Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is Probably The Worst Ever!!!

If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

Reid's Senate is the worst.

No Budget.

Annual trillion deficits and our first ever credit downgrade.

Monkeys could do a better job than Reid and Obama
If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

Hey, dumbass, did you even read the article you linked?

"Had he referred to the Senate, I'd probably agree with him," McCarthy said. "One, that bills don't come up. That you can't have the challenge—you don't even produce a budget? I mean, I'd sit back and the first way I would score an individual inside there, [I'd ask] have you done the fundamentals of producing a budget and passing it?

He's talking about the Dims who won't bring bills up for a Senate vote, Dims who don't submit a budget to be voted on. It's Dimocrats, you fool. And last time I checked Barry was still the top Dim dog.
Yea. Congress has had a much lower approval rating than Obama for a while now.

But, is the OP trying to blame the senate, and/or congress a whole moreso than Obama? Cause if that's the case, then what impact did the democrat controlled congress have on Bush's last two years as president? :deepthought:
I don't think you'll find many people who will argue that the senate under the leadership of reid, is in fact among, if not the, worst ever.
If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

Hey, dumbass, did you even read the article you linked?

"Had he referred to the Senate, I'd probably agree with him," McCarthy said. "One, that bills don't come up. That you can't have the challenge—you don't even produce a budget? I mean, I'd sit back and the first way I would score an individual inside there, [I'd ask] have you done the fundamentals of producing a budget and passing it?

He's talking about the Dims who won't bring bills up for a Senate vote, Dims who don't submit a budget to be voted on. It's Dimocrats, you fool. And last time I checked Barry was still the top Dim dog.
Hey Einstein, which of the two parties are currently speaking publicly, running on and getting voting in for operating in Congress with a "no compromise" stance?

Congratulations to the teabaggers for creating the worst congress in the history of the nation! :clap2:

What is the approval at now? 11% I believe? :lmao:
Granny says, "Dat's right, dey's constipated - can't pass a thing...
Approval of Congress falls to all-time low
Just 10 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday, tying the lowest mark in the 38 years the poll has been conducted.
That number was previously reached this past February, but bounced back a bit in subsequent months. Eighty-three percent of Americans disapprove of Congress, the poll shows. Gallup says Congress' approval rating is down among all political groups and is nearly the same among Democrats, Republicans and independents. Approval of Congress hasn't topped 20 percent since June 2011, according to Gallup.

Why are Congress' ratings so low? Gallup suggests the struggling economy and divided control of Congress, with a Republican majority in the House and a Democratic majority in the Senate, may be factors. It may also have something to do with the fact that Congress is on pace, according to USA Today, "to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post World War II era."

Of the 3,914 bills that have been introduced in Congress so far this year, just 61 have become law — less than 2 percent. Last year, after Republicans took control of the House, Congress passed just 90 bills. Only one other time in history, in 1995, has Congress failed to pass at least 125 new laws. Not even the so-called "do-nothing Congress" of 1948 passed as few laws as the present one, USA Today says.

Approval of Congress falls to all-time low | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

Reid is doing Obama's bidding by attempting to make him an imperial POTUS who rules by decree and fatwa, dumbass.

They are worst ever together.
If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

Obama's been such a uniter.

It's everyone else's fault


Need a list of Obama's achievements since taking office?

Can you pull your mouth off his anus for a moment and allow me to post?
Granny says, "Dat's right, dey's constipated - can't pass a thing...
Approval of Congress falls to all-time low
Just 10 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday, tying the lowest mark in the 38 years the poll has been conducted.
That number was previously reached this past February, but bounced back a bit in subsequent months. Eighty-three percent of Americans disapprove of Congress, the poll shows. Gallup says Congress' approval rating is down among all political groups and is nearly the same among Democrats, Republicans and independents. Approval of Congress hasn't topped 20 percent since June 2011, according to Gallup.

Why are Congress' ratings so low? Gallup suggests the struggling economy and divided control of Congress, with a Republican majority in the House and a Democratic majority in the Senate, may be factors. It may also have something to do with the fact that Congress is on pace, according to USA Today, "to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post World War II era."

Of the 3,914 bills that have been introduced in Congress so far this year, just 61 have become law — less than 2 percent. Last year, after Republicans took control of the House, Congress passed just 90 bills. Only one other time in history, in 1995, has Congress failed to pass at least 125 new laws. Not even the so-called "do-nothing Congress" of 1948 passed as few laws as the present one, USA Today says.

Approval of Congress falls to all-time low | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

While that sounds bad, congress (and government in general) shouldn't necessarily be judged on how many laws they pass: i.e. how much they inflate government.
If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

YEs the democratic controlled senate is the worst and even the people polls show it is.

nothing short of treason to know what is happening in the senate and blame the dems

nothing short of treason
If you rabid RWers believe that the American population in general is falling for this BS that "it's all Obama's fault" you have another thing coming.

Even the highest in leadership of the conservatives see's the problem...and it ain't Obama.

Third-ranking House Republican: This Senate is

Hey, dumbass, did you even read the article you linked?

"Had he referred to the Senate, I'd probably agree with him," McCarthy said. "One, that bills don't come up. That you can't have the challenge—you don't even produce a budget? I mean, I'd sit back and the first way I would score an individual inside there, [I'd ask] have you done the fundamentals of producing a budget and passing it?

He's talking about the Dims who won't bring bills up for a Senate vote, Dims who don't submit a budget to be voted on. It's Dimocrats, you fool. And last time I checked Barry was still the top Dim dog.
Hey Einstein, which of the two parties are currently speaking publicly, running on and getting voting in for operating in Congress with a "no compromise" stance?


So if a dude wants to boink your wife, and you say NO.... and he says, Oh c'mon man... just once.... are you going to compromise and let him "just once" ?

Inquiring minds want to know... :dunno:

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