These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model. Their Residents Are Fleeing.

I make $110k a year in NYC and I am basically in the middle of the income spectrum. In Mississippi I would have a house the size of a small park in Manhattan.

You think someone in Mississippi will pay you 110K? If so, why haven't you moved there. I would be thinking that the uneducated red necks in Mississippi would be more your style of people. Why haven;t you moved from that terrible liberal state of NY? Just curious.

I haven't moved because I have family here, and my fiance has family here, and said family doesn't want to move.

My point was people in NY make more not because of any affluence, but because it costs more to live here, be it rent/mortgage/food/transportation, etc. So pointing out people in NY make more than people in Mississippi is just as pointless as me saying I could live like a king down there, although I probably could, because Engineers get paid well wherever they live.
You do not want to live in Mississippi under any circumstances.
Another ignorant poster who has never been anywhere, Biloxi Mississippi has the whitest sandy beachs, Florida and California is crap, the best crawfish and great food
I make $110k a year in NYC and I am basically in the middle of the income spectrum. In Mississippi I would have a house the size of a small park in Manhattan.

You think someone in Mississippi will pay you 110K? If so, why haven't you moved there. I would be thinking that the uneducated red necks in Mississippi would be more your style of people. Why haven;t you moved from that terrible liberal state of NY? Just curious.

I haven't moved because I have family here, and my fiance has family here, and said family doesn't want to move.

My point was people in NY make more not because of any affluence, but because it costs more to live here, be it rent/mortgage/food/transportation, etc. So pointing out people in NY make more than people in Mississippi is just as pointless as me saying I could live like a king down there, although I probably could, because Engineers get paid well wherever they live.
Don't know much about mississippi industrial but do know about Alabama aero space industry and car plants, they make 6 figures and of course Gerorgia, North and South Carolina, we cant find the skilled people to fill all the jobs and taxes, rent, land is dirt cheap :)
Oh yea liberals not wanted , Fuck you stay home in your crappy Ass blue states
It is funny when I first moved here to South Carolina I thought in my first job interview back in 2004 they got paid like crap in my profession so when they boss asked me what I wanted I said $18, then after I was hired I fucked myself, they were getting what I was making in Chicago $20 and hour, I was mad , I am thinking g damn I was paying $1,000 a month for a crappy ass one bedroom apartment after I split with my wife and these dumb ass rednecks were making the same renting a 2 bedroom house in a acre of land for $500 a month?

Needless to say I Quit, got my money I wanted saved up money big time and got my 3 bedroom house on a lake :)
More failed liberal policies. They just can't look ahead and understand what the final result will be. They try the same shit over and over and it never works. If there is ever to be a liberal utopia, it will require mind-number sheeple doing exactly as they are told.

"Ohio University economist Richard Vedder and I compared the income gap in states with higher tax rates, higher minimum wages and more welfare benefits with states on the other side of the policy spectrum. There was no evidence that states with these liberal policies had helped the poor much and, in many cases, these states recorded more income inequality than other states as measured by the left’s favorite statistic called the Gini Coefficient.

The 19 states with minimum wages above the $7.25 per hour federal minimum do not have lower income inequality. States with a super minimum wage—such as Connecticut ($9.15), California ($9.00), New York ($8.75), and Vermont ($9.15)—have significantly wider gaps between rich and poor than states without a super minimum wage.

States are supposed to be laboratories of democracy, right? These laboratories are providing us with concrete evidence that Robin Hood policies don’t help make the poor richer, they make most people poorer. In other words, the blue states have tried the Elizabeth Warren "progressive" agenda and people are voting with their feet by fleeing in droves. The kinds of income redistribution policies that Warren and others endorse can only work by building a Berlin Wall so no one can leave—though I hope I’m not giving them any ideas."

The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.

Like that really matters.
How about we look at the cost of living for the real numbers.
Lets stop the fighting...

Kansas has been under Tea Party control for the last four years... They must be a beacon of success by now...

Lets take a look:
Kansas was supposed to be the GOP s tax-cut paradise. Now it can barely pay its bills. - Vox

As usual, dimocraps are lying scum of the earth filth.....

Kansas Job-Creating Machine Shows That Tax Cuts Work -

Here's what you won't read today: The tax cut is working. Labor Department data show job growth in Kansas tied with Utah as the fastest in the nation in February
I make $110k a year in NYC and I am basically in the middle of the income spectrum. In Mississippi I would have a house the size of a small park in Manhattan.

You think someone in Mississippi will pay you 110K? If so, why haven't you moved there. I would be thinking that the uneducated red necks in Mississippi would be more your style of people. Why haven;t you moved from that terrible liberal state of NY? Just curious.

I haven't moved because I have family here, and my fiance has family here, and said family doesn't want to move.

