They Have Arrested Eight

Did you bitch like this when Reagan signed the order allowing amnesty and Bush sr signed legislation on chain migration for family members?
Werent they supposed to build a wall as part of that deal?
Possibly but you know how politicians are.
Might not have been a wall but I know Congress ignored half the agreement and look where we are.
Yet zero GOP govts filled the void after the fact.Until after 9/11.
Yeah so.....that's some sort of excuse or justification now? They didnt reign in spending either which gave us Teabaggers and now you whine about deficits despite never having tried reigning them in yourselves
I'm not in Congress..
You are mad at just the Dems yet the GOP is just as complicit allowing them to work in the US by taking the teeth out of the E-verify program for agribusiness done during Bush jr.
Now they are dumping refugees in the US under Trump but you think this is just a problem created by Dems? Then you are playing right into their hands via their lies and deceit...
Why don’t the dems join the GOP NOW to fix the problem? Build the damn wall.
They evidently want something in return for giving in to Trump and want to wait until the new Congress sets.
They want open borders! That’s what they want!
for the murder of this cop! Way to go fucking California. Fucking Schumer, Fucking Pelosi.

New arrests in death of California police officer; murder weapon may have been found, authorities say

Authorities said they've also arrested Arriaga's other brother, Adrian Virgen, 25, and co-worker Erik Razo Quiroz, 27, accusing them of attempting to mislead investigators in the search for the suspect, according to Christianson. They were arrested for being accessories after the fact to a felony, the sheriff's office said in Facebook post.

Both men also were in the country illegally, Christianson said.

Look at these people! Read about these rats! They are definitely not sending us their best!

47 cops have been killed this year, how many by illegals??

PS: Hats off to Nancy Pelosi in HI, she took a vacation and Trump takes one every week and he is mad he can't go golfing at his summer resort, many people want to talk to him, he raised his rates to 200 grand to join, got to discuss the policies of the US with the elites on the golf course. Boo Hoo.
You seriously need to lay off the drugs. None of that even made sense.
Look at these people! Read about these rats! They are definitely not sending us their best!
It's good to stir up the rat's nest! Better still if Jerry Brown and the leadership of the California assembly could be thrown in jail for willfully obstructing and aiding and abetting those that defy federal immigration law.
You are mad at just the Dems yet the GOP is just as complicit allowing them to work in the US by taking the teeth out of the E-verify program for agribusiness done during Bush jr.
Now they are dumping refugees in the US under Trump but you think this is just a problem created by Dems? Then you are playing right into their hands via their lies and deceit...
Why don’t the dems join the GOP NOW to fix the problem? Build the damn wall.
They evidently want something in return for giving in to Trump and want to wait until the new Congress sets.
They want open borders! That’s what they want!
The borders are not open there are patrols, electronic surveillance, drones, fence, satellites to cover the area..It's corporations that want them, agribusiness and wealthy people. E-verify is not required for agribusiness and fake ID can be obtained.
One too many.

Trump should stick this right up Pelosi's wrinkled old ass....and he will

You mean he’ll use the death of a police officer to try and forward his political agenda? No way! He’d never do that!
--------------------------------- yeah , might as well use it when its right there and Hot news and Current Event . Heck , i'll even use it as much as I can LLarfer .

Yeah. I know. Because the facts and data about undocumented immigrants being less violent and more law abiding than native Americans don’t work for you.
Take your facts and data about illegals and put them where the moon don’t shine! Then memorize this!

The facts are they are fucking not supposed to be here! Learn it. Own it. Know it!

But they are here and we need them. So, you’d do better to focus on positive solutions. How the hell are Donnie’s beds going to get made without his undocumented workers?
We need illegal alien cop killers?
2018 fallen officers: There have been 47 officers shot to death in the line of duty this year - CNN

Listing everyone even the last one. Look through them and let me know how many were killed by illegals.
It's impossible to tell since CNN didn't list the immigration status of the murderers though it's interesting to note how many of the slain police officers were themselves minorities and possibly immigrants (legal immigrants, that is).
The kind of people we want and need in this country being killed by the people we don't want or need...ironic.

I can definitely say that one officer killed by an illegal is one too many since the illegal shouldn't be here to begin with.
You mean he’ll use the death of a police officer to try and forward his political agenda? No way! He’d never do that!
--------------------------------- yeah , might as well use it when its right there and Hot news and Current Event . Heck , i'll even use it as much as I can LLarfer .

