They Told Us Lockdowns Were About Flattening the Curve. They Lied


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
Lock-downs do not have Constitutional Authority to persist in holding Americans as hostages.

The Democrat party are indeed communist and welcomed their calvery (Communist China) which after many attempts to overthrow The Trump Administration traitors resorted to bio-warfare and deception.

Medical terrorism is more psychological, relying on the domestic enemies who are killing you while telling you they are keeping you safe.

They pretend to be helping people. What they are really doing is attempting to conquer the Government while threatening to make the virus worst when Americans rebel against their tyrannical "stay at home" edict.

Not one democrat or the the enemy media propaganda had the least bit of criticism for all the deaths from a Bio-weapon attack from communist china killing thousands of Americans.

Understand the communist are using germs to mentally deceive people to surrendering our right to resist. The psych is the notion of keeping you "safe" don't be fooled. The intention is to do the opposite of keeping you safe. Hospitals are killing more than they are saving with every aspect of the communist lock-down.

Don't let this become an east Germany type enslavement.


Nolte: They Told Us Lockdowns Were About Flattening the Curve. They Lied


In order to flatten the curve of the coronavirus, the politicians told us we must lockdown and be quarantined while our economy collapsed. They told us we had to flatten the curve to ensure our health care system was not overwhelmed by the sick and dying. They told us that if the health care system was overwhelmed, people would die who could otherwise be saved. They told us losing people who can be saved is intolerable, and America agreed…

And so, for the first time in recorded history, healthy Americans dutifully fulfilled our end of the bargain and went into quarantine by dutifully agreeing to go into lockdown while our economy collapsed. And now we know we were suckers… MORE…

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