Thirty Years ago...give or take...

30 years ago, Saigon was falling into the NV-N Army.
3 millions of vietnamese (2 millions of civilians), and about 60 US soldiers were killed during this war.
It ended about 30 years of war (1946-1975)
padisha emperor said:
30 years ago, Saigon was falling into the NV-N Army.
3 millions of vietnamese (2 millions of civilians), and about 60 US soldiers were killed during this war.
It ended about 30 years of war (1946-1975)

60 US soldiers ???
padisha emperor said:
30 years ago, Saigon was falling into the NV-N Army.
3 millions of vietnamese (2 millions of civilians), and about 60 US soldiers were killed during this war.
It ended about 30 years of war (1946-1975)

How many would you say died at the hands of the french, overall? From say 185? to 1957?
Said1 said:
How many would you say died at the hands of the french, overall? From say 185? to 1957?

Oh, you mean when the area was referred to as French Indo-China?
Kathianne said:
Oh, you mean when the area was referred to as French Indo-China?

Yes. And did you know there were plenty o' ex-nazis fighting there on behalf of France?
WTF ? :wtf:

It was not a critic against USa, stop to see it everywhere...

it was a constatation, becasue today, it is the anniversary of the fall of Saigon, the end of the Viet nam war.

For your question, i've no idea...a lot, sure. there is all the same two differences : the French tried to avoid civilians ; the French were fighting in a FRENCH territory.

But , here again, it was not to ashame USa, or the critisize them, not at all.

PS : why to 1957 ? Indochina was evacuated in 1954, the last city, Haiphong, in 1955, may the 4th ;)
padisha emperor said:
WTF ? :wtf:

It was not a critic against USa, stop to see it everywhere...

it was a constatation, becasue today, it is the anniversary of the fall of Saigon, the end of the Viet nam war.

For your question, i've no idea...a lot, sure. there is all the same two differences : the French tried to avoid civilians ; the French were fighting in a FRENCH territory.

But , here again, it was not to ashame USa, or the critisize them, not at all.

PS : why to 1957 ? Indochina was evacuated in 1954, the last city, Haiphong, in 1955, may the 4th ;)

No it wasn't, there were french troops fighting after 54'.
padisha emperor said:
WTF ? :wtf:

It was not a critic against USa, stop to see it everywhere...

it was a constatation, becasue today, it is the anniversary of the fall of Saigon, the end of the Viet nam war.

For your question, i've no idea...a lot, sure. there is all the same two differences : the French tried to avoid civilians ; the French were fighting in a FRENCH territory.

But , here again, it was not to ashame USa, or the critisize them, not at all.

PS : why to 1957 ? Indochina was evacuated in 1954, the last city, Haiphong, in 1955, may the 4th ;)

The evacuation that followed the great French diplomatic effort, :rolleyes: Brings to mind their wonderful ideas regarding giving Iran light water reactor and arming the Palestinians. Great diplomatic minds, always so subtle.

The "civil war between Vietnamese" is a misrepresentation of the Geneva Agreement of 1954 that, among other things, negotiated the removal of the French colonial power and separated North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel, pending a popular election to be held in 1956 to determine a single government for them both. The majority of the population remained in the communist North, even after several million fled to South Vietnam. Sen. John Kennedy regarded the election as "obviously stacked and subverted in advance."
padisha emperor said:
30 years ago, Saigon was falling into the NV-N Army.
3 millions of vietnamese (2 millions of civilians), and about 60 US soldiers were killed during this war.
It ended about 30 years of war (1946-1975)
And the start of the great Communist terror in South East Asia started.
Once the American presence was removed, there was nothing to stop the Viet-Cong from assassinating hundreds of thousands of political opponents in what was South Vietnam, there was no force to stop them from their expansion into Laos and especially Cambodia.... which paved the way for the Khmer-Rouge and Pol-Pot, which were responsible for over 2 million deaths....

Within five years, the Communists managed to kill over 2.5 million people in Southeast Asia..... and no one talks about that, just the part about so called American "imperialism" in Vietnam.....

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