This Black Worship Of Elijah Cummings Death In DC By Lawmakers Is Nauseating

C'mon, there's an election right around the corner.

Pandering with a casket as a backdrop is as good as it gets for these people....

It's on page one of their playbook.

"Conservative media invoke Wellstone memorial smear in predicting politicization of Kennedy's death"

Sure is. here's the funniest example of exactly how phony these people are:

I think BrokeLoser's post above his signature captures the schizophrenia of Trump supporters rather nicely:

still need to find those billions he stole from tax payers.
I even had to turn it off of Fox news this morning because they were showing and talking about this white hating racist lying in state. Yea, in a state of decomp. By now it should be setting in nicely.

He was a horrible racist person who destroyed Baltimore and people expect me or anyone else to worship him once he died. Anyone in Baltimore who knows anything about this racist is glad hes in a coffin.
The hate has consumed you

The soulless one feeds on hatred.

It's getting fat these days.

insincerity is sick.
It's atrocious! I've never seen so much grandiose worship of a huge anti-White racist. The pundits are trying to elevate this guy to the likes of Martin Luther King, another anti-White communist. Cummings was the biggest scumbag EVER. He destroyed Baltimore, didnt give a rats ass about his city, and only showed up when it was election time. In essence, he was basically the male version of Maxine Waters. I'm so glad President Trump got the opportunity to humiliate him and put him in his place.

Lawmakers come together to honor Cummings: 'One of the greats in our country's history'
Elijah Cummings is everything you are not. When you die a couple drunk, toothless, Nazi's will probably flush your ashes down the toilet. A large piece of shit like you will require several flushes. That is if anyone claims your body.
If you are even for real. I have a hard time believing there are actually people like you in this world.

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