These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model. Their Residents Are Fleeing.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
More failed liberal policies. They just can't look ahead and understand what the final result will be. They try the same shit over and over and it never works. If there is ever to be a liberal utopia, it will require mind-number sheeple doing exactly as they are told.

"Ohio University economist Richard Vedder and I compared the income gap in states with higher tax rates, higher minimum wages and more welfare benefits with states on the other side of the policy spectrum. There was no evidence that states with these liberal policies had helped the poor much and, in many cases, these states recorded more income inequality than other states as measured by the left’s favorite statistic called the Gini Coefficient.

The 19 states with minimum wages above the $7.25 per hour federal minimum do not have lower income inequality. States with a super minimum wage—such as Connecticut ($9.15), California ($9.00), New York ($8.75), and Vermont ($9.15)—have significantly wider gaps between rich and poor than states without a super minimum wage.

States are supposed to be laboratories of democracy, right? These laboratories are providing us with concrete evidence that Robin Hood policies don’t help make the poor richer, they make most people poorer. In other words, the blue states have tried the Elizabeth Warren "progressive" agenda and people are voting with their feet by fleeing in droves. The kinds of income redistribution policies that Warren and others endorse can only work by building a Berlin Wall so no one can leave—though I hope I’m not giving them any ideas."
So it is ok that the top 1% becomes ever richer as the little guys fucked?

I blame all the poor immigrants and ******* for causing a lot of these cities to fall apart. We're importing some real shit. Doesn't change the fact that the worker deserves to be paid right.
If the writer of this article wanted to show a cause and effect dynamic he failed miserably.
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.

Says the person that wouldn't of done anything in 1900 to stop standard oil. Says the person that believes the poor should climb up the ladder only if they're extremely lucky! Says the person that believes it is fair for the rich to be taking most of the profit and increasely screwing the worker over.

Your idea of morality isn't right and your ideas has destroyed the middle class we once had.
We have seen a dramatic demonstration in differences in policy.
California and Illinois raised taxes to close budget gaps. California and Illinois are still beset with budget gaps.
Wisconsin and Indiana and Tennessee cut government spending to close budget gaps. Those states have all closed their budget gaps and cut taxes in some cases as well.
Maryland raised taxes on millionaires. Maryland saw the largest drop in number of millionaires in the state ever.
It is so painfully obvious only a brain dead moron or a liberal (I repeat myself) could believe that raising taxes on the rich will produce any social benefit at all. It doesnt. Not only doesnt it not hurt the rich (who figure out ways around it) it hurts the poor, who are usually employees of the rich. But libs dont get that.
States are supposed to be laboratories of democracy, right? These laboratories are providing us with concrete evidence that Robin Hood policies don’t help make the poor richer, they make most people poorer.
Those policies are actually misnamed.

Some Hollywood simp needed a slogan that fit into a 5-second sound bite, so he came up with "Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor." Even though Robin Hood did no such thing.

Look up the Robin Hood legends. Who did he take the money from? Government tax collectors and treasury agents. And who did he give it to? Farmers, cobblers, housewives, cabinetmakers, shoemakers. In other words, the people who created and earned it in the first place!

Robin Hood was a legendary conservative.
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TRANSLATION: I can't refute any of it.
There's nothing concrete in that article to refute.
Ah, that publick skool eddicashun comes through again.

It's amazing how many liberals think that if they ignore the statements of fact in an article, everyone else will ignore them too, and believe the liberals.

After years of liberal lies flooding the airwaves, these strange people remain steadfastly convinced that anybody still believes them any more.
If the writer of this article wanted to show a cause and effect dynamic he failed miserably.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute any of it.
There's nothing concrete in that article to refute.
Ah, that publick skool eddicashun comes through again.

It's amazing how many liberals think that if they ignore the statements of fact in an article, everyone else will ignore them too, and believe the liberals.

After years of liberal lies flooding the airwaves, these strange people remain steadfastly convinced that anybody still believes them any more.
OK since you do not get it I will offer a counter-example:

Alabama and Mississippi are shitholes of poverty and ignorance, see, proof that conservative economics does not work.

Now if I had made an attempt to illustrate exactly how those policies result in such misery there would be some substance there to argue against, otherwise it is just the baseless opinion of a person with a partisan agenda.
More failed liberal policies. They just can't look ahead and understand what the final result will be. They try the same shit over and over and it never works. If there is ever to be a liberal utopia, it will require mind-number sheeple doing exactly as they are told.

"Ohio University economist Richard Vedder and I compared the income gap in states with higher tax rates, higher minimum wages and more welfare benefits with states on the other side of the policy spectrum. There was no evidence that states with these liberal policies had helped the poor much and, in many cases, these states recorded more income inequality than other states as measured by the left’s favorite statistic called the Gini Coefficient.

The 19 states with minimum wages above the $7.25 per hour federal minimum do not have lower income inequality. States with a super minimum wage—such as Connecticut ($9.15), California ($9.00), New York ($8.75), and Vermont ($9.15)—have significantly wider gaps between rich and poor than states without a super minimum wage.

States are supposed to be laboratories of democracy, right? These laboratories are providing us with concrete evidence that Robin Hood policies don’t help make the poor richer, they make most people poorer. In other words, the blue states have tried the Elizabeth Warren "progressive" agenda and people are voting with their feet by fleeing in droves. The kinds of income redistribution policies that Warren and others endorse can only work by building a Berlin Wall so no one can leave—though I hope I’m not giving them any ideas."


The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.
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If the writer of this article wanted to show a cause and effect dynamic he failed miserably.

You don't like the statistics, huh? Well, can't blame you considering they show that liberal policies are a pile of shit.
If the writer of this article wanted to show a cause and effect dynamic he failed miserably.

You not wanting to believe reality is not a metric of whether or not he failed to make his case.
Hogwash, the sort of trickle up economics conservatives hate has done more to raise the basic standard of living than any of their favored supply-side bullshit.

Of course, we should also all take into account that Stephen Moore (the author of the cited article) is strongly connected to, The Heritage outfit whose WHOLE mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies....

In the same way that right wingers BUY themselves some scientists as climate change deniers......they can also BUY the Moores of the world to spew right wing economics.

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