This ain't 2016... That's a Fact.

Biden is not Hillary yet he is the same type of lifelong status quo career politician that that so many are sick of and that voters rejected in 2016.
True enough but unfortunately Donnie has screwed up so bad, that now we will likely get Senile Joe.

What a country!!!
I don’t necessarily believe that I don’t think the majority are going to blame him for the coronavirus and will remember how well things were going before that. Also many Americans don’t like this extreme far left turn the Democratic Party has taken and Biden has shown he will go along with basically anything they say.
No. The D Party is not far left. That’s propaganda. After eight years of O, who said lots of progressive platitudes but governed like an R, we all should see the game they play.
It’s the AOC squad types driving the Democratic party’s agenda right now they are far left. These are the people who pushed Nancy Pelosi into going down the impeachment road even though she knew it was a mistake and would fail.
I can’t agree with that either. The squad got rolled by Pelosi. They will do what the establishment tells them. All of them said nothing about the CARES Act, which enriched the rich and did little to nothing for the poor. They’re frauds just like O. They are owned by the billionaires, just like the rest of the politicians of both parties.
Biden is not Hillary yet he is the same type of lifelong status quo career politician that that so many are sick of and that voters rejected in 2016.
True enough but unfortunately Donnie has screwed up so bad, that now we will likely get Senile Joe.

What a country!!!
I don’t necessarily believe that I don’t think the majority are going to blame him for the coronavirus and will remember how well things were going before that. Also many Americans don’t like this extreme far left turn the Democratic Party has taken and Biden has shown he will go along with basically anything they say.
No. The D Party is not far left. That’s propaganda. After eight years of O, who said lots of progressive platitudes but governed like an R, we all should see the game they play.

It may not be, but the far left has pretty good control.

Obama governed like an R ?????? Really....obamacare.....
Yes really. Ocare was a right wing Facsist plan. It did almost nothing for the poor, but really enriched O’s donors in big hospital, Pharma, and insurance. Please get informed. Stop consuming Fox News or any other MSM outlet.
You trump supporters better start getting used to.

2020 isn't 2016. Because Joe Biden isn't Hillary Clinton.
Charlie Cook
June 23, 2020

In a presidential election year that is so unlike any previous one, it’s not hard to compile a list of oddities. But one peculiarity is an almost mystical feeling in each party that is hardly analytical but quite widespread. Many of the most fervent Donald Trump supporters seem convinced that because he pulled a rabbit out of a hat in the last election, winning a race that seemed unwinnable even as late as the first poll closings, he can and will do it again. The polls and pundits were all wrong, they maintain; Trump has some magical ability to defy political gravity and all the experts put together. The mirror-image conviction among many Democrats and passionate Trump detractors comes from the psychological trauma of losing a race they thought they had in the bag in 2016. They fear, even believe, that he will somehow do it again.

This political phenomenon keeps coming to mind when I look through the results of new polls, most recently the Thursday afternoon release of the latest Quinnipiac University poll, conducted June 11-15 among 1,332 registered voters nationwide, followed by a Thursday evening release of a new Fox News poll, taken June 13-16 among 1,343 registered voters. In Quinnipiac, Joe Biden led Trump by 8 percentage points, 49 to 41 percent. That’s a bit narrower than the 11-point margin in the previous (May 14-18) survey, when Biden had 50 percent to the incumbent’s 39 percent. Fox has Biden’s lead at 12 points, 50 to 38 percent, up from the 48-40-percent spread in its May 17-20 poll.

The new Quinnipiac Poll showed 42 percent approving of Trump’s overall performance against 55 percent disapproving. The Fox poll had 44 percent approving to 55 percent disapproving. Both of those sets of numbers are nearly identical to the respective polls’ May numbers.

Looking across the span of all of the polling over the last six months, Trump’s approval ratings started a downward turn in early April, while the gap between Biden and Trump seemed to widen starting in very late May or early June.

Presidential elections when an incumbent is not running are pretty much choice elections, but when an incumbent is seeking reelection, they amount to little more than a referendum on the incumbent. That’s why so much focus is paid to job-approval ratings, the best yardstick of whether an incumbent will be reelected or not. Quinnipiac’s 42 percent approval rating splits the difference between the RealClearPolitics average of 43 percent and the 41 percent in FiveThirtyEight’s averages—not where an incumbent wants to be.

