This behavior has NOTHING to do with Floyd!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm not black for the record. BUT if I were I'd really be embarrassed by the animalistic behavior of what is almost all a black looting activity.
And I have known black friends for years and they are embarrassed by these riots such as this example.
Really animals tearing at their fellow looters just like a pack of hyenas. Really are these people so bereft of civilization they resort to this behavior.
And all because the MSM has taken this legitimate Medical Examiner TRUTH and have manufactured these riots.
Tampa Riots...

AND then when you find out:

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia
The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found
"no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."
Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system, likely contributed to his death.
I'm seeing a lot of white bed wetters in the crowds. I also think that since Floyd worked security, he was likely a mostly decent dude. If he got drunk, tried to spend a phony $20 bill, it may have been something that ended up as change for $100 somewhere else.I do believe he would be pissed about what is going on at the direction of white commie radicals in his name.

I do know his death was the result of criminal acts by police.

There is no refuting that. I know that when a suspect is handcuffed, and on the ground you are liable for his life, and by not getting the guy at least on his side, if not sitting up in a cop car, these officers were at least negligent if not outright malicious. I can not think of too many other cases where I would not side with police. This is one case that I can not side with them at all. I don't care what kind of fight took place prior to getting cuffs on Floyd.

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It really makes no difference if he died of asphyxia or not. The PIG had a knee in his back and on his neck for EIGHT MINUTES, and THREE MINUTES AFTER he became non responsive. There was ZERO reason for that. That cop KILLED Floyd by doing what he did as assuredly as if he'd put a bullet in his head. He should have been helping him up.

I have NO LOVE for cops, and even less now.
What must it feel like to have your race endure centuries of prejudice and discrimination only to have the first black man elected prez be followed by a bigot.......

.......elected in part as a backlash to Obama's election?
It really makes no difference if he died of asphyxia or not. The PIG had a knee in his back and on his neck for EIGHT MINUTES, and THREE MINUTES AFTER he became non responsive. There was ZERO reason for that. That cop KILLED Floyd by doing what he did as assuredly as if he'd put a bullet in his head. He should have been helping him up.

I have NO LOVE for cops, and even less now.
Watch how much effort the Right puts in to trying to minimize the cop's culpability for Floyd's death.
What must it feel like to have your race endure centuries of prejudice and discrimination only to have the first black man elected prez be followed by a bigot.......

.......elected in part as a backlash to Obama's election?
I wonder how they like being used as pawns for lefties to riot on the backs of their struggles for their own personal gain?

Kind of like you assholes also usurping their civil rights movement?
I'm not black for the record. BUT if I were I'd really be embarrassed by the animalistic behavior of what is almost all a black looting activity.
And I have known black friends for years and they are embarrassed by these riots such as this example.
Really animals tearing at their fellow looters just like a pack of hyenas. Really are these people so bereft of civilization they resort to this behavior.
And all because the MSM has taken this legitimate Medical Examiner TRUTH and have manufactured these riots.
Tampa Riots...

AND then when you find out:

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia
The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found
"no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."
Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system, likely contributed to his death.

Have you watched any of the video of the 8 minutes that the cop had his knee on the guy's neck? The guy that was on his stomach, handcuffed, hands behind his back? The guys that said "I can't breathe"...and then stopped moving all together? All the while, the cop looking like he was standing at a bar having a beer with his buddies? I watched the video and I had the same reaction that a lot of people had. How can one human being do this to another?

While I don't condone the violence or property damage, none of the anger is "manufactured". It's genuine. And none your deflections to the media or the rationalizations of your friends changes that.
I'm seeing a lot of white bed wetters in the crowds. I also think that since Floyd worked security, he was likely a mostly decent dude. If he got drunk, tried to spend a phony $20 bill, it may have been something that ended up as change for $100 somewhere else.I do believe he would be pissed about what is going on at the direction of white commie radicals in his name.

I do know his death was the result of criminal acts by police.

There is no refuting that. I know that when a suspect is handcuffed, and on the ground you are liable for his life, and by not getting the guy at least on his side, if not sitting up in a cop car, these officers were at least negligent if not outright malicious. I can not think of too many other cases where I would not side with police. This is one case that I can not side with them at all. I don't care what kind of fight took place prior to getting cuffs on Floyd.

HOW DO YOU "know his death was the result of criminal acts by police. "???
He died from other complications brought on by his RESISTING arrest! Here the Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia
The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found
"no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."
Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system,
likely contributed to his death.
What was criminal about that? That's like saying if you are stopped by the police and you have ATRIL Fibrillation, which is an abnormal heart beat AND
because you are stopped by the police, asked to get out of the car and you refuse... then a scuffle results which causes YOUR heart to quit...that's the cop's
fault??? Really?
I'm not black for the record. BUT if I were I'd really be embarrassed by the animalistic behavior of what is almost all a black looting activity.
And I have known black friends for years and they are embarrassed by these riots such as this example.
Really animals tearing at their fellow looters just like a pack of hyenas. Really are these people so bereft of civilization they resort to this behavior.
And all because the MSM has taken this legitimate Medical Examiner TRUTH and have manufactured these riots.
Tampa Riots...

AND then when you find out:

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia
The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found
"no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."
Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system, likely contributed to his death.
An independent examination is needed. This looks like a way to get the murderous cop off the hook.

We've all seen the video of him suffocating.
I'm not black for the record. BUT if I were I'd really be embarrassed by the animalistic behavior of what is almost all a black looting activity.
And I have known black friends for years and they are embarrassed by these riots such as this example.
Really animals tearing at their fellow looters just like a pack of hyenas. Really are these people so bereft of civilization they resort to this behavior.
And all because the MSM has taken this legitimate Medical Examiner TRUTH and have manufactured these riots.
Tampa Riots...

AND then when you find out:

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia
The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found
"no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."
Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system, likely contributed to his death.
An independent examination is needed. This looks like a way to get the murderous cop off the hook.

We've all seen the video of him suffocating.

YES we all saw the video and HEARD him say he couldn't breath. Right?

But what does THAT have to do with this??? OH yea... right Floyd was black... now if he was WHITE? Would you be as upset? I don't think so.

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Things we don’t know-
The entire scope of the arrest.
If race was even a factor.

Things were kind of figuring out-
He wasn’t asphyxiated.
Pinning down a suspect is actually procedure for that city.

Things we do know-
Democrat city leaders are worthless fucks.
Antifa is stirring the rioting up.
This doesn’t have a damn thing to do with Floyd.
Given the chance black neighborhoods will live up to their stereotype.
Of all the victims in this the vast majority had nothing to do with it.
I work in the criminal justice field. One of the first things you are taught, is that when a perp is cuffed, you get them rolled over on their side so that there is no difficulty in the expansion of the chest cavity. Floyd was no longer combative if he was before, he was not spitting or anything else. They should have gotten the guy up.

They fucked this one up hardcore. I've never before taken up the side against the cops when it came to riots and shit, but I saw what can not be mistaken for anything less than negligence and not arresting Chauvin immediately was fuckin stupid. They fired him right away, but didn't have the sense to arrest him?

Now we have more bed wetting white jabbering retards in the streets setting fires than I can see black people doing it. The cops can use real bullets on them as far as I'm concerned.


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