These are the people you folks want to kick out.

How is it our fault that they live in hell holes??
CIA covert ops in which we overthrew their governments and established governments for them. Kinda like what we did in Iran in the 50s.

Look what happened when Carter cut off aid to El Salvador, the junta was left to itself. That became a big mess.
They asked for our help.

All three countries asked for our help in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
We did not invade they asked.

Same with Iran in the 1950's they wanted our help.
Iran was very wary of British and Russian colonial interests during the Great Game, the United States was seen as a more trustworthy Western power, and the Americans Arthur Millspaugh and Morgan Shuster were even appointed treasurers-general by the Shahs of the time.

We never invaded any of these countries over there will. The countries asked us for help.
You've GOTTA be kidding on Iran. They ELECTED their leader. We INVADED a SOVEREIGN LAND, and deposed of their SOVEREIGNLY ELECTED leader.

That's TEXTBOOK conquer, rape, and pillage right there.
It's their country, let them fix their own problems. Any money spent should be on strengthening our borders.

If you don't think we have something to do with the problems they are experiencing in South America that is causing this refugee crisis, you are not worth continuing to converse with on this subject.

The illegals are coming Central America, not from South America.

There's a "drug war" there, yes?
I'd draw the line on respecting boarders.

Ours and theirs.

But it's a little late for that, no?

I mean..Bush did try to knock over Chavez, right?

But that didn't take and he didn't have the resources to make it work. So Chavez, the choice of the Venezuelan people, came back.

Guess where we are not seeing many people fleeing their country?

so how come you did not comment on what said here?.....there are kids in OUR Country who face the same shit everyday in the shit Ghettos they live in....what has our Govt done to help them?


Because it's patently illegal to do the shit we do to other countries.

When a country without nukes invades another country?

Who is the first country to

War causes multiple problems. So does repression, poverty and injustice.

And the US is largely responsible for a lot of that.

As Powell said, "You break it? You own it."

I hear nothing but a bunch of fucking diversion from YOUR OWN OP.

I get that you want to let everyone in the world and his damned dog wander across the border whenever they please because you feel sorry for them, and you're unable to think past your emotions any better than my 5-year-old. I also get that you want to believe the United States is pure evil, and that any contact it ever has with any other country on Earth is, by definition, totally evil and involves absolutely no good intentions or good results.

What I don't get is what the hell you think the latter has to do with the former, or why in the hell we are hearing about the latter in a thread that's supposed to be about the former. Are you really trying to tell us that if the United States has ever, in its entire history, had an interaction with a country that you personally do not approve of, that conveys a right, in perpetuity, for all of that country's citizens to come live here? Is that what you're trying to say? Because if it is, you have just defied all previously understood definitions of "living being" by existing with an IQ measured in negative integers.
What smells are the threats to join the gang or else. Her daddy was in the gang as well as her uncles and cousins. Hispanic gangs are generational there and here. Being in the gang is money and status, there and here.

She came here with her rehersed story so she could later petition to bring her whole family here. At 17 she will get pregnant as soon as possible. We won't deport the mother of an American citizen. If she's not entirely stupid she's already been fucking everyone in her detention center.

Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

If Maria is running from gang violence she better hope Obama doesn't send her to Chicago. Out of the frying pan into the fire!

or coming here where there are plenty of the guys she was running from.....Sallow doesnt want to address that.....

Address what?

Violence in those countries makes our most violent places look calm.
so how come you did not comment on what said here?.....there are kids in OUR Country who face the same shit everyday in the shit Ghettos they live in....what has our Govt done to help them?


Because it's patently illegal to do the shit we do to other countries.

When a country without nukes invades another country?

Who is the first country to

War causes multiple problems. So does repression, poverty and injustice.

And the US is largely responsible for a lot of that.

As Powell said, "You break it? You own it."

I hear nothing but a bunch of fucking diversion from YOUR OWN OP.

I get that you want to let everyone in the world and his damned dog wander across the border whenever they please because you feel sorry for them, and you're unable to think past your emotions any better than my 5-year-old. I also get that you want to believe the United States is pure evil, and that any contact it ever has with any other country on Earth is, by definition, totally evil and involves absolutely no good intentions or good results.

What I don't get is what the hell you think the latter has to do with the former, or why in the hell we are hearing about the latter in a thread that's supposed to be about the former. Are you really trying to tell us that if the United States has ever, in its entire history, had an interaction with a country that you personally do not approve of, that conveys a right, in perpetuity, for all of that country's citizens to come live here? Is that what you're trying to say? Because if it is, you have just defied all previously understood definitions of "living being" by existing with an IQ measured in negative integers.

Actually, I'd like you see you wander across the border.

Let me know, I'll pay. (Sure you've heard that before).

Long as you don't come back.

