These Are The People Who Said We Should Take Climate Change Seriously

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
and that we should only deal in facts and listen to the science. So, should we listen to them or not? Or is all they do is deal in conspiracy theories?

No need to jump off a cliff.

Of course, these are all "far-fetched" hypotheses, as the scientists admit, and deserve to be regarded with plenty of skepticism.
and that we should only deal in facts and listen to the science. So, should we listen to them or not? Or is all they do is deal in conspiracy theories?

This is what science is all about, asking the crazy "what if" questions.

Back in the day people like you were freaking out when someone said "just imagine that the earth is not the center of the universe".
This is what science is all about, asking the crazy "what if" questions.

Back in the day people like you were freaking out when someone said "just imagine that the earth is not the center of the universe".
And yet the left have taken actions against anyone who questioned the government's official line on Covid and constantly attack those who question Climate Change, saying they are fact deniers and spread misinformation because they question the science.
How, exactly, are the scientists discussed in your linked article connected to those who would advocate for fighting climate change?
And yet the left have taken actions against anyone who questioned the government's official line on Covid and constantly attack those who question Climate Change, saying they are fact deniers and spread misinformation because they question the science.

Yep, they are no different than you far right MAGA types
Have these idiots been deep underground? You know, where hot lava comes from? (mocking sarcasm) Okay if you completely ignore everything we have learned about space, time and the vast distance between stars with the speed of light speed limit...and well pretty much all science then yeah it might be possible. :cuckoo:
And yet the left have taken actions against anyone who questioned the government's official line on Covid and constantly attack those who question Climate Change, saying they are fact deniers and spread misinformation because they question the science.
You’re not questioning science, you’re denying it for political purposes.
and that we should only deal in facts and listen to the science. So, should we listen to them or not? Or is all they do is deal in conspiracy theories?

In my opinion the "climate changer$" are politically deranged kooks trapped in a kook box. WHY listen to politically deranged kooks???
and that we should only deal in facts and listen to the science. So, should we listen to them or not? Or is all they do is deal in conspiracy theories?

Lizzad people ....EYEEEEEEEEEKNEWIT!


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