These Blue States Have Tried the Elizabeth Warren Model. Their Residents Are Fleeing.

dimocraps are lying scum.

Inside out, top to bottom, the long the tall the short the small.....

dimocraps are lying scum-sucking filth

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.
Another ignorant poster who has never been anywhere, Biloxi Mississippi has the whitest sandy beachs, Florida and California is crap, the best crawfish and great food

SW Florida ain't half bad.


And crawfish is bait. :)
Thanks for reminding me, I am used to clear water.

It freaked me out at first, when I went to a bar and they served crawfish like bars in Chicago have popcorn and peanuts

When in Rome...
Lets stop the fighting...

Kansas has been under Tea Party control for the last four years... They must be a beacon of success by now...

Lets take a look:
Kansas was supposed to be the GOP s tax-cut paradise. Now it can barely pay its bills. - Vox

As usual, dimocraps are lying scum of the earth filth.....

Kansas Job-Creating Machine Shows That Tax Cuts Work -

Here's what you won't read today: The tax cut is working. Labor Department data show job growth in Kansas tied with Utah as the fastest in the nation in February

And of course there is the truth:

Gov. Sam Brownback’s boast about Kansas job growth rings hollow

"Gov. Sam Brownback recently said Kansas had created more than 59,000 new private sector jobs since he took office four years ago.

It’s a completely accurate statement.

It’s also highly misleading.

Using the most telling yardstick — the percentage rate of job growth — Kansas actually trailed more than two-thirds of the nation’s states in adding private sector employment during Brownback’s first term.

More notably, Kansas has created jobs at an even slower pace since the massive income tax cuts that Brownback champions as the savior to the state’s economy took effect in January 2013.

The Star compiled the following figures from the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report. It’s the same source Brownback used in making his jobs claim during his State of the State address this month.

▪ Kansas’ private sector employment grew by 5.5 percent from January 2011 through November 2014.

That’s far from impressive when stacked up against the rest of the country.

Kansas trailed 33 other states and Washington, D.C., all of which have added jobs at a healthier pace since 2011.

The six top gainers over that span were North Dakota, the leader at 28.5 percent, followed by Texas, Utah, California, Florida and Colorado.

Sixteen states did lag Kansas in private sector employment in that time, including neighboring Missouri and Nebraska, both up 5.3 percent.

Read more here: Gov. Sam Brownback s boast about Kansas job growth rings hollow The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star
Be realistic, who the hell would want to move to Kansas? A company could Offer me $250,000 a year and I wouldn't move there, No mountains, No beaches, no big lakes, no good hunting.

Not to mention big Ass category 5 Tornados, fuck that
Last edited:
dimocraps are lying scum.

Inside out, top to bottom, the long the tall the short the small.....

dimocraps are lying scum-sucking filth

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.

Yeah, more propaganda.

And yet, Kansas is facing this sort of plan:

Kansas GOP leader pushes deceitful budget packed with seven tax increases The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star
We have seen a dramatic demonstration in differences in policy.
California and Illinois raised taxes to close budget gaps. California and Illinois are still beset with budget gaps.
Wisconsin and Indiana and Tennessee cut government spending to close budget gaps. Those states have all closed their budget gaps and cut taxes in some cases as well.
Maryland raised taxes on millionaires. Maryland saw the largest drop in number of millionaires in the state ever.
It is so painfully obvious only a brain dead moron or a liberal (I repeat myself) could believe that raising taxes on the rich will produce any social benefit at all. It doesnt. Not only doesnt it not hurt the rich (who figure out ways around it) it hurts the poor, who are usually employees of the rich. But libs dont get that.
Shut up. You don't even know what you are talking about fool.

2015 s States Most Least Dependent on the Federal Government WalletHub

Economic forecast More businesses entering California than leaving report finds 89.3 KPCC

Right wingernutjobs don't post links because delusion isn't fact.
dimocraps are lying scum.

Inside out, top to bottom, the long the tall the short the small.....

dimocraps are lying scum-sucking filth

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.

Without an educated population, Kansas will be more stupid than Mississippi.
Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”

OhMyGOD, Don't they know that inflation is about to go through the roof?

Edge every fucking day you claim that a wage increase sets in motion this terrible round of inflation.

You better get to that Kansas gov and educate him on what a terrible mistake the state has made in allowing inflation to eat up the money the workers got in the raise.

Hurry now before it's to late to save them from themselves.
The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.

The median home cost in New York is $556,500.

The median home cost in Mississippi is $126,400.

So, who is living better.

Here's a big ain't the guy making $58,000 more in New York.
The Liberals in the US are the dumbest idiots on earth. They are the last ones to get the memo that socialism doesn't really work but they think that if we give it one more try here in the US then everything will be a paradise.
dimocraps are lying scum.

Inside out, top to bottom, the long the tall the short the small.....

dimocraps are lying scum-sucking filth

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.