The "kids" who came in this crisis have already started killing people. They do it at home. They won't stop just because they are here.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

One could tell a millions stories like that about people in Iraq, but none of you "caring", "compassionate" liberals give a flying fuck about them, do you?
Guess I am a tard.
Those who came here...our ancestors...came and applied to be citizens. They did not get a free ride or free handouts. They were treated like shit. They were sick. They were poor. They were mistreated. But they did what they were supposed to do to become citizens.

THAT is the problem. Treat them like our ancestors were treated and lets see how much they bust ass to jump through the hoops like ours did. Oh. Wait. They are speshul because its kids. Eye roll.

These are just the leftist infallible human shield du jour. Anytime the left can't make a case on its merits - which is always - they instead haul out some pathetic victim and go, "Look! Misery! We win! Argument over!" because everyone's supposed to be too afraid the left will call them names to say anything that might hurt the victim in question.

Fortunately, I'm a coldhearted bitch, so I can say what others are afraid to: you don't go to the pound and bring home all the dogs and cats to live with you, just because they're helpless and furry and look at you with big eyes. And you don't move every kid in every Third World country on the planet to the United States, just because you feel sorry for them. Warm fuzzies notwithstanding, it's a stupid fucking unsustainable idea that emanates from a level of common sense - or lack thereof - that even my preschooler can exceed.
Any of you people can feel free to open up your homes to all these illegals and feed clothe educate and secure medical treatment at your own expense.

No thanks.

I'd rather not have my taxes build a kabillion dollar jet fighter that has no use and only enriches some guy with way to much money.

I'd rather my taxes go to help these kids.

I don't think I have to pay extra for something my government, by LAW, should be doing.

Yup...instead of paying Michael Chertoff billions on XXX body scanners at airports, I'd rather my tax dollars went to trying to help fix the problem that is causing all these refugees to flee their country. Time to re-divert the money spent on the useless "drug war" that is part of the problem.

Their problems are for them to solve. The only thing we need to do is prevent their problems from becoming our problems. That can be done by keeping all these urchins from crossing our border. That's a much easier task then trying to turn Central America into a paradise.
So you are willing to have our troops shoot desperate kids fleeing a desperate situation created by American's policy in South/Central America.

Lets us all know how you feel about abortion being murder again?

For like the 9000th time?

They don't have to shoot them dipshit, only stop them and escort them back to the border.

English not your first language you fucking asswipe?

Shoot a few of those trying to cross. The word will get out that if you try to get into America you'll get your ass shot off. They will catch a clue.

What language do you need that translated into, Gomer?

Thats my solution and it would end the illegal immigration from Mexico in a heartbeat.

To bad it will never happen. Hell. We wouldn't even need the fence. Just some snipers on the border. End of problem.
Any of you people can feel free to open up your homes to all these illegals and feed clothe educate and secure medical treatment at your own expense.

No thanks.

I'd rather not have my taxes build a kabillion dollar jet fighter that has no use and only enriches some guy with way to much money.

I'd rather my taxes go to help these kids.

I don't think I have to pay extra for something my government, by LAW, should be doing.

Of course you would. Your another lefty retard who's magnanimous with other peoples money just so you can feel good about yourself.

Give yourself a big pat on the back there shithead. You deserve it.
No thanks.

I'd rather not have my taxes build a kabillion dollar jet fighter that has no use and only enriches some guy with way to much money.

I'd rather my taxes go to help these kids.

I don't think I have to pay extra for something my government, by LAW, should be doing.

Yup...instead of paying Michael Chertoff billions on XXX body scanners at airports, I'd rather my tax dollars went to trying to help fix the problem that is causing all these refugees to flee their country. Time to re-divert the money spent on the useless "drug war" that is part of the problem.

Their problems are for them to solve. The only thing we need to do is prevent their problems from becoming our problems. That can be done by keeping all these urchins from crossing our border. That's a much easier task then trying to turn Central America into a paradise.
Yes. There is some considerable wisdom in this post. Personally, I have no objection if we house them and clothe them and feed them and treat their medical conditions for the brief time that they are in our care, and I don't even care if we send them back with a few bag-meals and a little cash, to buy a bus ticket or a meal or two down there. But, I think you're on the right track with this.
CIA covert ops in which we overthrew their governments and established governments for them. Kinda like what we did in Iran in the 50s.
Oh, God, another Bleeding Heart it's-all-our-fault white-man's-guilt type... Lord, give us strength...
It's not my fault you want to overlook the facts.

Ron Paul also talks about this issue in great detail.
Oh, Lord, a Paul-ite gone wrong, as well. Arrrggghhh.
Saw this today.

It's hard to watch.

I feel nothing but empathy for this poor kid.

She watched her brother get shot and was told she was about to become property..or die.

