Third World influence needs to be more invisible in the United States?

Sorry. Got interrupted, professor. I live with these wetbacks, and they really LACK in redeeming values. I notice everyone here speaks ENGLISH, that’s one of those little perks people take for granted in America. I need a translator to talk to them. I digress, WHAT the fuck IS you point, Preius? I have such short attention span. Apparently, you have no point to this thread other than to get negative attention. Make your little point or get off the pot.
Fact, My next door neighbor, a Mexican kid was bitching because my TREES leaves were magically appearing on THEIR side of the street. This, after 10 years of their weird ass take on American rights. Loud blaring stereos, trash, overcrowding and various violations of American laws and human rights, ( MINE). I am so glad you aren’t defending these assholes, accept , I am not sure what the HELL you ARE defending.
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Sorry. Got interrupted, professor. I live with these wetbacks, and they really LACK in redeeming values. I notice everyone here speaks ENGLISH, that’s one of those little perks people take for granted in America. I need a translator to talk to them. I digress, WHAT the fuck IS you point, Preius? I have such short attention span. Apparently, you have no point to this thread other than to get negative attention. Make your little point or get off the pot.

America should invest $296 BILLION in the plan that will deport all 12,000,000 illegal aliens in five years. We spend $113 BILLION a year now on illegal aliens and their anchor babies for health care, education, and welfare. Illegals are estimated to hold over 7,000,000 jobs and they are not all berry pickers. Over the years many have advanced to middle management. We are talking about something along the lines of the historic and very successful Operation Wetback. Illegal is not a race, it is a law enforcement issue.

If you had bothered to read the thread you would have seen this before. They say it is best to read a thread before one posts in it.
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You hovered around the topic of illegal immigration most strongly in posts #32, #35, #54, #70, #79, and #83. You also addressed or implied matters to illegal immigration in your posts # 4, #9, #11, #13, #15, #19, #22, #28, #30, #33, #37, and #64. You flip-flopped over six times, (I stopped counting). ]

A quote, a direct quote supporting your charge, shitbag. You can't so you won't, you dishonest, unAmerican, little sack of shit. Your act is more than old by now. Get the fuck out of my country.
the historic and very successful Operation Wetback. .

Here we have yet another example of this fucking half-wit trying to reference something he doesn't understand.

I guess shitforbrains doesn't know, care, or understand the significance of the fact some US citizens were also deported during that sweep. That's hardly successful or acceptable, unless of course it meant that YOU worthless, UnAmerican ass were purged from our soil.
the historic and very successful Operation Wetback. .

Here we have yet another example of this fucking half-wit trying to reference something he doesn't understand.

I guess shitforbrains doesn't know, care, or understand the significance of the fact some US citizens were also deported during that sweep. That's hardly successful or acceptable, unless of course it meant that YOU worthless, UnAmerican ass were purged from our soil.

Here again is the link to Operation Wetback. Please note that unlike one member of USMB, I always offer and provide links from credible sources to support what I say. Anyone can cut and paste posts name-calling in a thread. I believe is against the rules.

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The effort began in California and Arizona in 1954 and coordinated 1075 Border Patrol agents, along with state and local police agencies. Tactics employed included going house to house in Mexican-American neighborhoods and citizenship checks during standard traffic stops.

Some 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions per day. By the end of July, over 50,000 illegal aliens were caught in the two states. An estimated 488,000 illegal aliens are believed to have left voluntarily, for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 had left Texas of their own accord. To discourage illicit re-entry, buses and trains took many deportees deep within Mexican territory before releasing them.

"Tens of thousands more were deported by two chartered ships: the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 miles to the south. Some were taken as far as 1000 miles. Deportation by sea was ended after seven deportees jumped overboard from the Mercurio and drowned, provoking a mutiny that led to a public outcry in Mexico."

Not that it bothers me, I am getting my message out - deport, deport, deport.

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Here we have yet another example of this fucking half-wit trying to reference something he doesn't understand.

I guess shitforbrains doesn't know, care, or understand the significance of the fact some US citizens were also deported during that sweep. That's hardly successful or acceptable, unless of course it meant that YOU worthless, UnAmerican ass were purged from our soil.
Here we have yet another example of this fucking half-wit trying to reference something he doesn't understand.

I guess shitforbrains doesn't know, care, or understand the significance of the fact some US citizens were also deported during that sweep. That's hardly successful or acceptable, unless of course it meant that YOU worthless, UnAmerican ass were purged from our soil.

If you get tired of your cut and paste posting, I could do it for you? This thread has turned into a monolog from me, USMB member viewing has dropped off, but I still have a number of tasty graphics I want to post. Understand Mr. (I stand against anything Preius says), Unkotare? Everytime you post, I get to place another link or graphic.


The subject of this thread is, "Third World influence needs to be more invisible in the United States?"
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Many people are confused about attitudes in the southwest United States. Some lump native Americans in with illegals. Nothing could be further from the truth. As this utube demonstrates, Native Americans want Mexicans out of the United States as much as Anglos and African Americans do. Allowing illegal Mexicans wander all over Native American reservations is disrupting their lives, and has led to the murder of a number of Native American U. S. CITIZENS! :mad:


Illegal Mexicans are a plague that need to be incarcerated and deported.

