"Christian Nationalism"/MAGA Is Destroying Christianity In America

Meh, technology is killing Christians in the US, not politics. That is just silly. The religious have always found ways to justify whatever belief they need it to at the moment in time. They do the same with Trump. He is no religious or moral leader anyway.

As the world becomes less mysterious fewer people find the need to appeal to religion. That and many that do find that need have several rather silly alternatives to run to these days to that do not come with the same moral obligations or consequences attached to it, aka people like Depac Chopra.

You link a source that shows decline over the past 2 decades. Connecting that with Trump is asinine.
Meh, technology is killing Christians in the US, not politics. That is just silly. The religious have always found ways to justify whatever belief they need it to at the moment in time. They do the same with Trump. He is no religious or moral leader anyway.

As the world becomes less mysterious fewer people find the need to appeal to religion. That and many that do find that need have several rather silly alternatives to run to these days to that do not come with the same moral obligations or consequences attached to it, aka people like Depac Chopra.

You link a source that shows decline over the past 2 decades. Connecting that with Trump is asinine.
Not to go off topic, but did you miss McConnell and Trump flipping SC seats to overturn roe?
Not to go off topic, but did you miss McConnell and Trump flipping SC seats to overturn roe?

Is that supposed to intersect with the idea that the nation is becoming less religious? It does not show that and all polling has shown a constant decline in religiosity throughout the nation for several decades now. That is just a fact, making one single victory, even though it has been something that the Christians have been trying to do for a very long time, does not change the hard facts.

Not to mention that abortion is not solely a religious issue.

Is that supposed to intersect with the idea that the nation is becoming less religious? It does not show that and all polling has shown a constant decline in religiosity throughout the nation for several decades now. That is just a fact, making one single victory, even though it has been something that the Christians have been trying to do for a very long time, does not change the hard facts.

Not to mention that abortion is not solely a religious issue.
And you chose to not acknowledge Trump paid for the theorcrat support for overturning Roe, so that fact may not fit with your agenda is declaring Trump not their religious savior, but he overturned Roe for their votes. And yes, abortion is being decided by a Supreme Court on religious lines because the theocrats don't want anyone to have abortions.
Like any other major religion, Christianity sure as hell (no pun intended) has had its ups and downs.

But this? They've sold their soul, and their religion's soul, to the most obvious fraud the country has ever seen.

Many of these people are every bit as fraudulent with their "religion" as Trump is with his life.
The most obvious fraud is what you stand behind. Poor hack.
Maternal and infant deaths exceed third world countries in Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.
which third world countries are you referring? what is meant by "death rate"? how long has it been this way? does it include abortions? if not, what is "the rate" with abortions?...I would refer to your claim as specious except it doesn't meet the standard of "appearing to be true"...i.e. e.g. 'Californias maternal and infant death rate exceeds that of many countries as well as the states you named'.
1. "Christian Nationalism" isn't a thing, its a DNC lie so they have something to blab about instead of how inept Kamala is.

2. "Catholics" are not "domestic terrorists". Democrats just want the FBI (Waffen SS) to spy on them.

3. When democrats say that they want a "Truth Czar", that really means they want a 'Minister of Propaganda", like

Herr Goebbels
Ah, so you pass the maga test. YOU decide what's moral for adults.
Moral arguments you may have. Teh taxpayer pays for the immorality, and anything related though. Since we have created a massive government not only at the federal, state, local and city levels with huge programs to pay for moral issues, people have a right to decide.
And you chose to not acknowledge Trump paid for the theorcrat support for overturning Roe, so that fact may not fit with your agenda is declaring Trump not their religious savior, but he overturned Roe for their votes. And yes, abortion is being decided by a Supreme Court on religious lines because the theocrats don't want anyone to have abortions.
Agenda? What agenda? What are you even talking about. The OP was referencing the decline of Christianity in the US. Your comments have nothing to do with what I said or the topic in general whatsoever.
America hs to be great the first time. But as you can see, a large group of people would rather cling to a lie than to face the truth and clean up.

