They have gun control and no 2nd Amendment in Britain, so their gun crime rate only soared 2,500% in one year.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Just found this, my thanks to Wildbillkelso for making me think about this....and the idiot Capt. Caveman........

British criminals are realizing that nothing protects drug turf the way a gun does........

Gun crime across England and Wales almost doubled in the space of one year according to shocking new offence statistics which highlighted an astonishing 2533% increase in London alone.

Analysis of Home Office open crime data from the first two quarters of 2021-2022 and 2022-23 show that there were 850 gun offences logged across the two countries - a 49% increase on the year before which saw 570.

This number includes 237 London incidents - a 2533% increase from the previous year which saw 9 incidents across the same period.

By contrast, knife possession across the capital dropped by 13% - although stats show there were still 1281 incidences.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said its own figures on gun offences were 'vastly different' from the Home Office' police recorded crime open data.
The authority said that according to their own regular updated figures the number of offences committed from April to September 2022 was actually 768 compared to 699 committed in the same period in 2021 - a 14% rise.

Gun crime was also prevalent across other parts of the country including in Manchester which recorded 69 instances of the offence.

Essex recorded an 81% in gun incidents due to 58 offences over the period.

The data showed that principally higher instances of gun crime were linked to towns and cities.

However rural areas were not immune with Gwent recording a 1800% increase on the previous years figures due to 19 offences being committed.

I keep telling the anti-gun extremists that Europe was about at the same place with gun violence as the United States in the the U.S., our gun violence rate changed mid 1960s with the increase in drug use....drug gangs started to use guns to take and hold drug turf.

Europe had been immune to this for a while because they were recovering from the destruction created by World War 2, the destruction of families by the increase of the welfare state......which started in the U.S. in 1960.........and now has reached the crisis point in Europe....

Sweden, the Netherlands, France....are the focus of gang violence for now, but that is going to spread.....
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