These are who we call Heroes

My Nephew
[ame=]YouTube - Iraq Burn Unit Makes Miracles[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Helping Burn Victims In Iraq[/ame]
I was talking about a M-60 to a Saw, chief. And the MP'S still have M-60's in service, at least at Bragg.

I wasn't talking about the SAW, I was talking about the M-240B replacing the M-60, which means that active duty infantry units stopped using the M-60 around the mid-90s.

This gets funnier and funnier.

BTW, I don't care about what the MPs had. I was an infantryman, and you claim to have been one too.

The M-60 hasn't gone anywhere or been removed from service. It is still used quite extensively in all branches of the Armed Forces. We used the E-3 version in the Navy at my commands. We even had some old Stoner's, a Swedish K and a Madsen M50 in our armory. Special operations units have armories full of them and they've seen action to this day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Has info on the M60 usage. They claim the Army no longer uses them but the Guard still does as does the Navy(Marines) and Coasties.
I wasn't talking about the SAW, I was talking about the M-240B replacing the M-60, which means that active duty infantry units stopped using the M-60 around the mid-90s.

This gets funnier and funnier.

BTW, I don't care about what the MPs had. I was an infantryman, and you claim to have been one too.

The M-60 hasn't gone anywhere or been removed from service. It is still used quite extensively in all branches of the Armed Forces. We used the E-3 version in the Navy at my commands. We even had some old Stoner's, a Swedish K and a Madsen M50 in our armory. Special operations units have armories full of them and they've seen action to this day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Has info on the M60 usage. They claim the Army no longer uses them but the Guard still does as does the Navy(Marines) and Coasties.

Army patrol in A'stan dated around 2004....looks like an M60 to me....I would say they are probably still being used by the Army until they run out of repair parts, then they have the weapons either sent to other branches or cut up the receivers.
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The M-60 hasn't gone anywhere or been removed from service. It is still used quite extensively in all branches of the Armed Forces. We used the E-3 version in the Navy at my commands. We even had some old Stoner's, a Swedish K and a Madsen M50 in our armory. Special operations units have armories full of them and they've seen action to this day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Has info on the M60 usage. They claim the Army no longer uses them but the Guard still does as does the Navy(Marines) and Coasties.

Army patrol in A'stan....looks like an M60 to me....

I've seen Army and Guard standing together. Kinda hard to tell them apart except for their division/unit patches, if they still wear them.
I would like for the OP to explain why the title? Is he saying that the US troops are endangering the child and father by fighting with them present or he is saying what fine example these men are showing as American troops by using themselves as cover to protect these civilians?

The way the liberals treat and what they say about our men and women in uniform I have to wonder.

Dog got like 14 thanks from lefters and right leaners and others.....does that not answer your question?....

I could give a fuck less.

The majority of assholes whom attack the military are in fact liberals. Not a damn soul can say different and if they do, then they are a goddamn liar. When was the last time you heard a conservative call the troops murderers, rapest, beasts, invaders, torturers, baby killers? All you have to do is watch an anti war protest and you will see signs saying these very things. I know because I have seen it first hand.

And wicked, I dont know when you went though RIP, but when I did I remember what we were told about communist liberals. Too fucking bad you have forgotten. Me coming from a long line of military members, esp my father who did 33 years and three tours in Vietnam as a Sea Bee, he saw first hand what type of Americans liberals are. I will never forget the day I stood in Atlanta Airport waiting for my flight and after numberous people coming up to me to thank me for my service only to have this one stupid bitch walk up to me and ask if I was going to Iraq. When I told her I was flying home for leave, she told me "to to bad". The little hippy bitch sure in the hell wasnt a conservative.
I haven't forgotten a god damn thing. When I went through RIP, we were a lil' too busy TRAINING to be worried about that shit. You and your buddies probably sat around and discussed that shit. But you damn sure weren't getting it from the cadre. Ya' know, all Rangers I knew and served with seemed to have a better understanding than you do. We had a military bearing. The way you speak raises serious questions. I guarantee, a man with your attitude would have been 86'd to a fucking rear echelon supply unit, or straight chaptered out for mental cause. Seriously man, you need to stand the fuck down.