Like any other major religion, Christianity sure as hell (no pun intended) has had its ups and downs.

But this? They've sold their soul, and their religion's soul, to the most obvious fraud the country has ever seen.

Many of these people are every bit as fraudulent with their "religion" as Trump is with his life.

The church isn't apostate. People are....particularly Christian nationalists. Look at Trump's new Bible. That's extremely political.

The thing with christians especially now.....................
Carlin had them pegged years ago..............

People turn away in disgust. And now it's a trend - America is becoming more secular faster than expected.

IF 70%+ of the population when voting wrote there own name or some non politician smart person?
Would gov then be forced too look for more qualified people? instead of party hacks?
What could we do to get the money & the lies out of our government??

This is not the first time in America that politicians politicized Christianity for ... questionable reasons.

1. Slavery. And John Brown was not a nice guy on the other side.

2. Genocide of native americans

3. Immigration of irish and eyetalians (and the funny thing is they didn't even like each other much, lol)

4. The FDR admin was a "bit slow" on the holocaust, and even Morgenthau had difficulties, but arguably the zionists used them for political rather than humanitarian ends.

5. And no doubt there are some, though fewer, charlatans on the left who will say our political decisions must meet their religious tests.

HOWEVER, as our society "shakes the dust off our sandals," we are NOT becoming "LESS RELIGIOUS."
We are walking away from those like Maga who want to control what we do in our private lives. But see question 8 of the poll. There's absolutely no difference between the number of self identified religious and those identifying as "none." We do the right thing morally because its the right thing, although evangelicals and protestants tend to think the right thing is doing what they say.

Sounds like a No True Scotsman fallacy to me. As Christianity is commonly practiced in this country, MAGA's rhetoric and agenda is well aligned with it.

Trump isn't destroying Christianity. Christians are.

Void of radical love, Christianity is just another generic authoritarian religion.

[He prefers lies over the truth.

Those who claim we were founded as a Christian nation certainly don't act like it.

Hatred toward refugees and immigrants is not a Christian virtue, and it most definitely is not an American virtue.

Cruelty is not a Christian virtue, not is it an American virtue.

Though lying will always be with us in American politics, it is not a virtue, and certainly is not a Christian virtue.

Running a casino is not a Christian virtue.

Sleeping with a porn star with a third wife at home is not a Christian virtue.

Stealing from the elderly at a fake university is not a Christian virtue.

Putting another porn star on stage at a political nominating convention is not a Christian virtue.

Refusing to accept a loss and attempting a coup is as Un-American as it gets.

Trump may or may not be the Antichrist, but his personal record shows he is antichrist-adjacent.

Trump believes his "MAGA Christians" are as stupid as the punters who used to come to his gambling dens.

The end result of all this cruelty and hatred and rank hypocrisy is that the Christian religion is dying in America, just as Alexis de Tocqueville illustrated the downfall of Christianity in Europe two centuries ago. The exact same causes and effects are in play here in America.

If these so-called patriots really wanted to make America great again, they would reject the hordes of evil con men playing on their gullibility and dragging their faith and their country under.

Or...you can ignore all the warning signs and blame someone else for what is happening to your religion. "B-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

Blame the trannies. Blame the immigrants. Never look inward because that just might hurt too much.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. Religious Groups

Nearly All Faiths Seeing Declines in Regular Attendance

Two decades ago, an average of 42% of U.S. adults attended religious services every week or nearly every week. A decade ago, the figure fell to 38%, and it is currently at 30%. This decline is largely driven by the increase in the percentage of Americans with no religious affiliation -- 9% in 2000-2003 versus 21% in 2021-2023 -- almost all of whom do not attend services regularly.

Still, most religious groups have also seen a decline in regular attendance at religious services over the past two decades.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. DAMNIT…The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us filthy, disgusting, immoral globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes dark socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

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