forced indoctrination?

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