These are who we call Heroes

why does obama hate white people? he is always sending those whiteys to die in foreign lands....

yours truly,

53rd street

Obviously you've never been in the military.

There's a much larger proportion of black folks in the military than in the general populace.

Not exactly

I'm a PROUD Military FAN..Oh, And I'm a Liberal. While I don't support either war, I DO fully support our troops and plan on joining the Army at 18.

I take every chance I can to THANK Vets for their service. No matter if I agree or disagree with the war they are fighting, They DO make a sacrifice..And I appriciate that.
Seriously buddy, and you know I accepted your friend request for a reason, you need to think long and hard before raising that hand. Iraq is winding down, but Afghanistan is going to be a mission that's going to linger on for quite some time. Years in fact. Depending on the MOS you choose, there is a very good chance you'll find yourself in that theatre at some point. You say your against the war, nothing wrong with that, but just remember, you can be a supply clerk or paper pusher in a rear echelon unit and the day may come where you may be forced to pick up that weapon and actually use it against another human being. You need to understand that it's not just something that's easily dealt with. You may have to take human life, and deal with the psychological aftermath of doing so. Please man, make sure you're mentally prepared before taking that oath, because once you do there's no going back, and you'll be bound by a whole different set of laws. And remember, there are options other than the Army. Options that are a lil' less up close and personal.

Loved the 60...... Was looking at Ar15's today. I want one.

M60's are quite cool. I'm a simple guy though. I'm just looking to get myself a nice little M-4.
M-4's a great weapon!...light, compact, easy to maintain, and it'll do the necessary damage!

Got to shoot one last year at a class three shoot in PA and I was amazed at the amount of climb it had.
Fired an old Russian PPSH aftewards and the difference was astounding. The weight and size of the PPSH contributed to almost no climb, instead it pushed, keeping all the rounds on a (relative) tight grouping.
I'm a PROUD Military FAN..Oh, And I'm a Liberal. While I don't support either war, I DO fully support our troops and plan on joining the Army at 18.

I take every chance I can to THANK Vets for their service. No matter if I agree or disagree with the war they are fighting, They DO make a sacrifice..And I appriciate that.

What do you want to go Army for? Go Navy!!!!!!!!
I'm a PROUD Military FAN..Oh, And I'm a Liberal. While I don't support either war, I DO fully support our troops and plan on joining the Army at 18.

I take every chance I can to THANK Vets for their service. No matter if I agree or disagree with the war they are fighting, They DO make a sacrifice..And I appriciate that.

What do you want to go Army for? Go Navy!!!!!!!!

Nothing wrong with the Army. Besides the Army has more career choices.
M60's are quite cool. I'm a simple guy though. I'm just looking to get myself a nice little M-4.
M-4's a great weapon!...light, compact, easy to maintain, and it'll do the necessary damage!

Got to shoot one last year at a class three shoot in PA and I was amazed at the amount of climb it had.
Fired an old Russian PPSH aftewards and the difference was astounding. The weight and size of the PPSH contributed to almost no climb, instead it pushed, keeping all the rounds on a (relative) tight grouping.
The M-4, like the M-16 does have a tendency to lift. You learn out of repeated firing the necessary downward pressure, same as the 16. And of course, there's the necessary individual "zeroing factor"

The thing that's so nice about them as a battle weapon, is you can beat the shit out of 'em. Drown 'em, heat 'em red hot, etc., and they just keep on firing. Jams are a rarity, and the maintenence factor can't be beat.
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Not exactly


Alright, I stand corrected, there's a slightly larger proportion (+1%) of black folks in the military than in the general population.

Still contradicts that posters decidedly racist point though.
I'm a PROUD Military FAN..Oh, And I'm a Liberal. While I don't support either war, I DO fully support our troops and plan on joining the Army at 18.

I take every chance I can to THANK Vets for their service. No matter if I agree or disagree with the war they are fighting, They DO make a sacrifice..And I appriciate that.

What do you want to go Army for? Go Navy!!!!!!!!

Nothing wrong with the Army. Besides the Army has more career choices.

No! No! Go Navy!!!!!!!! :tongue:
Welcome aboard the Black Pearl mate.
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