Btw, GTH is a liberal to the core, and a real deal grunt Ranger. Have you ever heard the phrase: "there's no such thing as politics or religion in a foxhole"?. Judging from what i've heard from you, I'll take him to battle over you anyday. Now, i'm no fan of the liberal agenda WHATSOEVER, but I understand the difference between the fringe far lefty's and lefty's in general. I also understand what the far right idiots are all about. Something tells me, we just got to know one. No difference from the far right and left whatsoever. Both groups are moonbats, PERIOD!

Now, as you were. Carry on!
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I would like for the OP to explain why the title? Is he saying that the US troops are endangering the child and father by fighting with them present or he is saying what fine example these men are showing as American troops by using themselves as cover to protect these civilians?

The way the liberals treat and what they say about our men and women in uniform I have to wonder.

Dog got like 14 thanks from lefters and right leaners and others.....does that not answer your question?....

I could give a fuck less.

The majority of assholes whom attack the military are in fact liberals. Not a damn soul can say different and if they do, then they are a goddamn liar. When was the last time you heard a conservative call the troops murderers, rapest, beasts, invaders, torturers, baby killers? All you have to do is watch an anti war protest and you will see signs saying these very things. I know because I have seen it first hand.

so i could give a fuck less....Dog DID NOT ATTACK the military in his OP.....your just painting every liberal(even though Dog is not one) like Rdean paints every Conservative....maybe when you been here a little longer you might know who is a lefty and righty and all those in-between
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I think that's because it doesn't take a special talent to spot an asshole at 500 meters.
So true!

It does take a bit of talent to put one between the eyes at 500 meters though!:eusa_angel:

More talent than I had. I am such a lousy shot.

I also sucked at land nav. If the course at Ranger School hadn't been self correcting, I would have never passed. I drifted so much going to my first point that I ended up at my second point. If the grid hadn't have been on it, I would have never known. Luckily, it was. I adjusted my plan and went 6/6 and got a positive spot report.

Ironic, because I damn near never got off of Yankee North at IOBC.
I was lucky, i'd already been through Pathfinder by the time I went through RIP. But, I got my ass reamed by cadre for helping a couple guys "correct."........Good times indeed!:doubt:
I experienced much of it myself, Military brat then Vietnam era Navy service. The ones you, I and others were/are dealing with are the fringe groups. I know a fair share of liberals here on this board and elsewhere that served honorably and are proud of that service. Kinda disingenuous to lump all liberals or conservatives in the same class as the extreme nut jobs.

Wow. That's strange. Ft. Bragg is in North Carolina. Not exactly a beacon of liberalism. I was stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii at the same time and never heard of anything like that happening.

Nor did any of my friends who served with the 82nd or 18th Airborne Corps out of Benning ever mention this.

For one, the 82nd isn't at Benning. Ranger and Airborne schools yes, 82nd NO. So maybe if you are going to try and "OUT" someone maybe you should know what the fuck your talking about because it makes you look stupid.

BTW, All American is partly on Ft Bragg but runs into the city of Fayetteville NC. The gate, which was an open post up until 9/11 (funny you wouldn't know this because most Army Posts were "open"), is All American expressway. Once out the gate the MP's cannot do a damn thing on civilian state property. Unless they come on to govt property, which is about 50 yards before you get to the gate, the MP's can do a damn thing if a civilian is protesting off govt property. Funny you wouldnt know this.

And Fayetteville has its share of liberals seeing that Fayetteville State is in town.
He never said 82nd was at Benning, dipshit.

Seriously, I surely hope that farm supply stores aren't selling you "commercial fertilizer".

Shades of a Timothy McVeigh RANGER no-go reject?

Could be!

Military brat trying to "represent"?

Most likely!

Somethin' ain't right with ya', bro'!
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Wow. That's strange. Ft. Bragg is in North Carolina. Not exactly a beacon of liberalism. I was stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii at the same time and never heard of anything like that happening.

