I think we can all agree that our kids are our future. Kamala shows us what the difference is between her and Trump

We hit the home run by buying 200 shares of Netflix in 2003. Around 2015 it split 7-1.
Such action and solid results infuriates lib loons and they feel they should be able to confiscate a portion for themselves, illegals, criminals, transgenders, on and on
And unrealized capital gain tax! That is incredible. Taxing Americans on what we don't have, and may never realize.
The more they spend, the more they are going to take.
Why does it matter who did it worse? That doesn’t excuse either side for it.

By the way, I don’t think you can get much worse than the democrat elected politicians and the president of the United States saying that 70 million Americans are a threat to the country. That’s pretty bad, but democrats didn’t seem to care
Humanity is fallible, meaning that there is good and bad in everyone and everything. What we need to do is find where there is more good than bad because the is what allows us to go 2 steps forward and one step back, instead of going one step forward and 2 back.

I totally disagree with you that the Democrats bring more bad than good and that the Republicans bring more good than bad. In the case of Trump, he personally is a zero, meaning he brings no good. Whatever good did happen during his 4 years in office was due to the Republicans and not due to Trump himself.

I know you do not believe it but the facts prove my statement. Trump has been a "taker" all his life and never has he "given" anything to anyone. He is a POS to the nth degree.

I am always shocked at how many people are blind to that. It is incredible. It is clearly a fact.
Humanity is fallible, meaning that there is good and bad in everyone and everything. What we need to do is find where there is more good than bad because the is what allows us to go 2 steps forward and one step back, instead of going one step forward and 2 back.

I totally disagree with you that the Democrats bring more bad than good and that the Republicans bring more good than bad. In the case of Trump, he personally is a zero, meaning he brings no good. Whatever good did happen during his 4 years in office was due to the Republicans and not due to Trump himself.

I know you do not believe it but the facts prove my statement. Trump has been a "taker" all his life and never has he "given" anything to anyone. He is a POS to the nth degree.

I am always shocked at how many people are blind to that. It is incredible. It is clearly a fact.

What we need to do is find where there is more good than bad because the is what allows us to go 2 steps forward and one step back, instead of going one step forward and 2 back.

So, because you presume that trump is worse, we just ignore the bad that dems do?

I totally disagree with you that the Democrats bring more bad than good and that the Republicans bring more good than bad

This depends on where you are standing and who you are listening to. I say the dems are worse because I hear how they think when I listen to the progressive talk shows. I hear the things they say, which are pretty bad, then I come here and see what the left says, and the two are very much the same.

I don’t hear that kind of rhetoric from the right wing talk show, only the left.

In the case of Trump, he personally is a zero, meaning he brings no good.

That’s a matter of opinion. There are many who say his accomplishments were very good.

I’m surprised though, after the post you made the other day about both sides coming together, yet you are still willing to play the part of the partisan blame game.
So, because you presume that trump is worse, we just ignore the bad that dems do?

I have never ignored anything. What I have stated REPEATEDLY is that this election is not about the issues but about survival. I am not a fan of Kamala and though I lean left, I am more in the middle when it comes to issues. Nonetheless, this election is about choosing Cancer or Diabetes. To me, Trump is pancreatic Cancer (guaranteed death), while Kamala might be Diabetes (meaning it might be a problem but we can control it and live longer). As such, after the election and a Harris win, we can all sit down and talk about controlling or preventing whatever negative she brings to the table and if we can't do it, she will be gone in 4 years and we can work on recuperating from it then.
This depends on where you are standing and who you are listening to. I say the dems are worse because I hear how they think when I listen to the progressive talk shows. I hear the things they say, which are pretty bad, then I come here and see what the left says, and the two are very much the same.

I have stated this repeatedly. I am NOT LISTENING to anyone. Everything I believe is because of my own evaluation. I am no dummy and I have been evaluating things for 47 years and I am my own man. I am who decides what is and what is not for my own mind.

As far as hearing the same negatives from the left as to the right here on this board, I disagree with you. 90% of the people here are Trumpists and I have already put 26 people on ignore for their debasing and insulting posts. In addition, none of the Trumpers even acknowledges facts when presented to them. In the outer world, both sides have leaned now to the extreme as "one has to play on the same field as the other side". Nonetheless, having said that, if you look at history, the Democrats have always been willing to compromise. The far right does not compromise at all, even at the cost of their own desires.
I don’t hear that kind of rhetoric from the right wing talk show, only the left.

that is BS. The rhetoric from the right is worse. Did you hear MTG accuse the left of controlling the weather so that is does harm to red States? Do you remember how the Republicans got rid of McCarthy because he was not to the extreme of the right? Have you heard all the degrading things that Trump has said about every single Democrat?
That’s a matter of opinion. There are many who say his accomplishments were very good.

