In the pandemic, we were told to keep 6 feet apart. There’s no science to support that.

So.............Would the GQP rather be coughed on at ONE foot away?
Rather than SIX feet away?
That is the scientific term meaning "your posts be pedantic."
:itsok:COVID-19 has is fifth documented pandemic since the 1918 flu pandemic and they have data, and it should have been analyzed (SCIENCE) before they FUCKED up the life of children. Nod if you agree with me.
No, not conspiracy, so don't you try to move this one. They lied to us again... Not the first time, and they will do it every time they can especially to influence an election. Let us not dwell on the Election, let us examine and digest this information and then YOU can make an informed decision. Well maybe you can not, when a dictator tells you what YOU are REQURED to do.

Remember.. SCIENCE, nope not this time...

“It sort of just appeared, that six feet is going to be the distance,” Fauci testified to Congress in a January closed-door hearing, according to a transcribed interview released Friday. Fauci characterized the recommendation as “an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data.”
But we knew this over four years ago and some of us shouted the science then loud and clear , day after day .

But it is very hard dealing with Sheeple --- be it the Gullibles , Normies and/or Deniers .
But we knew this over four years ago and some of us shouted the science then loud and clear , day after day .

But it is very hard dealing with Sheeple --- be it the Gullibles , Normies and/or Deniers .
If you shouted science, own your mistake. No science
People that can't handle a little social distancing need to toughen up.
unfortunately certain states "ran" with it and had to close schools and the students were the ones that really got screwed.
Pence the coward

2020-03-31T231421Z_1479251373_RC2BVF9FU59B_RTRMADP_3_HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS-USA (1).jpg


prez Fauci.jpg
If you shouted science, own your mistake. No science
You are simply betraying your poor education .

Unless you think a mask mesh which has strands effectively ten feet apart can stop a virus . That is the type of reality that exists if you had just minimum academic knowledge .

But if you believe that you need sectioning .
You are simply betraying your poor education .

Unless you think a mask mesh which has strands effectively ten feet apart can stop a virus . That is the type of reality that exists if you had just minimum academic knowledge .

But if you believe that you need sectioning .
get your head examined. the face diapers do not stop the spread, the social distancing was made up, and the experimental injection that has caused a massive amounts of deaths, medical problems, diabetes, liver disease, turbo cancer, monkey pox was an experiment on control.
We got a DICTATOR in the White House that mandated it
Which leads me to my next prediction, I'm guessing Joe will win by 80 trillion votes this time around, assuming democrats do the counting.
Republican groups did the counting and re-counting last time; all confirmed your blob lost. But let me guess “deep state”....right?
Then there is this:

"Experts agree that social distancing saved lives, particularly early in the pandemic when Americans had no protections against a novel virus sickening millions of people. One recent paper published by the Brookings Institution, a nonpartisan think tank, concludes that behavior changes to avoid developing covid-19, followed later by vaccinations, prevented about 800,000 deaths."


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