Nor did any of my friends who served with the 82nd or 18th Airborne Corps out of Benning ever mention this.

For one, the 82nd isn't at Benning. Ranger and Airborne schools yes, 82nd NO. So maybe if you are going to try and "OUT" someone maybe you should know what the fuck your talking about because it makes you look stupid.

BTW, All American is partly on Ft Bragg but runs into the city of Fayetteville NC. The gate, which was an open post up until 9/11 (funny you wouldn't know this because most Army Posts were "open"), is All American expressway. Once out the gate the MP's cannot do a damn thing on civilian state property. Unless they come on to govt property, which is about 50 yards before you get to the gate, the MP's can do a damn thing if a civilian is protesting off govt property. Funny you wouldnt know this.

And Fayetteville has its share of liberals seeing that Fayetteville State is in town.
He never said 82nd was at Benning, dipshit.

Seriously, I surely hope that farm supply stores aren't selling you "commercial fertilizer".

Shades of a Timothy McVeigh RANGER no-go reject?

Could be!

Military brat trying to "represent"?

Most likely!

Somethin' ain't right with ya', bro'!

Go fuck yourself punk.

If you notice the avatar my BDU's are probably older than you are. I would post more but I lost most of my pictures in a house fire.

Dont ever question my military service just to try and make yourself look better. I know what I did for this country and if you dont like it, to fucking bad asshole.

I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else here. I did my time and if you want to question that, it only makes you look like a bigger asshole than you are ready are.

I will see if I can dig up my Ranger Class photo class 6 1985. Were you even born then?

82nd or 18th Airborne Corps out of Benning

Learn to read yardbird.
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I was talking about a M-60 to a Saw, chief. And the MP'S still have M-60's in service, at least at Bragg.

I wasn't talking about the SAW, I was talking about the M-240B replacing the M-60, which means that active duty infantry units stopped using the M-60 around the mid-90s.

This gets funnier and funnier.

BTW, I don't care about what the MPs had. I was an infantryman, and you claim to have been one too.

The M-60 hasn't gone anywhere or been removed from service. It is still used quite extensively in all branches of the Armed Forces. We used the E-3 version in the Navy at my commands. We even had some old Stoner's, a Swedish K and a Madsen M50 in our armory. Special operations units have armories full of them and they've seen action to this day in Iraq and Afghanistan.

AD Army Infantry units no longer use the M-60 and haven't for a long time.
will see if I can dig up my Ranger Class photo class 6 1985. Were you even born then?

Or you can just go to the website.

Not that it really proves anything.

Kind of like mine.


I am easy to spot. I am on the right and wearing green.
will see if I can dig up my Ranger Class photo class 6 1985. Were you even born then?

Or you can just go to the website.

Not that it really proves anything.

Kind of like mine.


I am easy to spot. I am on the right and wearing green.

The difference is mine have water stains from when the firefighters sprayed my office down. Just like the photo from 4/325th I posted.

But like I said, believe what you want. I know my service and I am proud of what I did. Funny how a fellow Ranger would try to make another look bad. You would think after it was burned into your brain for so long you would remember your creed.
Never shall I fail my comrades.
The difference is mine have water stains from when the firefighters sprayed my office down. Just like the photo from 4/325th I posted.

I don't think that would effect the Ranger School website. I just looked at your class graduation photo and was amused that some of the guys were wearing the new fangled BDUs while most of the class was still in OD Greens.

But like I said, believe what you want. I know my service and I am proud of what I did. Funny how a fellow Ranger would try to make another look bad. You would think after it was burned into your brain for so long you would remember your creed.
Never shall I fail my comrades.

Don't get all butt-hurt now. You came into this thread acting like an asshole and got called on it. You also make it a habit to routinely question other people's service. You don't have much room to cry when you've been so abrasive.

For the record, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt about their service. I believe that you served with the 82nd Airborne. I also think that, based on your posts, you never completed RIP and left active duty sometime around the late 80s or early 90s. Feel free to correct any of my assumptions.