This mythology that because Trump did it once he can do it again ignores the fact that Hillary Clinton is not going to be the Democratic nominee this year, and that is quite consequential.

Hey IM2 what say you about Don Lemon’s comments on black culture?

CNN's Don Lemon then offers black people five things they should think about doing if they want to, in his words "fix their problem." (annotated below, see the full transcript here)

Number five. Pull up your pants...
Sagging pants, whether Justin Bieber or No-name Derek around the way, walking around with your ass and your underwear showing is not OK.
Number four is the n-word...
By promoting the use of that word when it's not germane to the conversation, have you ever considered that you may be just perpetuating the stereotype the master intended acting like a n***er?
Number three. Respect where you live...
Start small by not dropping trash, littering in your own communities.
Number two, finish school...
You want to break the cycle of poverty? Stop telling kids they're acting white because they go to school or they speak proper English.
Number one, and probably the most important, just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should...
Studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.
Lemon concludes:
"So, please, black folks, as I said if this doesn't apply to you, I'm not talking to you. Pay attention to and think about what has been presented in recent history as acceptable behavior. Pay close attention to the hip-hop and rap culture that many of you embrace. A culture that glorifies everything I just mentioned, thug and reprehensible behavior, a culture that is making a lot of people rich, just not you."

CNN's Don Lemon Offers 5 Tips To "End The Violence & Chaos" In Black Communities
You trump supporters better start getting used to.

2020 isn't 2016. Because Joe Biden isn't Hillary Clinton.
Charlie Cook
June 23, 2020

In a presidential election year that is so unlike any previous one, it’s not hard to compile a list of oddities. But one peculiarity is an almost mystical feeling in each party that is hardly analytical but quite widespread. Many of the most fervent Donald Trump supporters seem convinced that because he pulled a rabbit out of a hat in the last election, winning a race that seemed unwinnable even as late as the first poll closings, he can and will do it again. The polls and pundits were all wrong, they maintain; Trump has some magical ability to defy political gravity and all the experts put together. The mirror-image conviction among many Democrats and passionate Trump detractors comes from the psychological trauma of losing a race they thought they had in the bag in 2016. They fear, even believe, that he will somehow do it again.

This political phenomenon keeps coming to mind when I look through the results of new polls, most recently the Thursday afternoon release of the latest Quinnipiac University poll, conducted June 11-15 among 1,332 registered voters nationwide, followed by a Thursday evening release of a new Fox News poll, taken June 13-16 among 1,343 registered voters. In Quinnipiac, Joe Biden led Trump by 8 percentage points, 49 to 41 percent. That’s a bit narrower than the 11-point margin in the previous (May 14-18) survey, when Biden had 50 percent to the incumbent’s 39 percent. Fox has Biden’s lead at 12 points, 50 to 38 percent, up from the 48-40-percent spread in its May 17-20 poll.

The new Quinnipiac Poll showed 42 percent approving of Trump’s overall performance against 55 percent disapproving. The Fox poll had 44 percent approving to 55 percent disapproving. Both of those sets of numbers are nearly identical to the respective polls’ May numbers.

Looking across the span of all of the polling over the last six months, Trump’s approval ratings started a downward turn in early April, while the gap between Biden and Trump seemed to widen starting in very late May or early June.

Presidential elections when an incumbent is not running are pretty much choice elections, but when an incumbent is seeking reelection, they amount to little more than a referendum on the incumbent. That’s why so much focus is paid to job-approval ratings, the best yardstick of whether an incumbent will be reelected or not. Quinnipiac’s 42 percent approval rating splits the difference between the RealClearPolitics average of 43 percent and the 41 percent in FiveThirtyEight’s averages—not where an incumbent wants to be.

This mythology that because Trump did it once he can do it again ignores the fact that Hillary Clinton is not going to be the Democratic nominee this year, and that is quite consequential.

It took you 31/2 years to figure what year this is?
You go, boy....
Biden is not Hillary yet he is the same type of lifelong status quo career politician that that so many are sick of and that voters rejected in 2016.
True enough but unfortunately Donnie has screwed up so bad, that now we will likely get Senile Joe.