Like I said, the accomplishments were done mostly by the Republican controlled Congress (the first 2 years of the Trump administration when taxes were lowered by McConnell.
I’m surprised though, after the post you made the other day about both sides coming together, yet you are still willing to play the part of the partisan blame game.

The Republicans have "my way or the highway" mentality. When they show the ability to compromise "on anything" I will reconsider.
I have never ignored anything. What I have stated REPEATEDLY is that this election is not about the issues but about survival. I am not a fan of Kamala and though I lean left, I am more in the middle when it comes to issues. Nonetheless, this election is about choosing Cancer or Diabetes. To me, Trump is pancreatic Cancer (guaranteed death), while Kamala might be Diabetes (meaning it might be a problem but we can control it and live longer). As such, after the election and a Harris win, we can all sit down and talk about controlling or preventing whatever negative she brings to the table and if we can't do it, she will be gone in 4 years and we can work on recuperating from it then.

I have stated this repeatedly. I am NOT LISTENING to anyone. Everything I believe is because of my own evaluation. I am no dummy and I have been evaluating things for 47 years and I am my own man. I am who decides what is and what is not for my own mind.

As far as hearing the same negatives from the left as to the right here on this board, I disagree with you. 90% of the people here are Trumpists and I have already put 26 people on ignore for their debasing and insulting posts. In addition, none of the Trumpers even acknowledges facts when presented to them. In the outer world, both sides have leaned now to the extreme as "one has to play on the same field as the other side". Nonetheless, having said that, if you look at history, the Democrats have always been willing to compromise. The far right does not compromise at all, even at the cost of their own desires.

that is BS. The rhetoric from the right is worse. Did you hear MTG accuse the left of controlling the weather so that is does harm to red States? Do you remember how the Republicans got rid of McCarthy because he was not to the extreme of the right? Have you heard all the degrading things that Trump has said about every single Democrat?

Like I said, the accomplishments were done mostly by the Republican controlled Congress (the first 2 years of the Trump administration when taxes were lowered by McConnell.

The Republicans have "my way or the highway" mentality. When they show the ability to compromise "on anything" I will reconsider.

To me, Trump is pancreatic Cancer (guaranteed death), while Kamala might be Diabetes
I see the left as the cancer. They are the ones who want to ignore the cotus when it suits them, they want to ignore our laws also. Abortion, immigration, those are things that I think the left are on the wrong side of, as well as guns. The whole last 9 years of witch hunts by the dems have proven that they are the cancer, not the diabetes.

As far as hearing the same negatives from the left as to the right here on this board,

I wouldn’t use these forums as your basis of judging people and deciding on how to mold your views. This place is an enigma, and not representative of either party as a whole. I know most liberals don’t act like liberals here on usmb, but, I will say that the views of people here very closely resemble the views of the hateful progressive talk shows I listen to.

that is BS. The rhetoric from the right is worse.

Show me a mainstream right wing talk show that is as divisive as the things I hear on Sirius Xm progress channel. I’ve issued the challenge several times about listening to them and then listening to any other right wing talk host on that platform to consort the two. Nobody has taken the challenge yet.

Did you hear MTG accuse the left of controlling the weather so that is does harm to red States?

Does anyone really listen to MTG?

Have you heard all the degrading things that Trump has said about every single Democrat

Have you heard all the degrading things the left has said about 70 million trump supporting Americans ? See, I’m willing to admit there are problems on both sides, I personally think the left is more full of hate but that’s just my opinion. I still recognize that both sides have faults.

Like I said, the accomplishments were done mostly by the Republican controlled Congress (the first 2 years of the Trump administration when taxes were lowered by McConnell.

You can say that about any president. They put out their agenda, but at the end of the day, it’s Congress who does the work to get it through legislation.

The Republicans have "my way or the highway" mentality

And the left doesn’t?

When they show the ability to compromise "on anything" I will reconsider.

Does the left compromise? If you are waiting for that on either side, you may be waiting awhile.
We are talking about hate speech. Show me any links to articles that state that hate speech is a positive or even excusable.

In addition, Trump has been diagnosed by a slew of psychologists as being a narcissist. Explain how that fits in with these articles your provided!