The subject of this thread is, "Third World influence needs to be more invisible in the United States?"
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Has it gotten through to that rotten mellon of yours yet that no one here is defending illegal immigration, shitbag?
Has it gotten through to that rotten mellon of yours yet that no one here is defending illegal immigration, shitbag?

Flip-floppers are always difficult to figure out. Often there is some kind of psychological chemical imbalance in their brain. I hesitate to push these people since the attempt on the life of Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords.

Are you ever going to get around to answering this post? It is my third time to ask.

If these minor points, interest you so much, why not find the posts and bring them forward as a quote?]

Why don't you go ahead and tell us about them? Surely you haven't forgotten your own unAmerican bullshit, have you fool? Maybe you have some fresh insanity to add. Maybe some pointless pics? Some unbelievably bad fiction? You know, your usual nonsense. If we are going to allow an unworthy cur like you to stay in my country you can at least make yourself useful providing entertainment. Start dancing, clown.

I am really getting tired of doing your research for you. But these facts may even surprise you. National Council of La Raza | Take Action



By the way the image of a face in red is Che Guavara
the Cuban Communist killed by the CIA and Bolivian government.​

Unkotare, aren't you the one who likes to throw out the word "UnAmerican?" I think the word should be "traitor" directed at you and your bunch of illegal aliens and anchor babies.

What have you got to say for yourself now, Unkotare? ' Bigotry,' or' be prepared, the United States is being invaded?'

Oh, and if you want to know why I continue with you in this thread only? Google "Reach and Frequency in Advertising."
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Are you ever going to get around to answering this post? It is my third time to ask.[/SIZE]

Do you have an actual question, shitbag? I've already told you several times that:

1) No one here is defending illegal immigration

2) I am not Latino

3) Under current settled American law (based on THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), children born in the US are US citizens, and more worthy of being so than YOU

4) Your vile bigotry is NOT any part of a legitimate defense of American borders, it is merely unAmerican bullshit by a worthless little coward who is not fit to be in my country

So where is your question, shitbag?
Are you ever going to get around to answering this post? It is my third time to ask.[/SIZE]

Do you have an actual question, shitbag? I've already told you several times that:

1) No one here is defending illegal immigration

2) I am not Latino

3) Under current settled American law (based on THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), children born in the US are US citizens, and more worthy of being so than YOU

4) Your vile bigotry is NOT any part of a legitimate defense of American borders, it is merely unAmerican bullshit by a worthless little coward who is not fit to be in my country

So where is your question, shitbag?

Then there is only one question left, moron. Why are you posting in my thread? Your little 'flip-flop' game has come to an end. :cuckoo:

By the way there is a legal way to deport 'squat and drop' anchor babies. Just start jerking the green cards of family members. However, my sources indicate that the best way to deport is not for illegal immigration, but for felony charges of having false citizenship documents. Utilizing this method there is much less paperwork, and you can deport in quantity. This is an area where we must focus on taxpayer costs. Unfortunately, illegals are an economic drain anyway you look at it. The new electronically controlled 'bug zapper' fences could be useful tied in with our multi-billion dollar armed drones. Warn the illegals, then take down a few at the border, and the rest will run like cockroaches. Which is really what they are, they just look human.
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Are you ever going to get around to answering this post? It is my third time to ask.[/SIZE]

Do you have an actual question, shitbag? I've already told you several times that:

1) No one here is defending illegal immigration

2) I am not Latino

3) Under current settled American law (based on THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), children born in the US are US citizens, and more worthy of being so than YOU

4) Your vile bigotry is NOT any part of a legitimate defense of American borders, it is merely unAmerican bullshit by a worthless little coward who is not fit to be in my country

So where is your question, shitbag?

Then there is only one question left, moron. Why are you posting in my thread? .

You can't even pretend to backup your lies and idiocy, shitbag. STFU and go away.
By the way there is a legal way to deport 'squat and drop' anchor babies..

You are talking about US citizens with more justification to be here, by far, than YOU. Fuck off, shitbag. Your unAmerican nonsense has nothing to do with any serious discussion of addressing the problem of illegal immigration. You are just a noisy nobody.
[ the rest will run like cockroaches. Which is really what they are, they just look human.

YOU, on the other hand, are far below cockroaches and if that avatar is really you, don't even look human.
Enough of this ranting blather. Here are some facts from CBS News. Illegal aliens are angry and DEMANDING a path to U. S. citizenship - yeah right. :Boom2: What kind of idiot thinks law breakers who entered the United States illegally have any rights?

This video shows how angry illegals are at Obama for not opening the door to amnesty. I am angry at Obama because he is not deporting faster! :hmpf: This video from a highly credible source is worth your time.

Don't kid yourself these illegals reproduce like cockroaches and are invading America with little resistance.

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