What a country!!!
I don’t necessarily believe that I don’t think the majority are going to blame him for the coronavirus and will remember how well things were going before that. Also many Americans don’t like this extreme far left turn the Democratic Party has taken and Biden has shown he will go along with basically anything they say.
No. The D Party is not far left. That’s propaganda. After eight years of O, who said lots of progressive platitudes but governed like an R, we all should see the game they play.
It’s the AOC squad types driving the Democratic party’s agenda right now they are far left. These are the people who pushed Nancy Pelosi into going down the impeachment road even though she knew it was a mistake and would fail.
I can’t agree with that either. The squad got rolled by Pelosi. They will do what the establishment tells them. All of them said nothing about the CARES Act, which enriched the rich and did little to nothing for the poor. They’re frauds just like O. They are owned by the billionaires, just like the rest of the politicians of both parties.
Then we agree to disagree they got exactly what they wanted from Pelosi .
Biden is going full socialist, so he will lose in November.
Is anyone less qualified to be president than a senile socialist? Probably not.

Biden is still a moderate. And Rump is in serious trouble. He's in full panic mode.
Biden is going full socialist and "Green New Deal", include defund the police too. That is not a moderate.
Biden is not going full authoritarian trump is. That's what the majority of Americans are concerned about.

I'm not sure what you mean by "authoritarian"?
Trump is for law and order, and has strong opinions about almost everything, but he has always obeyed the rulings of the courts.
And you just keep on lying and excusing trumps authoritarian nature.
1. WTF am I lying about? You must be hallucinating. I always prove my points with links.
2. Trump obeys the courts, he is not an authoritarian.
Your entire post was a lie. trump is not for law and order. There's your first lie.
Democrats want to defund the police, anarchist socialist criminals.
Prove Trump is not for law and order. I can cite many examples where he is.
Here's one:
Biden is going full socialist, so he will lose in November.
Is anyone less qualified to be president than a senile socialist? Probably not.

Biden is still a moderate. And Rump is in serious trouble. He's in full panic mode.

Biden is a moderate completely held by the strings of hard-core leftist socialists. He has no plan of his own outside of GET TRUMP and if he wins, BLAME TRUMP.

2020 is definitely not 2016. A pandemic and down economy must be addressed. What is Biden’s plan?

Biden is the Trojan Horse by which every evil American hating scumbag gets back into power.
Because Joe Biden isn't Hillary Clinton.

He's less popular.

He'll take the same demographic as Hillary, except for women.

Considering the entire population is made up of 51% Women your phrase "except for women" screams loud and clear.

Hillary inspired a lot of women to vote for her. Biden doesn't inspire anyone but old, fat, white guys.

And suburban Moms. This area was thought to be a Republican Stronghold but for the first time in decades, more Democrats voted in the primaries than the Republicans. Even with all your Hate and Rhetoric, the Democratic Party is expanding because of the Indy voters going against the Republicans, primarily any Republican supporting or supported by Rump.

Suburban women vote to protect their children. Riots, violence, murder and defunding the police aren't in your favor. Sorry, that's the facts.

And they also know that Rump is race baiting which makes it even worse. Just because it pops into your little mind doesn't mean that you should blurt out every nonsensical thought.
Race baiting? Bwaahhhaaaaaaa......And there you have the Democrat parties plan for America. Racism, racism, racism....

Because Joe Biden isn't Hillary Clinton.

He's less popular.

He'll take the same demographic as Hillary, except for women.

Considering the entire population is made up of 51% Women your phrase "except for women" screams loud and clear.

Hillary inspired a lot of women to vote for her. Biden doesn't inspire anyone but old, fat, white guys.

And suburban Moms. This area was thought to be a Republican Stronghold but for the first time in decades, more Democrats voted in the primaries than the Republicans. Even with all your Hate and Rhetoric, the Democratic Party is expanding because of the Indy voters going against the Republicans, primarily any Republican supporting or supported by Rump.

Suburban women vote to protect their children. Riots, violence, murder and defunding the police aren't in your favor. Sorry, that's the facts.

And they also know that Rump is race baiting which makes it even worse. Just because it pops into your little mind doesn't mean that you should blurt out every nonsensical thought.
Race baiting? Bwaahhhaaaaaaa......And there you have the Democrat parties plan for America. Racism, racism, racism....


Your meme is a lie. Can't you Rumpers do anything right?
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