Yeah. I know. Because the facts and data about undocumented immigrants being less violent and more law abiding than native Americans don’t work for you.
Take your facts and data about illegals and put them where the moon don’t shine! Then memorize this!

The facts are they are fucking not supposed to be here! Learn it. Own it. Know it!

But they are here and we need them. So, you’d do better to focus on positive solutions. How the hell are Donnie’s beds going to get made without his undocumented workers?
We need illegal alien cop killers?

We don’t. But Trump does. They help him win support from morons like you.
2018 fallen officers: There have been 47 officers shot to death in the line of duty this year - CNN

Listing everyone even the last one. Look through them and let me know how many were killed by illegals.
Reason won't make a dent here. Until the Wall is funded, we will hear loud and long about every crime committed by an illegal in this country.

Once the Wall is funded, and there are still illegals committing murder etc., I wonder what the conservatives will do then?
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47 cops have been killed this year, how many by illegals??

It does not matter as even one is due to the government not doing its job adequately.

It is comparable to some convicted felon being let out on weekend visitation unsupervised and then he rapes and kills someone. It should not have EVER happened in the first place because he should have been in prison not running around in our society.

The same goes for these illegal aliens that the state of California allowed to roam our streets due to sanctuary laws.

A single death is outrageous and proof of the governments incompetence.
for the murder of this cop! Way to go fucking California. Fucking Schumer, Fucking Pelosi.

New arrests in death of California police officer; murder weapon may have been found, authorities say

Authorities said they've also arrested Arriaga's other brother, Adrian Virgen, 25, and co-worker Erik Razo Quiroz, 27, accusing them of attempting to mislead investigators in the search for the suspect, according to Christianson. They were arrested for being accessories after the fact to a felony, the sheriff's office said in Facebook post.

Both men also were in the country illegally, Christianson said.

Look at these people! Read about these rats! They are definitely not sending us their best!
Good to see they are catching who's involved.... T's & P's for the family of the murdered cop.
--------------------------------- yeah , might as well use it when its right there and Hot news and Current Event . Heck , i'll even use it as much as I can LLarfer .

Yeah. I know. Because the facts and data about undocumented immigrants being less violent and more law abiding than native Americans don’t work for you.
Take your facts and data about illegals and put them where the moon don’t shine! Then memorize this!

The facts are they are fucking not supposed to be here! Learn it. Own it. Know it!

But they are here and we need them. So, you’d do better to focus on positive solutions. How the hell are Donnie’s beds going to get made without his undocumented workers?
We need illegal alien cop killers?

We don’t. But Trump does. They help him win support from morons like you.
Why is it that Liberals support foreign criminals and Terrorists? Is it the trendy thing to do these dressing in drag?
2018 fallen officers: There have been 47 officers shot to death in the line of duty this year - CNN

Listing everyone even the last one. Look through them and let me know how many were killed by illegals.
Reason won't make a dent here. Until the Wall is funded, we will here loud and long about every crime committed by an illegal in this country.
If the government did its job correctly no one would be getting killed by people who are not supposed to be on our streets whether that is illegal aliens or criminals who have not completed their sentences but allowed out for any reason.

An illegal protected by sanctuary laws that kills one person is an OUTRAGE.

And it should be to you also.
They show their love for America by sheltering a known killer.

How many more just like him crossed into America illegally last night? How many today?

Build a damn wall and be done with this problem. Trump will win this fight if he wants to, he should embrace ownership of the shutdown, say "we saw another man killed for doing his job, yes, we build this wall, one way or another".

If he has to take the money from elsewhere, build it and take a photo op with it, so be it. The saving of lives and billions a year which would dramatically help with debt servicing is well worth it.

If America fails the West fails. You are being stretched and global socialists know this and support it. People yell that Russia is a threat? Even China for all the risk they pose aren't allowing their citizens to pour illegally into your country.
We won't be "done with this problem" when the Wall is built. Cops will still die in the line of duty. People will still be killed by drunk drivers. Women will still be raped. If you had any true compassion or concern for the victims, it wouldn't be about the ethnicity or the legal status of the perp. That is tangential and only a political tool being used to manipulate you into thinking a Wall will solve all our problems.

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