Unmarked military helicopter rotor washes NC relief supplies.

Sabotaging the relief effort?

Do we need more proof that the government is at war with its citizens?:mad:
Yes we need more proof. Specifically, we need more than the exactly zero proof you and everyone else has provided.

But nutters do not need proof, suspicion is enough for them.
Yeah, wasn’t the chopper fucking things up it was the words. Get a grip.
Well I think it's you who should "get a grip". You have reached a conclusion with absolutely no basis other than some nimrod on Tik-Tok posted a video.

That is called confirmation bias. He tells you something you want to hear and that's all you need. A few seconds of video (how long is the unedited version?) and you know everything there is to know about the incident...
Well I think it's you who should "get a grip". You have reached a conclusion with absolutely no basis other than some nimrod on Tik-Tok posted a video.

That is called confirmation bias. He tells you something you want to hear and that's all you need. A few seconds of video (how long is the unedited version?) and you know everything there is to know about the incident...
I saw tents being blown about. Did you see generators being delivered?
I saw tents being blown about. Did you see generators being delivered?
I saw a blackhawk start to put down in a tight spot, and immediately move off when a couple tents and some toilet paper went flying.

I did NOT see a pilot trying to trash a supply site- that would have looked totally different.
I saw a blackhawk start to put down in a tight spot, and immediately move off when a couple tents and some toilet paper went flying.

I did NOT see a pilot trying to trash a supply site- that would have looked totally different.
A tight spot? There was no spot right there. Only an idiot would fly into that and think they were helping people.
They are still military pilots, and the mindset is complete the mission.

I have done go-arounds, and I have done a couple landings when I should have gone around. And I'm just a civilian pilot, but it's not that easy- your mind is saying "I got this..."
So why didn’t they just land?
Well I think it's you who should "get a grip". You have reached a conclusion with absolutely no basis other than some nimrod on Tik-Tok posted a video.

That is called confirmation bias. He tells you something you want to hear and that's all you need. A few seconds of video (how long is the unedited version?) and you know everything there is to know about the incident...
And you reached your conclusions based on what?
And you reached your conclusions based on what?
What conclusion do you think I have reached?

The NCNG said they were trying to deliver generators to a citizen's relief group that had requested them. I have seen nothing to make me think that's a lie. It would be stupid to make that statement if it weren't true, because the NGO would deny it.

So until I have reason to think otherwise, the simplest explanation is that it was an uncoordinated effort to deliver a couple generators, but there was nowhere to put down a helo of that size at that location and they had to abort.

What I have to go on is 14 seconds of cell phone video and a statement from the NCNG. Until I have more information, I will assume the logical explanation is what I wrote above.

What I know from professionals who do rescue work for a living is that they don't really like these pop-up relief efforts. Not because the people aren't trying to help, but because they don't know the practices and procedures used by the people who are equipped to perform rescue operations, and who practice and perfect the tasks.

It's not uncommon that the people who are trying to help end up having to be rescued themselves.

I'm not criticizing them, they are trying to help their neighbors. But it is a chaotic scene and these kinds of incidents are not unexpected.
Not sure WTF to make of this. If true, this will sink the Harris bid for President because it is just more evidence how the regime is not just slow walking aid, but actively impeding private entities providing aid.

Go back & read the first sentence of your post, CLOWN.

You should add that as a disclaimer to all the threads you post, Cletus. :abgg2q.jpg:
Prove your claims.
If he had coordinated with those on the ground, there would be no doubt about who he might be, or whether there might be an approved place for him to land. You conspiracy theory nuts are a hoot, Did you know that?
You are holding private pilots accountable for trying to help the failed recovery efforts. What “dangers” are more significant than the the lives already at stake that Biden-Harris are failing to get to?

You put party over American lives.
The lives of others participating in the rescue and recovery.

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