My point was people in NY make more not because of any affluence, but because it costs more to live here, be it rent/mortgage/food/transportation, etc. So pointing out people in NY make more than people in Mississippi is just as pointless as me saying I could live like a king down there, although I probably could, because Engineers get paid well wherever they live.
You do not want to live in Mississippi under any circumstances.
Another ignorant poster who has never been anywhere, Biloxi Mississippi has the whitest sandy beachs, Florida and California is crap, the best crawfish and great food
Northwest Florida [ the redneck riviera ] has gorgeous beaches and water.
Another ignorant poster who has never been anywhere, Biloxi Mississippi has the whitest sandy beachs, Florida and California is crap, the best crawfish and great food

SW Florida ain't half bad.


And crawfish is bait. :)
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.
Hogwash, the sort of trickle up economics conservatives hate has done more to raise the basic standard of living than any of their favored supply-side bullshit.

So if your side is says saying redistribution is the answer, why the need to smear Joe The Plumber? If you believe in redistribution, stand for it.
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.
Hogwash, the sort of trickle up economics conservatives hate has done more to raise the basic standard of living than any of their favored supply-side bullshit.

So if your side is says saying redistribution is the answer, why the need to smear Joe The Plumber? If you believe in redistribution, stand for it.
Fuck "Joe the Plumber", he allowed himself to be used as a political tool, got some attention, and was discarded. Nothing happened to him that he did not specifically ask for by willingly becoming an opinionated public figure rather than just a private citizen who asked the president a question on camera.
Having lived in the corrupt blue states this is not surprising, trust me the poor don't get the tax money the corrupt vile lowlife liberals line their own pockets with it.
Economic plans rooted in envy fail.
Hogwash, the sort of trickle up economics conservatives hate has done more to raise the basic standard of living than any of their favored supply-side bullshit.

So if your side is says saying redistribution is the answer, why the need to smear Joe The Plumber? If you believe in redistribution, stand for it.
Fuck "Joe the Plumber", he allowed himself to be used as a political tool, got some attention, and was discarded. Nothing happened to him that he did not specifically ask for by willingly becoming an opinionated public figure rather than just a private citizen who asked the president a question on camera.
Yes "fuck anyone who disagrees with us. We will destroy them" is the modus operandi of the Left.
Lets stop the fighting...

Kansas has been under Tea Party control for the last four years... They must be a beacon of success by now...

Lets take a look:
Kansas was supposed to be the GOP s tax-cut paradise. Now it can barely pay its bills. - Vox

As usual, dimocraps are lying scum of the earth filth.....

Kansas Job-Creating Machine Shows That Tax Cuts Work -

Here's what you won't read today: The tax cut is working. Labor Department data show job growth in Kansas tied with Utah as the fastest in the nation in February

And of course there is the truth:

Gov. Sam Brownback’s boast about Kansas job growth rings hollow

"Gov. Sam Brownback recently said Kansas had created more than 59,000 new private sector jobs since he took office four years ago.

It’s a completely accurate statement.

It’s also highly misleading.

Using the most telling yardstick — the percentage rate of job growth — Kansas actually trailed more than two-thirds of the nation’s states in adding private sector employment during Brownback’s first term.

More notably, Kansas has created jobs at an even slower pace since the massive income tax cuts that Brownback champions as the savior to the state’s economy took effect in January 2013.

The Star compiled the following figures from the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report. It’s the same source Brownback used in making his jobs claim during his State of the State address this month.

▪ Kansas’ private sector employment grew by 5.5 percent from January 2011 through November 2014.

That’s far from impressive when stacked up against the rest of the country.

Kansas trailed 33 other states and Washington, D.C., all of which have added jobs at a healthier pace since 2011.

The six top gainers over that span were North Dakota, the leader at 28.5 percent, followed by Texas, Utah, California, Florida and Colorado.

Sixteen states did lag Kansas in private sector employment in that time, including neighboring Missouri and Nebraska, both up 5.3 percent.

Read more here: Gov. Sam Brownback s boast about Kansas job growth rings hollow The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

Moore is a committed conservative - which doesn't make the story untrue, but it also means that information is probably being left out. That's how partisans roll.

I'd need to see cause & effect on this, with some specificity. No way to make a determination one way or the other based on this piece.

The Kansas City Star endorsed Brownback's opponent -- The scumbag Paul Davis because the KC Star is stacked with scumbags of their own.

Your article is several months old, mine is from just a couple weeks ago,

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media has long ago been discounted as a reliable news source. They are lying filth. Just that simple.

They are completely and totally politically corrupt. Even moreso than the dimocrap party itself...... And that is not an easy thing to accomplish.

You? You're just another brain-dead dimocrap lemming looking for a reason to excuse your miserable existence.

There is none. Trust me.

You --

HPD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders.[3] People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation.[3] They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.

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