These are the "People" We are Allowing in This Country

I used to listen to this man on WJR as a guest of Paul W Smith. He was introduced as a MODERATE Arab spokesman

There are plenty of people around the world supporting the Palestinian people from the indiscriminate bombing by the IDF in Gaza...

The ICC has opened a case on this... IDF have dropped 20,000 in just over a month... Can they tell us the 20,000 individual targets they were going for? This looks like blanket bombing one of the most densely populated areas in the world with half of them Children...

Yea, there are people protesting.. They are called the informed...
They are called Hamas supporters
That is the misinformation you believe... Hamas has never had a majority of the people in Palestine and that was 18 years ago...

The vast majority of Palestiaians and Isrealis want peace, they have extremist on both sides trying to undermine that...

First inform ourselves... Here is a good start, this is actual investigative journalism
I hope we wake up before it's too late. These are NOT AMERICAN values. But they are growing

Yes! The Land of the Free can’t allow for dissenting opinions and we have a long history of silencing opposition to war.

You being a pro-war Fascist must love W. “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.”

Here is some history a pro-war Fascist like you will appreciate.
The greatest antiwar activists in American history are largely forgotten. Clement Vallandigham, who was arrested in the middle of the night by Lincoln’s uniformed thugs. Eugene Debs, thrown in jail for protesting WWI. Even the socialist tag doesn’t help his reputation. As I will show in my upcoming The American Memory Hole, many WWII protesters were imprisoned as well, and have been ignored by the court historians. To be fair, the court historians ignore a lot. They have to; it’s the only way they could possibly promote the nonsense they do. Huey Long. Smedley Butler. John T. Flynn, classical liberal journalist and head of the New York chapter of the America First Committee, whose career was “cancelled” by the great FDR himself.
They are called Hamas supporters

When a terror group invades a country and massacred innocent people waking up in the morning, don't cry when that country comes knocking on your door

The Palestinians have never had any right to resist anything the Israelis did to them. Not ever.

The Palestinians have never had any right to resist anything the Israelis did to them. Not ever.

I suspect many American Zionists really believe Israel treats Palestinians with love and respect. Ignoring all the evidence to the contrary.
The Palestinians have never had any right to resist anything the Israelis did to them. Not ever.

One of the rights sought by the Palestinians is the right to destroy Israel. Don’t feed the animals.
Canaan should be a unitary, multi-ethnic, secular society with little to no religious input from any side. The Old City of Jerusalem needs to be administered internationally as a historical site with no religious observances allowed, much like how the Hagia Sophia became a museum. As long as religion and religious dogmas are allowed to rule the discussion, this will never end.
That is the misinformation you believe... Hamas has never had a majority of the people in Palestine and that was 18 years ago...

The vast majority of Palestiaians and Isrealis want peace, they have extremist on both sides trying to undermine that...

First inform ourselves... Here is a good start, this is actual investigative journalism

John Oliver! Seriously? No.
An eye for an eye until the whole world is blind.

The Palestinians have never had a voice nor any right to object to what Israel has done to them for the past 70 years.
That’s not really true. Every time a true peace deal has been on the table they backed out. They do not want peace with Israel.
One of the rights sought by the Palestinians is the right to destroy Israel. Don’t feed the animals.
Has it occurred to you that Palestinians have no ability to destroy Israel, but Israel can destroy Palestinians and is doing it right now?

This quote is for you…
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
― Malcolm X
I hope we wake up before it's too late. These are NOT AMERICAN values. But they are growing

Welcome to the party. For the most part anymore, hard left democrats everywhere including the useless vegetable in the WH are not promoting nor interested in American values! What did people think their cult-head leader Obumma meant when he ran on "fundamental change?" Remember when they wanted to trade free school for signing up kids to a democrat-controlled "national police force?" Many times now, leaders of the democrat party have denounced half the people in this country as either Nazis, deplorables, or terroristic threats to their "democracy," now they are calling for the extermination of Jews while trying to put their top presidential opponent in jail on bogus charges that don't hold an ounce of water just for questioning their long-proven fake 2020 election.

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