They are the leaders of Washington, but not America


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
pretty much right on..the people in this country needs to WAKE up

By Joe Soucheray

Posted: 10/19/2013 12:01:00 AM CDT | Updated: about 8 hours ago

Here's the problem: we have three parallel Americas, only one of which is functioning. That would be the America of you and me and our neighbors, none of whom are politicians.

We work. We pay taxes. Sometimes we even "recreate,'' which is what some senior citizens were told by armed Yellowstone National Park employees they could not do when they found their tour bus inside the park during the so-called shutdown. According to a story in the Eagle Tribune of North Andover, Mass., some of the old-timers, who not only live in our America, but built it, got out of the bus to take some pictures of meandering buffalo and were told they the could not "recreate."

The other two Americas are inside the Washington Beltway, Democrats and Republicans.

They fight, ferociously, but only to preserve their presence and security inside the Beltway.

They are protected from the life we lead. They are protected from economic downturn. For example, they pay themselves back if their own actions cause them to miss work, while private businesses wounded by the shutdown are left to fend for themselves.

Mind you, this is true of both parties, for while I maintain my allegiance to at least Republican theory, it is no longer plausible that Republicans, any more than Democrats, husband my interests. No matter the season, John Boehner is just too comfortably tan, just as Barack Obama is just too comfortably glib. Both parties live in a parallel America, where, most principally, they spend money that doesn't exist, to create the illusion that they are representing the wishes of their constituents.

No, they are not. Those of us not in Washington do not lead our lives in such irresponsible and reckless ways. We don't spend money we don't have. We pay our bills. We have budgets. We take our responsibilities seriously. When we have disputes, with a neighbor, an employer, a friend, we tend to work them out and life goes on.

In our America, we are not nearly as polarized as the other two. We cannot afford to be, literally. We would not get anything done.

If anything good has come from the past two weeks, it is the realization by the real America that we are poorly served and that we are restless for solutions. It is our fault. We have allowed politics to become a career that attracts to it people who talk a good game but who are desperate to get inside the protective womb of the Beltway, for then they will be protected for life.

all of it here
Joe Soucheray: They are the leaders of Washington, but not America -
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Sure they lead America and Americans.

If someone does not accept that, then that person does not love America.

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