These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model. Their Residents Are Fleeing.

If the writer of this article wanted to show a cause and effect dynamic he failed miserably.

You don't like the statistics, huh? Well, can't blame you considering they show that liberal policies are a pile of shit.
By the same standards of the article Alabama and Mississippi are proof conservative policies are a failure, explain please how it is different?
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If the writer of this article wanted to show a cause and effect dynamic he failed miserably.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute any of it.
There's nothing concrete in that article to refute.
Ah, that publick skool eddicashun comes through again.

It's amazing how many liberals think that if they ignore the statements of fact in an article, everyone else will ignore them too, and believe the liberals.

After years of liberal lies flooding the airwaves, these strange people remain steadfastly convinced that anybody still believes them any more.
OK since you do not get it I will offer a counter-example:

Alabama and Mississippi are shitholes of poverty and ignorance, see, proof that conservative economics does not work.

Now if I had made an attempt to illustrate exactly how those policies result in such misery there would be some substance there to argue against, otherwise it is just the baseless opinion of a person with a partisan agenda.

Yep, Mississippi and Alabama don't build much infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and have a very shitty educational system. See how things go to hell when a state don't focus on those.
Hogwash, the sort of trickle up economics conservatives hate has done more to raise the basic standard of living than any of their favored supply-side bullshit.

Of course, we should also all take into account that Stephen Moore (the author of the cited article) is strongly connected to, The Heritage outfit whose WHOLE mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies....

In the same way that right wingers BUY themselves some scientists as climate change deniers......they can also BUY the Moores of the world to spew right wing economics.
Yes, conservatives often quote economists as if they weren't tied to a partisan ideology with an agenda and were actual scientists.
The 19th and early 20th century is all I need to know that this is bullshit. Allowing the corporations that are already taking the workers and screwing him dry to pay him like a south Asian ******...Well, is just unmoral.
The 19th and early 20th century is all I need to know that this is bullshit. Allowing the corporations that are already taking the working and screwing him dry to pay him like a south Asian ******...Well, is just unmoral.

One of the biggest racists on the board accusing others of being "unmoral" (I think you meant immoral) is a textbook example of irony.
What Moore ALSO fails to state, is that the states with the increase in population, are almost exactly the same states that had incurred a huge amount of immigrants from South and central American.....

Further, Moore fails to state that the same "phenomenon" as outsourcing to foreign countries where there is cheaper (and slum) labor, is happening in those blue states where basically "tax avoidance" businesses relocate to states where labor is cheap...where there are less environmental enforcement, and where right wing governors are "giving away the store" in tax breaks and depreciation schedules.
The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.

Look at the cost of living in NY vs Mississippi. You need twice as much in NY just to rent a tiny apartment.
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.

Says the person that wouldn't of done anything in 1900 to stop standard oil. Says the person that believes the poor should climb up the ladder only if they're extremely lucky! Says the person that believes it is fair for the rich to be taking most of the profit and increasely screwing the worker over.

Your idea of morality isn't right and your ideas has destroyed the middle class we once had.

You do realize that Standard Oil elevated the lives of poor people in this country by making energy available to them...right?Lights at night were no longer just a rich man's pleasure......
Further, Moore fails to state that the same "phenomenon" as outsourcing to foreign countries where there is cheaper (and slum) labor, is happening in those blue states where basically "tax avoidance" businesses relocate to states where labor is cheap...where there are less environmental enforcement, and where right wing governors are "giving away the store" in tax breaks and depreciation schedules.

In other words, lower taxes spur economic growth. Glad to see you agree that the blue model is failing.
What Moore ALSO fails to state, is that the states with the increase in population, are almost exactly the same states that had incurred a huge amount of immigrants from South and central American.....

Further, Moore fails to state that the same "phenomenon" as outsourcing to foreign countries where there is cheaper (and slum) labor, is happening in those blue states where basically "tax avoidance" businesses relocate to states where labor is cheap...where there are less environmental enforcement, and where right wing governors are "giving away the store" in tax breaks and depreciation schedules.
Yeah, the economic boon that was supposed to happen in Alabama when Honda put a plant there never happened. I watched it all unfold first-hand. Most of their "employees" work through a temp agency and get no benefits and shit wages, the company pays practically nothing in state taxes and the inflow of revenue and the rise in general economic prosperity never materialized.
The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.

Look at the cost of living in NY vs Mississippi. You need twice as much in NY just to rent a tiny apartment.

Oh, so you're admitting that statistics may not be what they seem on the surface?

lol, then your OP is fucked, isn't it?
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.

Says the person that wouldn't of done anything in 1900 to stop standard oil. Says the person that believes the poor should climb up the ladder only if they're extremely lucky! Says the person that believes it is fair for the rich to be taking most of the profit and increasely screwing the worker over.

Your idea of morality isn't right and your ideas has destroyed the middle class we once had.

You do realize that Standard Oil elevated the lives of poor people in this country by making energy available to them...right?Lights at night were no longer just a rich man's pleasure......
Monopolies are not a good thing to anyone except the monopoly holders.
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.

Says the person that wouldn't of done anything in 1900 to stop standard oil. Says the person that believes the poor should climb up the ladder only if they're extremely lucky! Says the person that believes it is fair for the rich to be taking most of the profit and increasely screwing the worker over.

Your idea of morality isn't right and your ideas has destroyed the middle class we once had.