Without an educated population, Kansas will be more stupid than Mississippi.
Some times I think you live in the 3rd world shacks down the Mississippi river, or in the shit holes of Detroit, or South side of Chicago, or east side of Saint Louis

I am so glad I Don't live in your world, when you can not get out. Except make up shit.
We have seen a dramatic demonstration in differences in policy.
California and Illinois raised taxes to close budget gaps. California and Illinois are still beset with budget gaps.
Wisconsin and Indiana and Tennessee cut government spending to close budget gaps. Those states have all closed their budget gaps and cut taxes in some cases as well.
Maryland raised taxes on millionaires. Maryland saw the largest drop in number of millionaires in the state ever.
It is so painfully obvious only a brain dead moron or a liberal (I repeat myself) could believe that raising taxes on the rich will produce any social benefit at all. It doesnt. Not only doesnt it not hurt the rich (who figure out ways around it) it hurts the poor, who are usually employees of the rich. But libs dont get that.

What about Kansas?
dimocraps are lying scum.

Inside out, top to bottom, the long the tall the short the small.....

dimocraps are lying scum-sucking filth

Early Results Show Income Tax Cuts Making Kansas A More Prosperous State - Forbes

  • For the first two months of the year, Kansas increased its non-farm jobs by 9,500 and the private sector added 9,000 jobs for March.
  • In a state-to-state comparison, Kansas placed 2nd in private-sector jobs growth in February.
  • Private-sector jobs from February 2014 to February 2015 grew by 21,200 — one of the most significant increases in the country.
  • Kansas surpassed all neighboring states except Colorado in private job gains over the year.

  • In private-sector hourly wages, Kansas beat all neighboring states except Nebraska.
  • Private-sector hourly wage estimates for January were revised upward, showing that Kansas gained 3.4% rather than 3.2% in hourly pay.
  • In month of February, Kansas hit a new record in hourly wage gains of 61 cents an hour.
  • Kansans are making an average of $25.52 more each week, while only having to work an average of 12 minutes longer.”
  • Compared to February last year, Kansas City, Kansas’s private sector average hourly wages were higher than in Kansas City, Missouri by 55 cents.
  • Unrelated to February data, Kansas has one of the highest employment-to-population ratios in the U.S., at 65.2%.

Without an educated population, Kansas will be more stupid than Mississippi.

The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.

The median home cost in New York is $556,500.

The median home cost in Mississippi is $126,400.

So, who is living better.

Here's a big ain't the guy making $58,000 more in New York.
They think making more money , being in a way higher tax bracket, living in a closest of a apartment, taking 3 hours to drive 3 miles makes them special. Stupid fucks
I make $110k a year in NYC and I am basically in the middle of the income spectrum. In Mississippi I would have a house the size of a small park in Manhattan.

You think someone in Mississippi will pay you 110K? If so, why haven't you moved there. I would be thinking that the uneducated red necks in Mississippi would be more your style of people. Why haven;t you moved from that terrible liberal state of NY? Just curious.

I haven't moved because I have family here, and my fiance has family here, and said family doesn't want to move.

My point was people in NY make more not because of any affluence, but because it costs more to live here, be it rent/mortgage/food/transportation, etc. So pointing out people in NY make more than people in Mississippi is just as pointless as me saying I could live like a king down there, although I probably could, because Engineers get paid well wherever they live.
You do not want to live in Mississippi under any circumstances.
Another ignorant poster who has never been anywhere, Biloxi Mississippi has the whitest sandy beachs, Florida and California is crap, the best crawfish and great food

Florida > Mississipi
They think making more money , being in a way higher tax bracket, living in a closest of a apartment, taking 3 hours to drive 3 miles makes them special. Stupid fucks

It's all they know. They don't know any better.

You should see how they react when they sell that dump of a run-down, termite infested shack on Longaislend for 600k and come down here and see what they can get for half that much.

You keep them in their habitat, keep them in their filthy, dirty urban confines and most of them are decent people.

The minute they get loose, they turn into instant asshole.

Seriously. I've been watching it with amazement for the last 40 years.
You do not want to live in Mississippi under any circumstances.

You're out of your ever lovin' mind.

I'd go to Mississippi any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Where I won't go is the Northeast.

I didn't leave anything behind up there the last time I left a decade ago.

You should be clued in right off the bat how bad it Delaware Water Gap, you can enter the Northeast for free, but they charge you a toll to get out.
Somebody would have to be an idiot to want to live up in that rust bucket, big government, high tax, high crime, minimal freedom Democrat stronghold of the north.
The median household income in NY state is 58,000. The median household income in Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union,

is 39,000.

The median home cost in New York is $556,500.

The median home cost in Mississippi is $126,400.

So, who is living better.

Here's a big ain't the guy making $58,000 more in New York.
Love those Mississippi mansions!
We have seen a dramatic demonstration in differences in policy.
California and Illinois raised taxes to close budget gaps. California and Illinois are still beset with budget gaps.
Wisconsin and Indiana and Tennessee cut government spending to close budget gaps. Those states have all closed their budget gaps and cut taxes in some cases as well.
Maryland raised taxes on millionaires. Maryland saw the largest drop in number of millionaires in the state ever.
It is so painfully obvious only a brain dead moron or a liberal (I repeat myself) could believe that raising taxes on the rich will produce any social benefit at all. It doesnt. Not only doesnt it not hurt the rich (who figure out ways around it) it hurts the poor, who are usually employees of the rich. But libs dont get that.

What about Kansas?
What about it?

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