Not that it mattes, you could be Audy Murphy posting from beyond the grave and it still doesn't give you a special dispensation to be a jerk.
I haven't forgotten a god damn thing. When I went through RIP, we were a lil' too busy TRAINING to be worried about that shit. You and your buddies probably sat around and discussed that shit. But you damn sure weren't getting it from the cadre. Ya' know, all Rangers I knew and served with seemed to have a better understanding than you do. We had a military bearing.

You mean RIP wasn't some political indoctrination camp? Wow, I was way off!

J/K. In my personal opinion (and for what it's worth) after coming out of Afghanistan, I thought the 75th Ranger Regiment was one of the best units in the DOD. Everything is always done to standard. I hadn't seen a sand table since Ranger School until my platoon tagged along on one of their missions and went to the briefing. I was really impressed with 7th group too.
Christ we can't even put anything patriotic on here without it turning into ass flamin'
will see if I can dig up my Ranger Class photo class 6 1985. Were you even born then?

Or you can just go to the website.

Not that it really proves anything.

Kind of like mine.


I am easy to spot. I am on the right and wearing green.

The difference is mine have water stains from when the firefighters sprayed my office down. Just like the photo from 4/325th I posted.

But like I said, believe what you want. I know my service and I am proud of what I did. Funny how a fellow Ranger would try to make another look bad. You would think after it was burned into your brain for so long you would remember your creed.
Never shall I fail my comrades.

You will find more veterans and military retirees on this board than just about anywhere else. Several who have served at Bragg (did 2 tours there myself). None of us are special, though there are a few who think they are. So chill out no one is truly questioning your service, just your attitude.
Anyways, to get this thread back on track:

Pictures are taken by me, but are not of me.


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I would like for the OP to explain why the title? Is he saying that the US troops are endangering the child and father by fighting with them present or he is saying what fine example these men are showing as American troops by using themselves as cover to protect these civilians?

The way the liberals treat and what they say about our men and women in uniform I have to wonder.

Doggie may have his leftist issues but that is not one of them. Not all liberals feel the way you think they do. Projecting?

Nope I was stationed at Ft Benning and saw first hand how liberals treat military personal. A buddy of mine had red paint thrown at his white car as he left the Post. We all had slurs screamed at us while coming and going out the gate.

The same thing coming out of the gate on All American Blvd. Ft Bragg at the beginning of the Iraq war. A bunch of anti war liberals with their little nasty signs calling us troops all types of names.

Its standard OP for most liberals to take it out on the troops for what the US govt is ordering us to do.

B) soldiers volunteer, but A) look where those two bases are and think HONESTLY about the kind of white people who live in those states.... since you were stationed there, you do KNOW...

Protest of the Iraq War was/is legit, it just never should have been/be done at the bases. The proper venue for protest of what the brass decides is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and the Capitol building! 'Twas George and the Dick that made those decisions, backed by an idiot Congress, not G.I.s.

Unfortunately, some are so mis-focused they cannot be effective. Last night i watched a Moyers thing on PBS where a rightie group, carrying signs, went to the local office of their Congressional rep to protest something or another. When they got up to the office the receptionist very nicely told them that she was in Washington, (Congress in session.) So as they left, the "leader" of the little mob says to his claque and the cameras, "See that, SHE IS NEVER IN HER OFFICE." I am not so disingenuous as to believe he did not know that, and planned things accordingly. Some protestors are mostly doing it to hear the sound of their own shouting, to feel like they are "doing something." Unfortunately, it is more of a social club way to pass time... does very little to have them pass time patting themselves on the back about how involved they are and how much they care.

As for the ass throwing paint on a car, I sincerely hope they were arrested and prosecuted.

About the rest, I don't know what is done by way of training, but all at entering, and later to re-emphasize the point all others in the military should spend a little time considering their own motivations for being in the military, and what "the mission" means, to them, but to the country also.

The protestors: at the end of their shift, guaranteed they got in their petro-fueled cars that the gov of the US has spent the last hundred years seeking hegemony to effect and protect. There is something sickly funny about the connection NOT being made by so many.

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