You do realize that Standard Oil elevated the lives of poor people in this country by making energy available to them...right?Lights at night were no longer just a rich man's pleasure......
Monopolies are not a good thing to anyone except the monopoly holders.

The only monopolies are government, the post office....

The truth about The Robber Barrons and Standard Oil...and how they made life better for poor people....

Mises Daily Mises Institute

As a result, the company cut its cost of refining a gallon of oil from 3 cents in 1869 to less than half a cent by 1885. Significantly, Rockefeller passed these savings along to the consumer, as the price of refined oil plummeted from more than 30 cents per gallon in 1869 to 10 cents in 1874 and 8 cents in 1885.[28]

Because he could refine kerosene far more cheaply than anyone else could, which was reflected in his low prices, the railroads offered Rockefeller special low prices, or volume discounts. This is a common, ordinary business practice — offering volume discounts to one's largest customers in order to keep them — but Rockefeller's less efficient competitors complained bitterly. Nothing was stopping them from cutting their costs and prices and winning similar railroad rebates other than their own inabilities or laziness, but they apparently decided that it was easier to complain about Rockefeller's "unfair advantage" instead.

Cornelius Vanderbilt publicly offered railroad rebates to any oil refiner who could give him the same volume of business that Rockefeller did, but since no one was as efficient as Rockefeller, no one could take him up on his offer.[29]

All of Rockefeller's savings benefited the consumer, as his low prices made kerosene readily available to Americans. Indeed, in the 1870s kerosene replaced whale oil as the primary source of fuel for light in America. It might seem trivial today, but this revolutionized the American way of life; as Burton Folsom writes, "Working and reading became after-dark activities new to most Americans in the 1870s."[30] In addition, by stimulating the demand for kerosene and other products, Rockefeller also created thousands upon thousands of new jobs in the oil and related industries.

Rockefeller was extremely generous with his employees, usually paying them significantly more than the competition did. Consequently, he was rarely slowed down by strikes or labor disputes. He also believed in rewarding his most innovative managers with bonuses and paid time off if they came up with good ideas for productivity improvements, a simple lesson that many modern corporations seem never to have learned.

Economic plans rooted in envy fail.

Says the person that wouldn't of done anything in 1900 to stop standard oil. Says the person that believes the poor should climb up the ladder only if they're extremely lucky! Says the person that believes it is fair for the rich to be taking most of the profit and increasely screwing the worker over.

Your idea of morality isn't right and your ideas has destroyed the middle class we once had.

You do realize that Standard Oil elevated the lives of poor people in this country by making energy available to them...right?Lights at night were no longer just a rich man's pleasure......
Monopolies are not a good thing to anyone except the monopoly holders.

The only monopolies are government, the post office....

The truth about The Robber Barrons and Standard Oil...and how they made life better for poor people....

Mises Daily Mises Institute

As a result, the company cut its cost of refining a gallon of oil from 3 cents in 1869 to less than half a cent by 1885. Significantly, Rockefeller passed these savings along to the consumer, as the price of refined oil plummeted from more than 30 cents per gallon in 1869 to 10 cents in 1874 and 8 cents in 1885.[28]

Because he could refine kerosene far more cheaply than anyone else could, which was reflected in his low prices, the railroads offered Rockefeller special low prices, or volume discounts. This is a common, ordinary business practice — offering volume discounts to one's largest customers in order to keep them — but Rockefeller's less efficient competitors complained bitterly. Nothing was stopping them from cutting their costs and prices and winning similar railroad rebates other than their own inabilities or laziness, but they apparently decided that it was easier to complain about Rockefeller's "unfair advantage" instead.

Cornelius Vanderbilt publicly offered railroad rebates to any oil refiner who could give him the same volume of business that Rockefeller did, but since no one was as efficient as Rockefeller, no one could take him up on his offer.[29]

All of Rockefeller's savings benefited the consumer, as his low prices made kerosene readily available to Americans. Indeed, in the 1870s kerosene replaced whale oil as the primary source of fuel for light in America. It might seem trivial today, but this revolutionized the American way of life; as Burton Folsom writes, "Working and reading became after-dark activities new to most Americans in the 1870s."[30] In addition, by stimulating the demand for kerosene and other products, Rockefeller also created thousands upon thousands of new jobs in the oil and related industries.

Rockefeller was extremely generous with his employees, usually paying them significantly more than the competition did. Consequently, he was rarely slowed down by strikes or labor disputes. He also believed in rewarding his most innovative managers with bonuses and paid time off if they came up with good ideas for productivity improvements, a simple lesson that many modern corporations seem never to have learned.

John D Rockefeller, hero of the working class, you people are sick.
The cost of living in New York is considerably higher than in Mississippi. Compare that to the NYC metro area and it's astronomical. New Yorkers are getting fucked compared to those in Mississippi.

Bit silly, don't you think?......If quality of life was just gauged by dollars you may be correct.....But access to education, social and cultural environment, access to good medical care, availability of rewarding jobs, etc......Would you STILL want t compare Jackson to Albany? (well, maybe you would, there's not as many bubbas in Albany.)
In other words, lower taxes spur economic growth

Sure, IF those tax savings went DIRECTLY to job creation instead of a bigger yachts for CEOs and Scotland golfing for the board of directors.....

You've gotten screwed for so long (and so thoroughly,) it doesn't seem to hurt you anymore.

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