They Have Arrested Eight

Sorry. Lack of interest in doing your work.

The data is clear. Native born Americans are more likely to commit a violent crime than are undocumented immigrants.

32% of federal prisoners are illegals.
That's because all illegals doing time for being illegals are in federal prisons.

Unfortunately being a first time illegal doesnt get you jail time.
Hell,in Calipornia you can be a five time deportee and murder someone and still not get jail time.
You can bet the majority of the illegals are in federal custody for drug smuggling.
2018 fallen officers: There have been 47 officers shot to death in the line of duty this year - CNN

Listing everyone even the last one. Look through them and let me know how many were killed by illegals.
Reason won't make a dent here. Until the Wall is funded, we will here loud and long about every crime committed by an illegal in this country.
If the government did its job correctly no one would be getting killed by people who are not supposed to be on our streets whether that is illegal aliens or criminals who have not completed their sentences but allowed out for any reason.

An illegal protected by sanctuary laws that kills one person is an OUTRAGE.

And it should be to you also.
Was this cop killer protected by sanctuary laws, or was he hidden by his relatives?
I didn't see a link with any specifics.

He was hidden by Jerry Brown and the rest of the criminal cabal that run Calipornia.
Right in his rec room in the basement, right?

With their record of hiding illegals it wouldnt surprise me in the least.

Sorry. Lack of interest in doing your work.

The data is clear. Native born Americans are more likely to commit a violent crime than are undocumented immigrants.

32% of federal prisoners are illegals.
That's because all illegals doing time for being illegals are in federal prisons.

Unfortunately being a first time illegal doesnt get you jail time.
Hell,in Calipornia you can be a five time deportee and murder someone and still not get jail time.
You can bet the majority of the illegals are in federal custody for drug smuggling.
Drug offenses are by far the largest group (46%) but I did not see any place breaking that down for how many of them are illegals.

Sorry. Lack of interest in doing your work.

The data is clear. Native born Americans are more likely to commit a violent crime than are undocumented immigrants.

32% of federal prisoners are illegals.
That's because all illegals doing time for being illegals are in federal prisons.

Unfortunately being a first time illegal doesnt get you jail time.
Hell,in Calipornia you can be a five time deportee and murder someone and still not get jail time.
You can bet the majority of the illegals are in federal custody for drug smuggling.
Drug offenses are by far the largest group (46%) but I did not see any place breaking that down for how many of them are illegals.

I based it on the fact that drug smuggling is a federal crime.
You dont do fed time for say murder.
Take your facts and data about illegals and put them where the moon don’t shine! Then memorize this!

The facts are they are fucking not supposed to be here! Learn it. Own it. Know it!

But they are here and we need them. So, you’d do better to focus on positive solutions. How the hell are Donnie’s beds going to get made without his undocumented workers?
We need illegal alien cop killers?

We don’t. But Trump does. They help him win support from morons like you.
Why is it that Liberals support foreign criminals and Terrorists? Is it the trendy thing to do these dressing in drag?

They don’t. But you are a person with no integrity.
Sure they do. They weep every time one gets arrested for killing american’s. Then they run to their defense in threads on USMB. See LoneLaugher.

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