Diamond Member
You give everyone you meet a superiority complexLiberals / Democrats always seem to be more angry, more bitter, extremely more divisive, more unhappy, even less attractive than Conservatives.
They are more focused and driven to acquire 3 main things - money, power, and control. They are more driven to control every detail of other people's lives.
They are narcissistic, elitist, believe they are special, and look down of others.
-- Look at at Hillary Clinton calling average Anericans 'deplorables' or Pelosi and others oprnly abusing and enforcing an UnConstitutional 2-tiered Justice system.
This is no longer a belief but is scientifically proven through several studies.
The major proven factor / difference between liberals and conservatives is the link between liberalism and mental illness.
Explaining the Link Between Liberalism and Mental Illness
Conservatives are more likely to be patriotic and religious. They are more likely to be (happily) married and less likely to divorce. Religiosity, in turn, correlates with greater subjective and objective well-being…. So does patriotism. So does marriage. Consequently, some have argued that the apparent psychological benefit of conservatism actually comes from feeling deeper connections with one’s country, one’s family, and the Divine.
Conservatives - both politicians and laymen—tend to be more conventionally attractive than liberals (and have better sex lives). Moreover, people who are healthier in childhood have been shown to be more likely to become conservative as adults
Conservatives tend to find themselves in more fortunate social positions (more attractive, healthy, intelligent, socially integrated).
A belief in personal responsibility may help explain why right-wingers / conservatives are more attractive, given they take pride in their appearance and try to control how they look through diet and exercise.
Liberalls score highly on “Dark Triad” characteristics - narcissism, psychopathy, Machivallianism.
'Religeous' Liberals are TWICE AS UNHAPPY AS CONSERVATIVES. And independent of attendance at religious services, even religious leftists report being unhappy at twice the rate as religious conservatives.
Liberalism and Mental Illness:
Studies show there could be a direct relationship between liberalism and mental illness that “maybe that certain psychological conditions drive people toward liberal ideology.
Maladjusted Children Align W/Left Wing Parties
There is some evidence that children who are maladjusted (angry, aggressive, otherwise antisocial) are more likely to align themselves with left-wing parties as adults. Other studies have found that people who experienced abuse, insecurity, and trauma as children were much more likely to identify as liberal as adults.
Thus it could be that much of the correlation between liberalism and mental illness is driven by people with mental distress favoring liberal ideology over conservatism.
'Don't shoot the messenger'