These are the "People" We are Allowing in This Country

That’s not really true. Every time a true peace deal has been on the table they backed out. They do not want peace with Israel.
The devil is in the details. After the Oslo agreement Israel was building Jewish only settlements as fast as they could.

An offer for tiny disconnected bantustans is not an offer that is practical.
They want a Jewish state and that means getting rid of the Palestinian majority. Nothing has changed. It was the objective in 1897.
Has it occurred to you that Palestinians have no ability to destroy Israel, but Israel can destroy Palestinians and is doing it right now?

This quote is for you…
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
― Malcolm X
If Israel wanted to destroy Palestinians, they could have done it long ago. However, unlike the “Palestinians”, Israel is not into ethnic cleaning. Moreover, the Israelis today are destroying Hamas, a violent anti-Jewish terror group that just a month ago murdered 1,400 Israeli citizens.

Look, I cannot help it if you choose to spout bullshit. You can spout it all day with your Jew-hating brethren. But it is still bullshit.
The devil is in the details. After the Oslo agreement Israel was building Jewish only settlements as fast as they could.

An offer for tiny disconnected bantustans is not an offer that is practical.
They want a Jewish state and that means getting rid of the Palestinian majority. Nothing has changed. It was the objective in 1897.
Total crap.
One of the rights sought by the Palestinians is the right to destroy Israel. Don’t feed the animals.
It is actually not...

Is there individuals that want it ? Yes
Are there individuals that want to destroy Palestine? Yes

Let's not pretend that they are angels on either side..

I personally support both the Isreali and Palestinian people to live in peace and am very much against extremists like Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas) and Netanyahu... Both of those pricks should be stuck on an island with each other, them and their supporters have eradicated any chance of peace numerous times over the years.
That’s not really true. Every time a true peace deal has been on the table they backed out. They do not want peace with Israel.
Utter horseshit and you are showing your ignorance or dishonesty...

Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government, Israel has stepped up settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, with government ministers openly vowing complete annexation of the territory.

Netanyahu doesn't want peace, he want victory...
If Israel wanted to destroy Palestinians, they could have done it long ago. However, unlike the “Palestinians”, Israel is not into ethnic cleaning. Moreover, the Israelis today are destroying Hamas, a violent anti-Jewish terror group that just a month ago murdered 1,400 Israeli citizens.

Look, I cannot help it if you choose to spout bullshit. You can spout it all day with your Jew-hating brethren. But it is still bullshit.
Lol. Are you blind? Israel is committing genocide right now.

Shut off Fox News and get informed.

Why are you a hateful bigot wanting the death of all Muslims? Are you too a Fascist Zionist?
Utter horseshit and you are showing your ignorance or dishonesty...

Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government, Israel has stepped up settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, with government ministers openly vowing complete annexation of the territory.

Netanyahu doesn't want peace, he want victory...

Utter horseshit and you are showing your ignorance or dishonesty...

Explain the OSLO ACCORDS.
If Israel wanted to destroy Palestinians, they could have done it long ago. However, unlike the “Palestinians”, Israel is not into ethnic cleaning. Moreover, the Israelis today are destroying Hamas, a violent anti-Jewish terror group that just a month ago murdered 1,400 Israeli citizens.

Look, I cannot help it if you choose to spout bullshit. You can spout it all day with your Jew-hating brethren. But it is still bullshit.
Why don’t you know this?

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”General Smedley Butler
Utter horseshit and you are showing your ignorance or dishonesty...

Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government, Israel has stepped up settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, with government ministers openly vowing complete annexation of the territory.

Netanyahu doesn't want peace, he want victory...

When they annex the West Bank the Arabs will outvote them. You see the problem. They don't want a democracy. They want a Jewish state which means they have to get rid of the Palestinian majority.

The hard liners believe it has to be that way or they would be at the mercy of expulsion like they were in Europe.

Canaan should be a unitary, multi-ethnic, secular society with little to no religious input from any side. The Old City of Jerusalem needs to be administered internationally as a historical site with no religious observances allowed, much like how the Hagia Sophia became a museum. As long as religion and religious dogmas are allowed to rule the discussion, this will never end.
I agree that it needs to be internationally controlled to some point... There are multiple religious site which can co-exist like in many other cities in the world. This actually involves empathy and respect...

After that turf all the illegal settlers out of the West Bank with the odd land swap for sane borders... Illegal Settlers and Netanyahu support of them is a huge problem, I was drinking with an IDF soldier one night Germany and he described them as fucking insane and armed to the teeth... 'What motherfucker brings his family into a war zone?'. Russian nutjobs (by his account) and he has to spend 6 weeks a year defending them...
You forgot to add you’re all for mass murdering any Pali women and children who happen to be within five miles of Hamas.

Yep, Hamas and the Palestinians should have considered the consequences.

Fuck around and find out.

If HAMAS hides behind children and civilians.....children and civilians are going to get killed. I blame HAMAS. Not IDF.
Yes! The Land of the Free can’t allow for dissenting opinions and we have a long history of silencing opposition to war.

You being a pro-war Fascist must love W. “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.”

Here is some history a pro-war Fascist like you will appreciate.
The greatest antiwar activists in American history are largely forgotten. Clement Vallandigham, who was arrested in the middle of the night by Lincoln’s uniformed thugs. Eugene Debs, thrown in jail for protesting WWI. Even the socialist tag doesn’t help his reputation. As I will show in my upcoming The American Memory Hole, many WWII protesters were imprisoned as well, and have been ignored by the court historians. To be fair, the court historians ignore a lot. They have to; it’s the only way they could possibly promote the nonsense they do. Huey Long. Smedley Butler. John T. Flynn, classical liberal journalist and head of the New York chapter of the America First Committee, whose career was “cancelled” by the great FDR himself.

Just make sure to tell them how much you supported them when they chop your head off.

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