Cable News Finally Asks A Real Migrant Teenager About The Immigration Crisis | ThinkProgress

Maria, a 17-year-old, paid a coyote to bring her into the United States after her brother was killed by a gang and she was threatened with death if she did not join it. Fighting tears, she described to Díaz-Balart the process of crossing the border as “horrible” and explained that she decided to enter the country “just to save my own life so that I could live my dreams, so I could help my family.” Deportation “would be a tragedy, it would be a certain death for me,” she added. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life, I would just know that that would be the last day.” Watch it:

It's fucking incredible that people want to turn their backs on these kids.

Even moreso since it was this country that created the hellholes they live in.

Sorry Pal - I ain't got no violin - otherwise I'd play you a really sad song . Fuck You and your bleeding heart Liberalism - keep your damned hands out of everybody elses pockets - we're struggling to take care of own and many of us are out of work due to cheap wetback laborers -taking our fucking jobs . Yet you clueless self righteous imbeciles want to point at somebodies else problems and demand we fix it - FUCK YOU !. Charity begins at Home Pal, and this is our Home - built by the blood and sweat of our fathers and fore fathers - it's not free for the taking to anybody that can sneak across the border, pisses on Americans and wipes their asses with our laws .

Elderly go hungry and without needed medicines. Mentally ill go without treatment. Troops go without proper equipment. Veterans go without benefits that were promised.
Yet we donate billions to criminals, and encourage excessive immigration before helping our own ! WTF !!!

Another question that befuddles me - If these people are so destitute, where do they get the $7,ooo - $8,000 fee that coyotyes and drug smugglers demand ?
Any of you people can feel free to open up your homes to all these illegals and feed clothe educate and secure medical treatment at your own expense.

No thanks.

I'd rather not have my taxes build a kabillion dollar jet fighter that has no use and only enriches some guy with way to much money.

I'd rather my taxes go to help these kids.

I don't think I have to pay extra for something my government, by LAW, should be doing.

Of course you would. Your another lefty retard who's magnanimous with other peoples money just so you can feel good about yourself.

Give yourself a big pat on the back there shithead. You deserve it.

Well, last year I contributed 40 grand or so to the kitty.

So careful, that's probably what's paying for your food stamps and O-Band treatment.

And you could probably eliminate the latter if you didn't spend so much time in McDonalds.

But then again..if you did that?

You'd have no social life.
Any of you people can feel free to open up your homes to all these illegals and feed clothe educate and secure medical treatment at your own expense.

No thanks.

I'd rather not have my taxes build a kabillion dollar jet fighter that has no use and only enriches some guy with way to much money.

I'd rather my taxes go to help these kids.

I don't think I have to pay extra for something my government, by LAW, should be doing.

Really? Perhaps you could point us to the law that makes our government financially responsible for the care and feeding of foreign nationals illegally on our soil. And if you can find such a law, perhaps you could explain to us how it could possibly be Constitutional, since even James Madison said, “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” He's considered the father of the thing, so if he can't find it, it ain't there.
Good post and I agree.

Stop immigration into America for five years. Build the damned fence and enforce the immigration laws. Hell. Shoot a few of those trying to cross. The word will get out that if you try to get into America you'll get your ass shot off. They will catch a clue.

So you are willing to have our troops shoot desperate kids fleeing a desperate situation created by American's policy in South/Central America.

Lets us all know how you feel about abortion being murder again?

For like the 9000th time?

You bet. These guys would be breaking OUR laws by coming into the country ILLEGALLY and I could give shit one about our policies in SA. I do think your full of shit on that one though.

How the hell do you think Mexico deals with illegal immingrants in their country?

LMAO Your barking up the wrong tree on abortion also. I could care about abortion, gays or any of that other horseshit that ties some people in knots.

Shoot a few of em?? You bet.

Not very well stated ... Shoot a few of em?? You bet ... but sadly enough it's somewhat true. So who you gonna shoot ? The little barefoot Guatemalan Kid ,or the Nicaraguan Bastard whose Sandanista Daddy considers him surplus fodder to fuck over the Gringo Capitalist Pigs with - Contras Revenge ?
No thanks.

I'd rather not have my taxes build a kabillion dollar jet fighter that has no use and only enriches some guy with way to much money.

I'd rather my taxes go to help these kids.

I don't think I have to pay extra for something my government, by LAW, should be doing.

Of course you would. Your another lefty retard who's magnanimous with other peoples money just so you can feel good about yourself.

Give yourself a big pat on the back there shithead. You deserve it.

Well, last year I contributed 40 grand or so to the kitty.

So careful, that's probably what's paying for your food stamps and O-Band treatment.

And you could probably eliminate the latter if you didn't spend so much time in McDonalds.

But then again..if you did that?

You'd have no social life.

Okay -so let me get this straight -you claim that you paid over $40,000 in Federal Taxes last Year - is that correct ?

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