View attachment 1023290

Last but not least, explain how the traits below can help our nation

View attachment 1023289

To finish it all off, you have shown yourself to be better at debating than Trump. Are you degrading yourself?
There's no "Hate Speech" in America, which you probably don't know because you're not from America and probably all plugged into the "Hatespeech" Hive Mind. What that there is designed to do is limit human beings' thought. It's designed to limit the potential of humans. Why? :dunno:
Humanity is fallible, meaning that there is good and bad in everyone and everything. What we need to do is find where there is more good than bad because the is what allows us to go 2 steps forward and one step back, instead of going one step forward and 2 back.

I totally disagree with you that the Democrats bring more bad than good and that the Republicans bring more good than bad. In the case of Trump, he personally is a zero, meaning he brings no good. Whatever good did happen during his 4 years in office was due to the Republicans and not due to Trump himself.

I know you do not believe it but the facts prove my statement. Trump has been a "taker" all his life and never has he "given" anything to anyone. He is a POS to the nth degree.

I am always shocked at how many people are blind to that. It is incredible. It is clearly a fact.
That's why trusting government implicitly is bad, dumbass.

I appreciate you making that point, though. :rofl:
I think that we can all agree that our kids are our future. As such, we need to teach them at an early age (between 3-7) what is important and what is harmful.

This ad from Kamala makes the point in the clearest way possible.

Do we want our kids at a young age to learn Hate or learn Love?

On a stronger and more serious note (getting away from simply trying to dis Trump), here below is a very interesting non-biased research done by the NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138July2024.

This study compares Trump's hate rhetoric and hate speeches done by him to the same done by politicians in general. We are all aware of the fact that dissing the opponent in a political campaign is something all politicians do. This study shows the differences (Trump has been the absolute worst) and the consequences that come of it, such as crime done because of it.

It is a long study but worth reading as it goes into detail. Below is the conclusion part.

Here are some additional comments that Trump has made that show hate unfettered.............toward everyone (including members of his own party).

View attachment 1023179

Do you think that Hate is what we need in our country?

Leftist "science" that establishes the conclusion before any data is collected. Dismissed as worthless.
Trump has been a "taker" all his life and never has he "given" anything to anyone.
This is the truth right heanh: Donald Trump ain't doin' it for the money.
He's doing it because it's the right thing to do.
He knows that things are not right for generations coming up right now and that they currently,
I mean right this instant, and in several past years going back a ways, not getting a fair deal.
MAGA is about not fucking over the future of America and keeping it like our forefathers did.
Actually restoring to the future generations the opportunities we had, because it would be very wrong not to leave them at least that much.
Right up until Jimmy Carter, prices were kinda the same forever.
Right up until Jimmy Carter, prices were kinda the same forever.
The price of goods depend on the purchasing power of the dollar.

It has been destroyed since the implementation of the Federal Reserve.

That bureaucracy makes its mission, the sapping of wealth from main-street, and putting it into the hands of global elites and foreigners.



MAGA is about not fucking over the future of America and keeping it like our forefathers did.
As long as globalists and the FED are in charge of the dollar? It won't happen.
That's why trusting government implicitly is bad, dumbass.

I appreciate you making that point, though. :rofl:
You really are dumbass. It is NOT about trusting government. It is about accepting a necessary evil. Without government you would have anarchy. Do you think that is better?
There's no "Hate Speech" in America, which you probably don't know because you're not from America and probably all plugged into the "Hatespeech" Hive Mind. What that there is designed to do is limit human beings' thought. It's designed to limit the potential of humans. Why? :dunno:
Blind by choice BS on your part.

You are proving in a fast way how misinformed you are and have no ability to reason. You are becoming a total waste of time communication.

You belong in the fantasy world where all Trump cult members live.
You really are dumbass. It is NOT about trusting government. It is about accepting a necessary evil. Without government you would have anarchy. Do you think that is better?
STFU wtf ever you are. Don't even try me, bitch. I AM your Huckleberry, K?
I can end your spamming days here lickety split. Wanna bet on it?
Blind by choice BS on your part.

You are proving in a fast way how misinformed you are and have no ability to reason. You are becoming a total waste of time communication.

You belong in the fantasy world where all Trump cult members live.
That's totally false, shitbird.
You really are dumbass. It is NOT about trusting government. It is about accepting a necessary evil. Without government you would have anarchy. Do you think that is better?
Very few rational people want anarchy. But the only choices are NOT "no government at all" and "massive, wasteful, bloated bureaucracy".

Government would work a lot better...a LOT better...if it was cut way back.

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