They presume the president, but don't call Alaska or N.C?

They're doing what Democrats always do. It's called the bums rush. It's like the football team that hurries to the line to run a play when they know a replay will go against them.
They're doing what Democrats always do. It's called the bums rush. It's like the football team that hurries to the line to run a play when they know a replay will go against them.

The no huddle offense. Then they spike the ball at the 10 and run off the field in celebration.

What we here in America are experiencing is an electronic-cultural media driven coup. You know, we Americans always like to boast about our rugged individualism—our blood thirsty revolt against the once most powerful empire the world had ever seen, the British. So it follows most of us likely believed America could never go down without a shooting fight. That was and remains our greatest weakness.

Ever since Americans stood by and allowed Roe v. Wade to stand, the forces of pure evil—call them whatever you wish—have been oh so slowly chipping away at every aspect of our civilization; every nuance and value that made America the greatest human anomaly to happen since time began. This creeping erosion began in the courts, the classrooms; in Hollywood and through developing technology companies. The enemy of all mankind surrounded us and began to harvest us without us even realizing it was there.

But to answer your question . . . very obviously the presidential race cannot be certified without all states reporting in their final counts. Does this "insignificant" old rule matter to the blue asses and the deep state and the globalists and the Chinese? Of course not. They've been burning cities around our nation for months.

By the way, Shocked, has Canada gone full fascist yet? How's life treating you up there?

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